Chapter 28


Teaching Objectives

Protists Are Extremely Diverse

1.Explain why the kingdom Protista is no longer considered a legitimate taxonomic group.

2.Describe the different nutritional strategies of protists.

3.Describe the three ecological categories of protists. Explain why the terms protozoa and algae are not useful as taxonomic categories.

4.Describe the evidence that supports the theory that mitochondria and plastids evolved by serial endosymbiosis. Explain which living organisms are likely relatives of the prokaryotes that gave rise to mitochondria and plastids.

5.Describe the evidence that suggests that mitochondria were acquired before plastids in eukaryotic evolution.

6.Explain the role of secondary endosymbiosis in the evolution of photosynthetic protists.

A Sample of Protistan Diversity

7.Describe the reduced mitochondria of diplomonads. Explain why this group is successful despite this feature.

8.Explain how trypanosomes avoid detection by the human immune system.

9.Explain why Plasmodium continues to pose a great risk to human health despite modern medical advances.

10.Describe the process and significance of conjugation in ciliate life cycles.

11.List three differences between oomycetes and fungi.

12.Describe the life cycle, ecology, and impact on humans of the following stramenopiles:

a.downy mildew



13.Describe how amoeboid protists move and feed.

14.Explain why foraminiferans and gymnamoebas are not considered to be closely related, although both are amoebas.

15.Compare the life cycles and ecology of plasmodial and cellular slime molds.

16.Explain the problem faced by Dictyostelium aggregates of constraining “cheaters” that never contribute to the stalk of the fruiting body. Discuss how research on this topic may lead to insights into the evolution of multicellularity.

17.Explain the basis for the proposal for a new “plant” kingdom, Viridiplantae.

18.Describe three mechanisms by which large size and complexity have evolved in chlorophytes.

Student Misconceptions

1.Protists are tremendously diverse, varying greatly in size, complexity, habitat, mode of nutrition, and life history features. The variation in protists may overwhelm students. It is possible to help students make sense of this diversity by discussing the novel features that arose within eukaryotes—mitosis, meiotic sex, multicellularity, various specializations—and considering which lineages show particular features.

2.When they think of photosynthesis, students may think primarily or exclusively of land plants. Emphasize to your students that algal protists—seaweeds and phytoplankton—make a significant contribution to Earth’s primary productivity.

3.Students may underestimate the complexity of unicellular protists. Point out to your students that a single-celled Paramecium is far more complex than any of the cells in their own bodies. As the textbook points out, protists include the most elaborate of all cells, cells that carry out the basic functions performed by all of the specialized cells, tissues, and organs of a multicellular organism.

4.Conjugation in ciliates is sexual, resulting in the production of two genetically novel individuals combining the genes of two parents. However, it is not reproduction, because no additional individuals are produced. The unusual life cycles of ciliates can be used to clarify for students the distinction between sex and reproduction.

5.Research addressing the problem faced by Dictyostelium aggregates of constraining “cheaters” that never contribute to the stalk of the fruiting body has led to insights into the evolution of multicellularity. Excellent time-lapse photographs of these fascinating protists can be used to introduce your students to the problem faced by all multicellular organisms—that of constraining “cheating” lineages or reducing their effect on the multicellular body.

Chapter Guide to Teaching Resources

Overview: A world in a drop of water

Concept 28.1Protists are an extremely diverse assortment ofeukaryotes


Figure 28.3Diversity of plastids produced by secondary endosymbiosis

Student Media Resource

Activity: Tentative phylogeny of eukaryotes

Concept 28.2Diplomonads and parabasalids have modified mitochondria


Figure 28.4A tentative phylogeny of eukaryotes

Concept 28.3Euglenozoans have flagella with a unique internal structure


Figure 28.6Euglenozoan flagellum

Figure 28.8Euglena, a euglenid commonly found in pond water

Instructor and Student Media Resources

Video: Euglena

Video: Euglena motion

Concept 28.4Alveolates have sacs beneath the plasma membrane


Figure 28.11The two-host life cycle of Plasmodium, the apicomplexan that causes malaria

Figure 28.12Structure and function in the ciliate Paramecium caudatum

Instructor and Student Media Resources

Video: Dinoflagellate

Video: Stentor

Video: Stentor ciliate movement

Video: Vorticella cilia

Video: Vorticella detail

Video: Vorticella habitat

Video: Paramecium vacuole

Video: Paramecium cilia

Concept 28.5Stramenopiles have “hairy” and smooth flagella


Figure 28.14The life cycle of a water mold (layer 1)

Figure 28.14The life cycle of a water mold (layer 2)

Figure 28.14The life cycle of a water mold (layer 3)

Figure 28.21The life cycle of Laminaria: An example of alternation of generations

Instructor and Student Media Resources

Video: Water mold oogonium

Video: Water mold zoospores

Video: Diatoms moving

Video: Various diatoms

Concept 28.6Cercozoans and radiolarians have threadlike pseudopodia

Concept 28.7Amoebozoans have lobe-shaped pseudopodia


Figure 28.26The life cycle of a plasmodial slime mold

Figure 28.27The life cycle of Dictyostelium, a cellular slime mold

Instructor and Student Media Resources

Video: Amoeba

Video: Amoeba pseudopodia

Video: Plasmodial slime mold streaming

Video: Plasmodial slime mold

Concept 28.8Red algae and green algae are the closest relatives of land plants


Figure 28.31The life cycle of Chlamydomonas, a unicellular chlorophyte

Instructor and Student Media Resources

Video: Chlamydomonas

Video: Volvox colony

Video: Volvox daughter

Video: Volvox flagella

Investigation: What kinds of protists do various habitats support?



Table 28.1A sample of protist diversity

For additional resources such as digital images and lecture outlines, go totheCampbell Media Manager or the Instructor Resources section of

Key Terms

alternation of generations




brown alga

cellular slime mold







food vacuole

foraminiferan (foram)

golden alga

green alga








plasmodial slime mold





red alga

secondary endosymbiosis





Word Roots

con- 5 with, together (conjugation: in ciliates, the transfer of micronuclei between two cells that are temporarily joined)

hetero- 5 different; -morph 5 form (heteromorphic: a condition in the life cycle of all modern plants in which the sporophyte and gametophyte generations differ in morphology)

iso- 5 same (isomorphic: alternating generations in which the sporophytes and gametophytes look alike, although they differ in chromosome number)

-phyte 5 plant (gametophyte: the multicellular haploid form in organisms undergoing alternation of generations)

pseudo- 5 false; -podium 5 foot (pseudopodium: a cellular extension of amoeboid cells used in moving and feeding)

thallos- 5 sprout (thallus: a seaweed body that is plantlike but lacks true roots, stems, and leaves)##Instructor’s Guide for Campbell/Reece Biology, Seventh EditionChapter 28Protists##Instructor’s Guide for Campbell/Reece Biology, Seventh EditionChapter 28Protists##Instructor’s Guide for Campbell/Reece Biology, Seventh Edition