PCA 137: Alfred G. Simmer Photograph Collection, 1905-1909 Alaska State Library
Alaska State Library
Historical Collections
Simmer, Alfred G.
Alfred G. Simmer Photograph Collection, 1905-1909
PCA 137
342 photographs Processed by: India Spartz Revised: 1994; Aug 2004
ACQUISITION: The photographs in this collection were made from original glass plate negatives purchased by the library from George Rowswell of Lacey, Washington, August 1980. (Acc. No. 1981-005)
ACCESS: The collection is available for viewing, however, the photographs may not be photocopied.
COPYRIGHT: Request for permission to publish or reproduce material from the collection should be discussed with the Librarian.
PROCESSING: Safety negatives and 8 x 10” prints were made from the original glass plate negatives. The photographs are numbered and housed in archival materials with support to discourage curling. An item-level inventory is available. Simmer’s photograph numbers were added in parentheses if known.
Alfred G. Simmer is listed as a photographer and civil engineer in Polk's Alaska-Yukon Gazetteer, 1907. Little else, however, is known of his life. His wife is identified in several Nome photos. Simmer is also listed in the Seattle directory for 1906, described as an engineer.
The views provide a special look at life on the Seward Peninsula, the communities, people, ships, roadhouses, mining activity, reindeer herding, buildings, home (including interiors and general way of life). Simmer's photographs of Eskimos include portraits and informal views with many taken at Council and Solomon. Many Eskimo people are identified. The collection includes the Nome fire (Sept. 13, 1905), and large ice hummocks on the Nome beach of the Bering Sea. Most of the photographs are captioned and labeled with Simmer’s photograph number.
1. Wreck of GOVERNOR PERKINS. Nome, Alaska. July 14, 1905 [ship beached; three other vessels on the horizon]. (#201-X).
2. W.M. Johnston & Co. floating breakwater, Nome, Alaska. 1905. 1. 150 ft. d. 9 ft [two men, each standing in one end of 9-ft. diameter pipes]. (#202-X).
3. W.M. Johnston & Co. floating Breakwater. Length 150 ft. diam. 9 ft. Nome, Alaska. 1905 [three men standing on one of two large wooden pipes]. (#203-X).
4. House covered with tin from 5 gal. coal oil cans. Nome, Alaska [man standing at corner of small one-story house]. (#204-X).
5. Eskimos dancing on beach. Nome, Alaska. 1905 (#206-X).
6. Eskimo Dance on Nome Beach, 1905 [two ships steaming on the horizon]. (#207-X).
7. Eskimo Women Preparing Dinner. Nome, Alaska [two men and one woman, woman bending over outdoor fire, tents in the background]. (#208-X).
8. Eskimo Women cooking dinner on beach. Nome, Alaska. 1905 [two white women and man, Eskimo woman and boy, Eskimo woman crouched stirring a pot on outdoor fire]. (#209).
9. Abandoned Machine for working the beach. Nome, Alaska. 1905 [machine with wheels over 6 ft. in diameter, two men standing beside machine, buildings in background]. (#210-X).
10. Dobie Cabin. Nome, Alaska [two men seated beside sod cabin]. (#211-X).
11. Nome, Alaska. Looking north from roof of Golden Gate Hotel. 1905 [rooftops and hills in distance]. (#214-X).
12. Nome and ships in Roadstead, from roof of Golden Fate Hotel. Aug. 2, 1905 [view toward water, ships at anchor, roof tops in foreground]. (#215-X).
13. 6000 Tons of Coal, 108,000 Sacks. A winter's supply for Nome, Alaska. 1905 [two men using framework and pulleys to help load sacks onto top of pile]. (#216-X).
14. O.B. Brown's Scraper on Nome Beach, Alaska. 1905 [four men standing beside scraper]. (#217-X).
15. O.B. Brown's Scraper on Nome Beach, Alaska. Aug. 2, 1905 [side view of scraper and supporting framework, two men on the ground, one man on top of framework].
16. Looking up Front St., Nome, Alaska, from N.W. Commercial Co's Bridge [Lighterage Co. on left, Hotel Del Norte on right, other businesses lining both sides of street, several men, horses, and wagons in view]. (#219-X).
17. Waterwagon. Nome, Alaska. Aug. 1905 [one-horse cart, two men at rear of cart tapping water from the tank, Dr. V. Condory, Vienna Physician, office building behind wagon; a third man standing at doorway]. (#220-X).
18. Eskimo Camp. Nome Beach, Alaska. 1905 [two Eskimo men and one woman standing in front of a tent built in the shelter of a skin boat turned on its side]. (221-X).
19. Rear of Eskimo Camp, Nome, Alaska. Showing upturned Skin Boats. 1905 [several buildings and tents behind the boats, roof of one building has sign "LUMBER"]. (#222).
