Minutes of the Regular Council Meeting - NO. 2015-20

Municipal Council Chambers, 859 Melrose Road, Shannonville

Monday November 2, 2015 at 7:00 pm


Rick Phillips Reeve

Adam Hannafin Deputy Reeve

Wayne Chadwick Councillor

Heather Lang Councillor

Don McFarlane Councillor

Steve Mercer Chief Administrative Officer



MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang

THAT the Regular Meeting be opened at 7:01 pm, and the agenda of November 2, 2015 be adopted.


MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

SECONDED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

THAT the minutes of the October 19, 2015 Regular Meeting be approved as presented.



Melinda Holland - The Biglieri Group Ltd - representing SBA Canada

·  Attended Council to discuss the installation of a Proposed 90.0m Guyed Telecommunications Tower

·  Ms. Holland provided a background to the company SBA, who her group represents

·  This proposed tower would “rent space” to cell providers primarily but possibly internet in the future

·  The area proposed for the tower has been identified through mapping to have less than adequate coverage in the area

·  The proposed site is at 893 Naphan Rd, the current location of the Township Gravel Pit

·  The proposed site is on Municipal land, but located far away from existing pit operations

·  The leased/fenced area would be 10m x 10m

·  The normal leasing arrangement is between $600-$800 per month, indexed by 15% every 5 years and a lease of 49 years is the norm

·  The CAO was furnished with a draft lease for review

MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

SECONDED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick

THAT this Council approves, in principle the construction of a Proposed 90.0m Guyed Telecommunications Tower and asks the CAO to work with the proponent going forward, yet will only offer final approval once the project, its outcomes and benefits are fully described.



John Farrell, Roads Supervisor

Provided written report


·  The Roads crew, the past two weeks has completed construction of the new walking/recreational trail at the Recreation Grounds

·  The project is now ready for paving

·  Ditching along Weese and Harmony

·  Brushing along Shannon in preparation for next year’s reconstruction projects on Shannon (Shannonville Rd to Boldrick’s Bridge)

·  New entrances installed on Shannon and Blessington

·  The trucks are now mounted for winter maintenance

·  John, Steve and Raeanne met with the company who installed the GPS Units in the roads fleet

o  This was a training session for the computer program that goes with the GPS system

o  This will be used for tracking work and vehicles

o  Our main interest in this system is liability protection and the ability to respond to community complaints

Mandi Koopmans – Recreation Coordinator

Provided Written Report


·  Flag Football is going well

·  Remembrance Day plans are well underway

§  Ceremony will be at 10:30am, Wednesday November 11, followed by a pot luck at the Recreation Hall

§  The Lonsdale Women’s Institute will be assisting with the lunch

·  Township Christmas Awards and Recognition Dinner – The date has been set for Friday November 13 at the Rec Hall

·  We are having issues again with the Septic Pumps and are working on it

·  However, we have had to order two new pumps

§  It is not clear if it is a plumbing or electrical issue so we are securing multiple opinions

·  We will keep Council apprised as we move forward to identify the root problem

·  The CAO suggested that based on a myriad of building issues over several years that perhaps we may consider for 2016 a full engineering review/assessment of the Recreation Hall

Mike Boyd – Fire Chief

Provided written report


·  There has been two (2) calls for assistance in the last reporting period

·  The Chief attended Tyendinaga Public School for fire safety presentations

MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang

SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

THAT this Council receives the staff reports as presented.



MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick

SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

THAT the following accounts be approved as presented:

General Government $10,416.07

Waste Disposal $18,616.48

Roads Department $237,041.93

Recreation Department $12,794.85

Protective Services $0.00

Fire Department $6,326.09


There were some questions for staff for clarification purposes on certain expenditures.


MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick

SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

That this Council receives the following correspondence:

·  Invitation – Climate Change Seminar – November 4

·  Notice of Area Open Houses – TransCanada Pipelines



MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang

THAT this Council supports the resolution circulated by the Township of Puslinch supporting Bill 100, Supporting the Ontario Trails Act.


MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick

SECONDED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

THAT this Council receives the request from Duane Boldrick to clear a portion of the unmaintained road allowance north of the 7th Concession, west of Boldrick’s Bridge, and at this time takes no action.


Note: On the following item, Councillor Heather Lang declared conflict of interest and excused herself from the meeting for the duration of discussion and decision

MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

SECONDED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

THAT this Council declines the offer from Fred Lang to exchange a portion of land in return for new fencing along Wyman Rd, south of Old Highway #2. Be it further moved that this position may change if when we consider any road widening in that area.


MOVED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

THAT this Council receives the memo from CAO Mercer in regards to our ability, on short notice, to put together a 2015 Christmas Parade but offering ideas for a 2016 event.


MOVED BY: Councillor Heather Lang

SECONDED BY: Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

THAT this Council, in relation to our Council approved Asset Management Plan, asks the CAO to make the necessary required amends so that the following projects are deemed essential Number 1 priorities

·  Old Highway # 2

·  Shannonville Rd - Blessington to - #37

·  Reconstruction of Harmony Rd – Weese to Read

·  Marysville Rd- resurfacing – 3km south of Naphan


MOVED BY: Councillor Wayne Chadwick

SECONDED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

THAT this Council receives correspondence from ORE- Oakridge Environmental Services regarding the well assessments at the Recreation Grounds completed at the request of Council as to gain assurance that nearby quarrying operations are not having a negative effect on our wells.



Councillor Don McFarlane

·  Suggested that we author a letter of congratulations to MP elect Mike Bossio on his recent election to the Canadian Parliament

·  This, if not the first MP from Tyendinaga Township, certainly is the first one in recent history

·  The CAO offered that this had been done, but he still had to also write a letter of thanks to outgoing MP Daryl Kramp

Deputy Reeve Adam Hannafin

·  Reported to Council, that the annual men’s health fundraising campaign, Movember was now underway

·  Men’s mental health, prostate cancer and testicular cancer are some of the main focal points in the Movember campaign

·  Hannafin Automation and Controls will be a participant this year

·  The Deputy Reeve encouraged Council to visit the website and to make a contribution to this important initiative

·  The Deputy Reeve wished to extend his congratulations to Tyendinaga Public Library on a very successful event held on October 26

·  Jim Kennelly, local historian did a presentation called the Colourful History of Tyendinaga Township

·  The event was well received with over 45 people in attendance

·  It is hoped that this helps plant the seed for the formation of a local Historical Society

·  The CAO was asked to promote this in the upcoming Spring Newsletter

·  The Council agreed that this was a great idea and that we would do what we could to help promote this initiative

·  The Deputy Reeve inquired of the CAO the status of our energy audit completed this past summer

·  CAO Mercer indicated he had met with the consultant and that a report and proposal would be forthcoming soon


MOVED BY: Councillor Don McFarlane

SECONDED BY: Councillor Heather Lang

That this Regular Council Meeting be adjourned at 8:15 pm



Rick Phillips Reeve


Steve Mercer, CAO