Date:March 8, 2017
To:District Referee Coordinators
CC:Match Officials Development Committee
From:Nicky Pearson
Subject: LTOD Update
The first 2 months of 2017 were filled with meetings, surveys and outreach. Please see below a list of main activities started or completed from January 5 to March 3, 2017, and current schedule for March and April.
District Associations we have visited to present LTOD:
- Ontario Soccer
- HamDSA
District Associations scheduled for March & April:
- HamDSA (2nd visit)
- EMSA (2nd visit)
- PHSA (2nd visit)
- SN, SNW, SNE, Sault, SRSA via Webinar
Additional meetings we have presented at or attended:
- Regional Champions Training
- Regional DRC meetings
- 2 day Multi-Sport Think Tank, hosted by Ontario Soccer
- Meeting with a Documentary Film Producer on a project about How a Match Official develops, and the barriers they may face
- Canada Sport for Life Conference presentation to multiple sports
- Meetings with Club Technical Directors to help develop their Match Officials Programming
- Presented LTOD to Ontario Soccer Technical Advisory Committee, and Canada Soccer Director of Development Jason DeVos at 2017 Soccer Summit
- Met with Canada Soccer Manager of Referees, Isaac Raymond x 3
- Presented LTOD at the 2017 Soccer Summit
LTOD actions:
- Webinar training for outreach across the Province
- IFAB Laws training to Toronto FC Academy Coaches
- Regional Assignor training
- IFAB Laws of the Game review created for online delivery for all Match Officials
- Stage 1 of the online Learning Management System design
- Started the process for the Education Baseline Study for 2018
- Education Matrix for all grades on both pathways has been drafted
- Plan for Youth Symposium, April 28th 2018 started
- Multi Club Pilot Project started. To assist clubs with combining resources for Match Officials Development.
- Practical field time booked at 3 facilities, with 3 more offering for 2018
- Developed IFAB Laws training/testing modules and provided to Districts and to Ontario Soccer Technical staff
Additional LTOD Plans for March and April:
- 12 Practical field training sessions commence at Oakville S.C., Pickering S.C. and HamDSA
- Two meetings for LMS development planning
- Working on creating the Club Contact Database with LTOD Coordinator
- Start the Development Support Team Profiles database (working with Tom and Dhaval for best platform) with LTOD Coordinator
- Communication of all activities to membership
- Working with club coaches on IFAB Laws education
- Stage 2 of the online Learning Management System design
- Refine the Education Baseline Study for 2018
- Continue to develop the Education Matrix once the Education Baseline study is completed
- Plan for Youth Symposium, April 28th 2018 started
- Meet with the clubs in the Multi Club Pilot Project
- Create Best Practices document for the District Development Fee in consultation with Districts
- Surveys – data mine all surveys from all LTOD sessions. Create reports and charts/graphs. Highlight areas of concern.
- FAQs updated on a regular basis
- Website updates
- Work with Lori Livingston and Susan Forbes on CS4L LTOD Initiative for Sport Canada
Thank you,
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