Training for Dry Cleaners Potentially Brought Under Toxics Use Reduction Program Based on the
New PERC Higher Hazard Substance Listing
What does this mean for my shop? Dry cleaners that have 10 or more full time employee equivalents and use 1,000 pounds (about 75 gallons) or more of perc, will be required to file an annual toxics use report, prepare a toxics use reduction plan, and pay an annual toxics use fee.
Training presented by: Toxics Use Reduction Institute (TURI), Mass Office of Technical Assistance (OTA), and Mass Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP)
Each training will cover:** An overview of the TURA Program ** An overview of reporting requirements ** An explanation of how TURA is different from the Environmental Results Program (ERP).
Tuesday - April 7, 2009, 4:00 - 6:00PM
UMass Lowell/Wannalancit – 600 SuffolkSt. Room 203
- From Greater Boston: Take Route 3 North to Exit 30B to the Lowell Connector.
- From North or South: Take exit 35C to the Lowell Connector.
From the Lowell Connector:
- Take Exit 5B (off the Lowell Connector) - Thorndike Street.
- Turn RIGHT at the end of ramp (no other choice) onto Thorndike.
- Continue on this street until you are in front of the entrance to the Tsongas Arena. Take a LEFT onto Fr. Morrisette Blvd.
- Take RIGHT onto Suffolk Street.
- The WannalancitBuilding is immediately on your left.
- The visitors’ parking lot is on the right.
- Enter at 600 Suffolk St. – the entrance at the corner of Fr. Morrisette and Suffolk St.
Tuesday - April 14, 2009, 4:00 - 6:00PM
BridgewaterState College, EastCampusCommons, ECC113 (Executive Dining Room)
- From the North: I-93 to Route 24 South
- From the West: Mass Pike (I-90) to I-495 South to Exit 7A (Route 24 North)
- From the South: Follow I-495 North to Exit 7A (Route 24 North)
(continued next column)
From Route 24:
- Go to Exit 15 (Bridgewater/Raynham - Route 104)
- Take Route 104 East to stop sign (approximately three miles)
- Turn left and approach rotary in BridgewaterCenter
- Proceed to rotary, stay in right lane within rotary.
- Just before traffic light, bear right merging on to Summer Street (Route 104 East).
- Bear left through traffic light (Mobil station on left).
- Go over railroad tracks.
- Take right on to Hooper Street.
- Follow Hooper Street to the end and take a left on to Burrill Avenue.
- Visitor parking is in the Moakley Lot (Lot Q), just past the MoakleyCenter on the left.
Saturday April 18, 2009, 1:00 - 3:00PM
QuinsigamondCommunity College, 670 West Boylston Street, Worcester, AdministrativeBuilding, Room 107A – Park in student lots #1 and #2