Deans Office, CBA 214C
College of Business Administration
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Lincoln, NE 68588-0405
(402) 472-5695
TEACHING INTERESTS:Financial institutions and markets, project analysis and investments.
RESEARCH INTERESTS:Asset pricing, market efficiency/market anomalies, fixed income, corporate governance and valuation.
Ph.D. School:University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date:August 1997
Major Field:Interdepartmental Area of Business (Finance, with outsidearea in Econometrics)
M.A.School:University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Date:May 1991
Major Field:Finance
Date:May 1982
Major Field:Economics
2009 Associate Professor of Finance
2005-2009Assistant Dean, College of Business, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1999-2005Assistant Professor of Finance, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
1997-1998Senior Lecturer in Finance, University of Nebraska
1994-1997Business Division Chair, College of Saint Mary.
1993-1997Business Administration Program Director, College of Saint Mary.
1993-1997College of Saint Mary, Assistant Professor.
Recipient, College of Business Administration Outstanding Distance Teaching Award, 2006.
Recipient, Parent’s Award for Outstanding Contributions to Students 2003 and 2007
Recipient, Pinnacle Bank Faculty Award, June 1999
Nominated by students for Distinguished Teaching Award at UNL, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2004 and 2005.
(ineligible to compete for the award in 1997 and 1998 because of non-tenure track status).
College of Saint Mary, Inspiring Excellence Award, 1997
American Business Women’s Association (Omaha Chapter) Educator of the Year 1995-96
Financial Management Association
Midwest Finance Association
Southern Finance Association
Nebraska Educational Finance Authority financial consultant on various tax-exempt bond issues for private higher education institutions (1/99 to 5/04) (Issuers include HastingsCollege (1/03), YorkCollege (3/00), and DanaCollege (99))
Nebraska Educational Television Commission (NETC) Financial Consultant on $50 million bond issue to finance purchase of satellite transponder and digital television equipment, 3/99-6/99.
Gretna United Methodist Church Financial Consultant on financing for $977,000 building/remodeling project, 1997-2003
College of Saint Mary Financial Consultant on debt restructuring, 1996.
College of Saint Mary Financial Task Force Chair, 1995.
FirsTier Bank Lincoln, Public Finance Department, Vice President, 1989-1991.
FirsTier Bank Lincoln, Public Finance Department, Assistant Vice President, 1987-1988.
FirsTier Bank Lincoln, Municipal Underwriting Officer, 1985-1988
“Does the Quality of Financial Advice Affect Prices?” coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen. Forthcoming in Financial Review.
“Management Use of Image Restoration Strategies to Address SOX 404 Material Weakness,” coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber, Dr. Sheri Erickson, and Dr. Joann Segovia. Forthcoming in Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal.
“Should More Local Governments Purchase a Bond Rating?” coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen and George Sanders. Forthcoming in Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting.
“P/E Changes: Some New Results,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech. Forthcoming in Journal of Forecasting.
“Return Predictability and the P/E Ratio: Reading the Entrails,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech. Cover Story, Journal of Investing, Fall 2008, Vol. 17, Issue 3, p. 75-82.
“Do Tax-Exempt Yields Adjust Slowly to Substantial Changes in Taxable Yields?” coauthored with Dr. John Geppert. Journal of Futures Markets, August 2008, Vol. 28, No. 8, p.763-789.
“The Impact of Rating Agency Reputation on Local Government Bond Yields”, coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen, Journal of Financial Services Research, February 2008, Vol. 33, Issue 1, p. 57-76.
“Changes in CEO Compensation Structure and the Impact on Future Firm Performance Following CEO Turnover,” coauthored with Dr. David Blackwell and Dr. Kathleen Farrell. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. October 2007, Vol. 27, Issue 3, p. 315-338.
“Mortgage Debt: The Good News,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Manferd Peterson. Journal of Financial Planning, September 2004, Vol. 17, Issue 9, p. 64 -72.
"The Development and Use of a Standardized Test for the Introductory Undergraduate Managerial Finance Course," coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jill Bale, Financial Decisions, Fall 2004, Vol. 16, No. 1, Article 5, 19 pp.
“A Reduced Form Coefficients Analysis of Executive Ownership, Corporate Value and Executive Compensation,”coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber. Financial Review, August 2003, Vol. 38, No. 3, p. 399-413.
"Assessing and Developing Writing Skills in Finance," coauthored with Dr. Jill Bale. Regional Business Review, May 2002, Vol. 21.
