General Chemistry Syllabus
Mr. Derek Johnson
Website: Accessed from school website
Phone: 270-622-4119 ext. 2517
Course overview:
This course is designed to give a solid foundation of introductory level inorganic chemistry. Chemistry requires that laboratory activities accompany the concepts to help students understand the foundation of the concepts, create higher-level thinking opportunities and refine problem-solving abilities. There will be occasions when memorization is necessary!
Pre-requisites: Biology I with a passing grade and Algebra I with a passing grade.
Classroom Rules:
1) Do not touch chemicals, equipment, or sinks unless instructed to do so.
2) Be in your seat before the bell rings.
3) Sit in your assigned seat everyday.
4) Bring all materials with you to class everyday.
5) Follow instructions the first time given.
6) Only have your mobile device visible when instructed to use it.
7) Do Not bring food or drinks (except H2O) into the room unless instructed to do so.
Violations of these rules will result in a conference with the student, then a call home to parents. On the third offense, the student will be referred to the office.
Consequences for misbehavior are outlined under discipline in the ACSH student handbook.
· Notebook, preferably a 3-ring binder, at least 2 inches
- The notebook should have dividers with sections for: Bell Work, Notes, Classwork/Homework, Labs and Quizzes.
· Scientific Calculator (must have a “EE” or “exp” button)
· Paper and writing utensils
· Highlighters
· Grading will be distributed approximately as follows: 40% tests , 20% quizzes, 40% classwork, homework, & labs. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped each grading period. There are no retakes on tests or quizzes. A rubric will be given for lab write-ups.
· Scale: A 100-90 B 89-80 C-79-70 D 69-60 F 59 and below
Topics Covered:
Unit 1- Atomic Structure and Nuclear Chemistry
Unit 2- Significant Figures, Precision/Accuracy, Mole, Solutions and Nomenclature
Unit 3- Electron Configuration and Periodicity
Unit 4- Chemical Bonding
Unit 5- Empirical and Molecular Formulas
Midterm Exam
Unit 6- IMFs and Solution Separation
Unit 7- Chemical Reaction Basics, Energy
Unit 8- Acids and Bases
Unit 9- Gases and Gas Laws
Unit 10- Reaction Stoichiometry
Unit 11- Kinetics and Rates of Reaction
Final Exam
Additional Information and Classroom Procedures:
Lab- Each student will be assigned a lab partner for the year. Each lab group will have a drawer of equipment that they are responsible for. The students check the drawers at the beginning and end of the year to make sure that they have all their equipment. Any broken equipment will be the responsibility of the lab group and will result in a fee! A list of equipment and costs will be provided.
No one should be in the lab area for any reason unless specifically given permission!
Homework- Unless otherwise specified, homework is due the next day that we meet for class. Sometimes it will be collected (in the homework baskets) and graded for accuracy. Sometimes it will be checked for completion. It is essential that you complete the homework in a timely fashion. I will NOT accept any work that is more than 1 week late! In addition, there will be a penalty of 10% each day for up to 5 days.
NO food or drink is allowed in the lab area due to safety reasons.
Absences- It is impossible to teach you if you are not present. However, I know there are times when it is unavoidable. If you are absent, there is a specified place in my room in which handouts are placed. There will also be a place in your planner or notebook where your assignments and due dates are recorded. You have two days from the time you return to turn in all of your assignments without penalty.
You must make up a unit test before the next unit test is to be given. Failure to do so will result in a 0% for that assessment!
Cell Phones- I adhere to the ACSHS handbook regarding cell phone use in class. In an effort to prevent cheating, I will COLLECT ALL CELL PHONES BEFORE A TEST OR QUIZ. They will be in a basket at the front of the room. Students will be allowed to get them back after all students have finished the assessment.
Make up Quizzes/Exams: ESS (time and place TBA) will be make up times for tests and quizzes. You must make arrangements with me prior to the date you are planning to make up the assessment. PRIDE time is another opportunity.
I have read and understand the policies as they have been presented in this syllabus:
Student Name (print) Student (signature)
I have read and understand the policies and procedures as they have been presented in this syllabus:
Parent (print) Parent (signature)