20. Busy, call again! [two Eskimo children on beach, beside upturned skin boat], (#223-X).
21. [Nome, Alaska. July 1905. Portion of panorama, part A. Tracks on pilings extending out from shore; buildings of Nome to left of tracks].
22. Panorama of Nome, Alaska. July 1905 [part B, tracks on pilings extending out from the shore; buildings of Nome to the right of tracks].
23. Nome, Alaska, July 1905. Portion of a panorama, part C. Waterfront including north American Transportation and Trading Co. warehouse].
24. [Two women, three men, one boy standing on the boardwalk in front of Hotel Lawrence, Nome, Alaska]. (#225).
25. At Home under the Skin Boat [four Eskimo men, two women and a child seated in shelter of skin boat turned on its side]. (#226-X).
26. Eskimo Kiak-Skin boat [one-man Kayak near the beach]. (#227-X).
27. Interior Eskimo Calico Igloo [two men inside canvas tent, gun in foreground, clothing hanging on a line above]. (#228-X).
28. A little native maiden [Eskimo girl wearing parka, standing on the beach]. (#229).
29. [Bridge over narrow stretch of water, building on both sides]. (#230).
30. Mouth of Nome River and Fort Davis, Alaska, 1905 [two rowboats on the river bank, several fish nets extended out into the river]. (#230A-X).
31. Lightering passengers on board S.S. VICTORIA for Seattle, Aug. 11, 1905 [passengers and freight loaded on barge, from the dock, steamship anchored in the distance]. (#231-X).
32. Mikaninny [Eskimo child standing beside a canvas tent]. (#232, 232-X).
33. A miner's home on Nome Beach. Joseph Shaw age 73 yrs. [bearded man and dog in front of canvas and wood dwelling]. (#233-X).
34. Hard at it [Eskimo woman washing clothes in a bucket, Nome buildings in background]. (#234-X).
35. Bachelors' Retreat. Aug. 13th, 1905 [four men seated in front of single-story frame cabin, sign on front of building “Weiler B. Thompson”]. (#236-X).
36. Nome, Aug. 14th, 1905. What is home without a baby?--of your own [four men standing at the doorway of single-story frame cabin, sing on front of building, "WEILER B. THOMPSON"]. (#237-X).
37. Sluicing on Nome Beach [miner panning in a creek, sluice box-beside him; tent and cabin in background]. (#238-X).]
38. Miner's Cabin built of logs and sod on Nome bench outside cabin]. (#239-X).
39. Eskimo Camp. Nome, Alaska. 1905 [several people, tents and dogs]. (#242-X).
40. Eskimo kindergarten. Nome Beach [fourteen children standing in a circle around five other children, skin boat on its side behind the circle]. (#245-X).
41. Two little Eskimo Maids [two girls wearing fur parkas standing on beach]. (#247-X).
42. Native Sons on the Arctic [four Eskimo children in front, fish drying on a rack, buildings, Nome, Alaska, in background]. (#248-X).
43. Eskimo and his boats [Eskimo man standing behind kayak, umiak and tents behind him]. (#249-X).
44. Outdoor photographer [photographer with camera set-up, taking a picture of Eskimo child, umiak and tents in background]. (#250).
45. "Ready" [photographer, dark slide out of camera, photographing Eskimo child; umiak and tents behind]. (#251).
46. Sithlrok [Eskimo child standing on beach]. (#252).
47. Senmarina - Seluktina [Eskimo woman and child standing beside overturned skin boat, woman holding moccasins in one hand and child's hand in the other]. (#253-X).
48. Cosmopolitan friends [white man, Eskimo man, and five Eskimo children standing in front of fish-drying rack]. (#254).
49. A native mother, Nome [child sitting on mother's shoulders, standing beside building]. (#255-X).
50. Nome Drill Co. prospecting on San Jose Beach [Keystone Driller Co. drill, four men and a horse]. (#256-X).
51. [Gate in a flume]. (#257).
52. [Water flume across open terrain]. (#258).
53. Nome River Valley looking south [flat treeless terrain]. (#259-X).
54. Nome River Valley looking north [snow-covered mountains in distance]. (#260).
55. [Head gate of a water flume]. (#261).
56. Anvil Rock [rock balanced on a pile]. (#263-X).
57. Under the Anvil [three women under the balanced rock]. (#264-X).
58. Dredge of Seward Peninsula Mining Co. [three men beside dredge, tent in background]. (#265).
59. "Poor Man's Claim" near Dexter. Sept. 3, 1905 [three men standing beside claim post for Poor Man; located July 30, 1900]. (#266).
60. Nome Arctic Ry. Co. [engine and three cars, two men in cab, two cars loaded with passengers]. (#267-X).
61. Mining on Portland Beach. Near Nome, Alaska [ore dump in operation]. (#268).
62. Camp of Seward Peninsula Mining Co. 1905 [tents and mining equipment]. (#269).
63. [Holding tank for flume]. (#271).
