Transitional ELL Student Liaison/Secondary ELL Advocate
Laura Mourer
Housed at Monticello Middle School
(360) 575-7755
Transitional ELL Student Liaison(67.86% time or 23.75 hours/week)
Support to students elementary-high school during the 2 years following their testing out of ELL eligibility (Level 3 Score on ELPA)
Main Contact: Building Counselors/Liaisons
- Monitor Attendance/Tardiness of all Transition Students in the district(counselors will continue to be responsible for this in their buildings, but Laura is checking for district
- Monitor Student Grades mid- trimester and communicate with counselors to ensure that building is aware of students who are underperforming
- Reach out to students who fall behind on homework/class work (as referred by liaisons/counselors/ teachers)
- Communicate with families when attendance issues are not able to be addressed by building staff
- Help achieve District/ Liaison Objective for 100% conference attendance for all transitional students
- Monthly meetings with ELL Director and with District Family Liaisons
- Monthly check-in with school counselors (Secondary, NL, Olympic, St. Helens)
- October
- November
- December (will evaluate if this is an effective use of her time)
- Attend district counseling meeting quarterly
- Maintain daily activity logs
Secondary ELL Advocate(32.14% or 11.25 hours/week)
Main Contact: Secondary ELL Teachers
- 1-2 times a month check in with ELL classroom teachers and students for visibility
- Assist eligible secondary ELL students get connected with health or social service needs
- Monthly check in with district counselors
- Assist with orientation for newcomers
- Assist buildings with getting support for students who speak a language other than Spanish or English
- Address and manage and secondary student request to waive eligibility for ELL by contacting families to make sure that they understand what they are signing and potential consequences prior to approval for waiver
- Maintain daily activity logs
If you have a need for Laura’s time that is not on this list, please send an email to Mary Carr-Wilt about that need prior to asking Laura to address it. This will help me as we determine how best to allocate her time. 2-7-17