Training subscription application form 2013/2014

Please complete this form as fully as possible, if you have any difficulties or queries you should contact Services for Young Children on 01962 847070.

Please take a copy for your own records and send the original, with a cheque made payable to ‘Hampshire County Council’ or proof of your bank transfer (BACS) to Services for Young Children, Elizabeth II Court East, The Castle, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 8UG. Please note you can also pay online.

BACS Payment Details

Name of Account: Hampshire County Council

Account Number: 00000000 Sort Code: 62-28-49

Bank Address: Natwest High Street, Winchester. SO23 9AW

Ref: Training Subscription

A copy of this form will be returned to you containing your subscription number which must be inserted onto each bursary application form and course application form from 1st April 2013. Without this number bursary applications and course booking forms will be returned. This number will expire on 31 March 2014.

Please note: Out of School Settings will be permanently exempt from the subscription charge.

Setting Details

Name of setting, school, children’s centre or childminder: …………………………………………………

Address of setting: …………………………………………………………………..……………………..


Postcode: ...... …………………...………….. Tel no. of setting: …………………………………………

Ofsted registration number (from Ofsted certificate) or DoE number (Schools): …………………………

Address for correspondence: …………………………………………………………..……………………..


Postcode: …………………………………………………………..…………………………………………..

Name of contact:…………………………………………………………………..…………………………...

Please complete the relevant section

Settings and Childminders only

Size of Setting based on number of early years places – this is the number of places shown on your Ofsted certificate, not the number of children currently on roll / Annual Subscription / Tick appropriate box
Less than 6 places / £35
Less than 19 places / £100
20-39 places / £200
40-59 places / £300
60+ places / £400

Schools only

Parked Journal payment made to SfYC, org unit 01TR on (date)……………………………ref no 42 ______

Number of children shown on Foundation
Stage Profile summer 2012 / Annual
Subscription / Tick appropriate box
Up to and including 19 children / £50
20-39 children / £100
40-59 children / £150
60-79 children / £200
80+ children / £250

Children’s Centres only

Parked Journal payment of £100 made to SfYC, org unit 01TR on (date)……..………….…ref no 42 ______


Date payment received…………………………………………………………………..…………………….

Subscription Number: …………………………………………………………………..…………………..