"Teaching Generation X: Do Andragogical Learning Principles Apply to Undergraduate Finance Education?" coauthored with Dr. Jill Bale. Journal of Financial Practice and Education, Spring/Summer 2000, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 216-227.
“Changes in P/E: Some New Results,” coauthored with Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech and Dr. Tom Zorn, Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, February 2005.
"A Standardized Pre and Post-Test for the Introductory Undergraduate Managerial Finance Course," coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jill Bale, Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Kapaluna, Hawaii, April 2000.
“An Evaluation of Finance Internet Sites: Which Sites are Best for Use in the Investments Classroom?”, coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber, Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, April 1999.
“A Rational Expectations Test of the Size Anomaly,” coauthored with Dr. Gordon Karels, Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, April 1998.
Banking Program Summer Research Grant, Summer 2008
Banking Program Summer Research Grant, Summer 2007
Banking Program Summer Research Grant, Summer 2006
Hicks Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2005
Banking Program Summer Research Grant, Summer 2005
Hick Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2004
Qualsett Research Fellowship, Summer 2004
Hicks Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2003
Qualsett Research Fellowship, Summer 2003
Hicks Summer Research Fellowship, Summer 2002
Qualsett Research Fellowship, Summer 2002
Layman Grant, received April 2001, $3,500 to purchase municipal market data.
Kemper Fouundation Grant, Chicago, Illinois, to fund purchase and maintenance of financial databases, and three multimedia computer stations, $47,000, March 1997
(College of Saint Mary)
Deloitte Touche, LLP grant to underwrite the costs of Camp Entrepreneur, a day camp for young women ages 12 - 17, $10,000, May 1997 (College of Saint Mary)
Outside UNL
“The Impact of Liquidity and Ownership Structure on Investment Opportunities and Corporate Value for Bank Holding Companies,” coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jim Schmidt. Submitted for presentation at the Southern Finance Association annual meeting in November 2009.
“Image Restoration Strategies in Response to SOX 404 Material Weakness Disclosures: A Study of the Banking Industry,” coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber, Dr. Sheri Erickson, and Dr. Joann Segovia. Presented at the Southwestern Finance Association annual meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February, 2009. Presented by Marsha Weber and Donna Dudney.
“Does Federal Reserve Action Affect Equity Market Returns,” coauthored withDr. David Volkman and Dr. Olivier Masondieu Laforge. Presented at Academy of Economics and Financeannual conference in Nashville, Tennessee, 2008. Winner of Best Paper Award in Finance. Presented by David Volkman.
“Do Residual Earnings Price Ratios Explain Cross-Sectional Variations in Stock Returns,” co-authored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech. Presented at Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Conference in Jacksonville, Florida, 2007. Presented by Tom Zorn.
“Does the Quality of Financial Advice Affect Prices?” coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, October 2006. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“The Impact of Moody’s vs. Standard & Poors’ on Local Government Bond Yields”, coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, October 2006. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Should More Local Governments Purchase a Bond Rating?” coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, October 2006. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Pensions and Risk,” coauthored with Dr. Manferd Peterson and Dr. Tom Zorn, Academy of Financial Services Annual Conference in Salt Lake City, October 2006. Presented by Tom Zorn.
“Does the Quality of Financial Advice Affect Prices?” coauthored with Dr. Arthur Allen, 2006 Government and Non-Profit Section Mid-Year Meeting, Miami, Florida, February 2006. Presented by Arthur Allen.
“Ownership Structure, Investment, and Corporate Value for Bank Holding Companies,” coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jim Schmidt, Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Key West, Florida, December 2005. Presented by Donna Dudney and Marsha Weber.
“P/E Change: Some New Results,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 2005. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Overreaction: Reading the Entrails,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting.Chicago, Illinois, October 2005. Presented by Tom Zorn.
“P/E Changes: Some New Results,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, February 2005. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Do Tax-Exempt Yields Adjust Slowly to Substantial Changes in Taxable Yields?” coauthored with Dr. John Geppert. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2004. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Changes in CEO Compensation Structure and the Impact on Future Firm Performance Following CEO Turnover,” coauthored with Dr. David Blackwell and Dr. Kathleen Farrell. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, October 2004. Presented by Kathy Farrell.
“The P/E Multiple, Market Efficiency and Bubbles,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Southern Finance Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, December 2003. Presented by Tom Zorn.
“The P/E Multiple, Market Efficiency and Bubbles,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 2003. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“The Optimal Level of Mortgage Debt,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Manferd Peterson. Academy of Financial Services Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 2003. Presented by Tom Zorn.