64. Nome Fire. Sept. 13, 1905 [undamaged building in foreground and distance; group of men standing at site of fire in center]. (#272).
63. Nome Fire, Sept. 13, 1905 [view of rubble from fire, new building construction started on same site].
66. [Nome Fire. Sept. 13, 1905. Crowds inspecting rubble from fire, unburned buildings in foreground and distance].
67. [Nome Fire, Sept. 13, 1905. Several people inspecting the rubble, Bering Sea in background].
68. Nome - Sept. 6, 1905. Iden Zeller [Mr. Zeller and three Eskimo women and one child all wearing fur parkas, seated beside overturned umiak]. (#273-X).
69. Nome, Alaska, Sept. 6, 1905. Iden Zeller [Iden Zeller, three Eskimo women and child standing in front of an overturned umiak]. (#274-X).
70. View from Golden Gate Hotel looking north. Sept. 29, 1905 [buildings, snow-covered hills in distance]. (#275).
71. Stranding of lighters on Nome beach during storm. Sept. 29, 1905 [two barges beached, several men and a dog on the beach]. (#278-X).
72. Ogmaona [Eskimo woman wearing fur parka]. (#279-X).
73. A Belle of the North. Nome [Ogmaona, Eskimo woman, wearing a fur parka]. (#280-X).
74. Ogmaona [Eskimo woman wearing a fur parka; seated; three-quarter view]. (#281-X).
75. Ogmaona [Eskimo woman wearing fur parka]. (#282-X).
76. Ships in Roadstead, Nome, Alaska. Oct. 19, 1905 [rooftops, ships at anchor in distance]. (#283).
77. Pvt. E.J. Nava, Signal Corps, U.S.A. and Gov't dog team. Nome, Alaska. Nov. 13, 1905 [man and dog team]. (#284-X).
78. Pvt. E.L. Nava, Signal Corps, U.S.A. and Government dog team. Nome, Alaska. Nov. 13, 1905 [man and dog team]. (#285-X).
79. Among the Ice Hummocks on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. Dec. 10, 1905 [Miss McKinney standing among slabs of ice]. (#287).
80. Among the ice hummocks on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. Dec. 10, 1905 [two women and two men seated on and standing beside pile of ice slabs]. (#288).
81. 1 mile from shore on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. Dec. 10, 1905 [two women and a man seated, young woman - Miss McKinney - holding a box camera, a second man standing holding two poles]. (#289).
82. [Three women wearing costumes, Miss McKinney, Mrs. Reid, interior Golden Gate Hotel]. (#290).
83. [Three women wearing costumes; one woman reading the other's palm; interior Golden Gate Hotel]. (#291).
84. [Five women wearing costumes; interior, Golden Gate Hotel]. (#292).
85. Noon, Dec. 22, 1905. Nome, Alaska [sun setting, viewed from beach; sea frozen; pier to right]. (#293-X).
86. The shortest day in the year. Noon, Dec. 22, 1905. Nome, Alaska [sun setting, viewed from beach; sea frozen; pier to left]. (#294-X).
87. (Five women wearing costumes; interior, Golden Gate Hotel], (#295).
88. Ski Jumping. Winter sport at Nome, Alaska. Feb. 25, 1906 [ski jump made of ice blocks, skier in mid-jump]. (#301-X).
89. Out for a ride on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. Feb. 25, 1906 [three people riding, two people walking, sled and dog team; Nome visible in distance]. (#302-X).
90. Nome, Alaska. March 30, 1906 [snow piled in front of row of cabins; sign on one cabin "F. St. Mary Bunk House"; man standing at door], (#303)
91. Nome, Alaska [cabin nearly covered by snow drifts, sign posted in snow in front of cabin]. (#304).
92. Nome, Alaska [cabin nearly covered by snow drifts, sign posted in snow in front of cabin]. (#305).
93. Nome, Alaska. March 30, 1905 [path packed into the snow, several buildings partially buried in snow]. (#306-X).
94. Nome, Alaska. March 30, 1906 [woman standing in pathway, cut through drifted snow, leading to front door of cabin].
95. A miner's home in winter quarters. Nome, Alaska. April 8, 1906 [building buried above the eaves in snow]. (#308-X).
96. Ski-jumping. Nome, Alaska. April 8, 1906 [skiers and observers on a ski slope]. (#309-X).
97. Ski-jumping. Nome, Alaska. April 8, 1906 [skiers, sledders, and observers on a ski slope], (#310-X).
98. A rough trail on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. April 22, 1906 [five people, sled and dog team attempting to scale a mound of snow]. (#312-X).
99. Traveling on Bering Sea. Nome, Alaska. April 22, 1906 [six people, sled and dog team attempting to scale a mound of snow]. (#313-X).