“The Relative Speed of Adjustment in Tax-Exempt Yields Following Substantial Changes in Taxable Yields,” coauthored with Dr. John Geppert. Midwest Finance Association Annual Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri, March 2003. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“Divergence from Fundamentals: An Alternative Methodology to Identify Bubbles,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech, Academy of Economics and Finance Annual Meeting, Savannah, Georgia, February 2003. Presented by Benjamas Jirasakuldech.
"A Reduced Form Coefficients Analysis of Executive Ownership, Corporate Value and Executive Compensation," coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber. Southern Finance Association Annual Meeting, Destin, Florida, November 2001. Presented by Donna Dudney.
"Assessing & Developing Writing Skills in Finance," coauthored with Dr. Jill Bale. Financial Management Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, Washington, October 2000. Presented by Donna Dudney and Jill Bale.
"A Standardized Pre- and Post-Test for the Introductory Undergraduate Managerial Finance Course," coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jill Bale, Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Kapaluna, Hawaii, April 2000. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“An Evaluation of Finance Internet Sites: Which Sites are Best for Use in the Investments Classroom?”, coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber, presented at the Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, April 1999. Presented by Donna Dudney.
"Teaching Generation X: Do Andragogical Learning Principles Apply to Undergraduate Finance Education?" coauthored with Dr. Jill Bale. Presented at the Financial Management Association annual meeting, Chicago, Illinois, October 1998. Presented by Jill Bale.
"A Rational Expectations Test of the Size Anomaly," coauthored with Dr. Gordon Karels, presented at the Western Decision Sciences Conference, Reno, Nevada, April 1998. Presented by Donna Dudney.
“The Impact of Liquidity and Ownership Structure on Investment Opportunities and Corporate Value for Bank Holding Companies,”coauthored with Dr. Marsha Weber and Dr. Jim Schmidt. Submitted to Journal of Financial Services Research in March, 2009.
“Image Restoration Strategies in Response to SOX 404 Material Weakness Disclosures: A Study of the Banking Industry,” coauthored with . Marsha Weber, Dr. Joann Segovia, and Dr. Sheri Erickson. Submitted to Advances in Accounting, Finance and Economics in February, 2009.
“Financial Disclosure and Stock Market Behavior: An International Comparison,” coauthored with Dr. Benjamas Jiraskuldech, Dr. John Geppert and Dr. Tom Zorn. Revise and resubmit received from Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting in June 2007. Accepted with minor revisions in August 2008.
“Do Residual Earnings Price Ratios Explain Cross-Sectional Variations in Stock Returns?” co-authored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Benjamas Jirasakuldech.
“Does Federal Reserve Action Affect Equity Market Returns?” coauthored with Dr. David Volkman and Dr. Olivier Masondieu Laforge.
“Pensions and Risk,” with Manferd Peterson and Tom Zorn. Revise and resubmit received from Journal of Financial Planning in June 2007.
“Fixing the College Athlete Recruiting Mess: An Incentive Compatible Mechanism,” co-authored with Dr. Tom Zorn.
“How to Save Defined Benefit Pension Plans,” coauthored with Dr. Tom Zorn and Dr. Manferd Peterson.
Southwestern Finance Association, Session Chair, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, February 2009
Southern Finance Association, Discussant, Destin, Florida, November 2006
Midwest Finance Association, Discussant, St. Louis, Missouri, March 2003
Southern Finance Association, Discussant, Destin, Florida, November 2001
Western Decision Sciences Annual Conference, Session Chair, Kapaluna, Hawaii, 2000.
Western Decision Sciences, Annual Conference, Session Chair, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1999.
Western Decision Sciences, Annual Conference, Session Chair, Reno, Nevada, 1998.
Fall 1997461/861 Advanced Finance 46 enrolled
365 Financial Markets and Institutions 185 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 100 enrolled
Spring 1998365 Financial Markets and Institutions 135 enrolled
461/861 Advanced Finance 40 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 110 enrolled
Summer 1998812 Managerial Economics (Offutt) 11 enrolled
Fall 1998365 Financial Markets and Institutions 160 enrolled
365c Financial Markets and Institutions 30 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 108 enrolled
Spring 1999365 Financial Markets and Institutions 127 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 108 enrolled
Summer 1999260 JD Edwards Summer Enterprise Camp
(Personal Finance) 45 enrolled
Fall 1999363 Principles of Investments 102 enrolled
361 Finance 43 enrolled
Spring 2000463 Security Analysis 59 enrolled
306 Accounting 34 enrolled
Summer 2000812 Managerial Economics (team taught with
Dr. Tom Zorn) 30 enrolled
Fall 2000363 Principles of Investments 108 enrolled
463 Security Analysis 7 enrolled
Spring 2001363 Principles of Investments 100 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 50 enrolled
Summer 2001260 JD Edwards Summer Academy 35 enrolled
Fall 2001365 Financial Markets and Institutions 145 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 108 enrolled
Spring 2002365 Financial Markets and Institutions 108 enrolled
Summer 2002260 JD Edwards Summer Academy 36 enrolled
Fall 2002365 Financial Markets and Institutions 148 enrolled
812 Managerial Economics 20 enrolled
Spring 2003463 Security Analysis 45 enrolled
365 Financial Markets and Institutions 160 enrolled
Fall 2003365 Financial Markets and Institutions 160 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 145 enrolled
Spring 2004365 Financial Markets and Institutions 145 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 110 enrolled
Fall 2004365 Financial Markets and Institutions 140 enrolled
363 Principles of Investments 110 enrolled
Spring 2005No classes
Summer 2005812 Managerial Economics (online) 42 enrolled
Fall 2005365 Financial Markets and Institutions 135 enrolled
465/865 Bank Management 34 enrolled
Spring 2006465/865 Bank Management 44 enrolled
361H Principles of Corporate Finance (Honors) 10 enrolled
Summer 2006812 Managerial Economics 15 enrolled
Fall 2006365 Financial Markets and Institutions 112 enrolled
Spring 2007361H Principles of Corporate Finance (Honors) 8 enrolled
Summer 2007812 Managerial Economics 7 enrolled
Fall 2007363 Principles of Investments 130 enrolled
Spring 2008361H Principles of Corporate Finance (Honors) 11 enrolled
Summer 2008812 Managerial Economics 9 enrolled
Fall 2008260X Personal Finance 39 enrolled
398/898 Buffett Investment Methodology 31 enrolled
Spring 2009260X Personal Finance 57 enrolled
812 Managerial Economics 46 enrolled
Search Committee - Assistant Professor of Finance(two positions) (Fall 2004)
Presentation on the finance major to BSAD097career exploration class consisting of first-year UNL business students (Fall 2003 and Fall 2004)
Presentation on the finance major to BSAD101 Business Leadership Development class consisting of first-year UNL business students (Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 2008 and Spring 2009)
Finance Curriculum Review Committee (2001).
Attended GraduateSchool of Banking in Madison, Wisconsin (Summer 1998)
Completed evaluation of Internet information available on the University of Nebraska finance
doctorate program and worked with UNL staff to update the CBA web site to incorporate additional information on graduate programs in finance.
Supervise honors projects and independent studies for undergraduate finance majors.
Co-Sponsor with Dr. John Geppert - Finance Club – 1999 - 2006
Developed Shadowing Program for Finance Club - Fall 2000.
Member – Accounting faculty search committee for 2 tenure track faculty positions – Fall 2008.
Member – Search Committee for Design Studio Lecturer position in J.D. Edwards Honors Program – April 2008.
Chair – Search Committee for MBA Placement and Corporate Relations Director – February 2008
Website Evaluation Committee Chair – January 2007 –August 2007
BSAD101 Co-coordinator – Fall 2006
Academic Planning Committee Chair – Fall 2006 – present
Assessment Committee – Fall 2006 – present
Scholarship, Honors and Awards Committee, Fall 2003 –Fall, 2005
Undergraduate Women in Business, Sponsor, 1999-present.
Student Advisory Board, co-sponsor, 2006 – 2007
College of Saint Mary, Camp Entrepreneur, Director, Day camp for girls ages 12-17, 1997.
College of Saint Mary, Business and Information Club, Sponsor, 1994-1997.
Academic Management Information System (AMIS) Committee – Fall 2008
Achievement-Centered Education (ACE) – Course Facilitator for new General Education program – Spring 2008 to present
Online Degree Completion Program Task Force – Spring 2007 - present
Enrollment Management Profile Committee – Fall 2006 – Spring 2007
University Marshall, August 2001 to August 2004 (assist with every UNL graduation)
Presented Workshop Session on obtaining investment information from the Internet for the SAGE program, Fall, 2000 and Spring 2001 (50 life-long learning participants).
Presented information on retirement planning to the Coaches Roundtable group organized by Lee Pettit (25 participants).