Training and Technical Assistance Request Form
County Today’s Date
District Name/Charter/Nonpublic School Contact & Title
Contact Email Contact Phone Number
Address City, State, Zip Code
Requested Date(s) of Technical Assistance Number of Attendees
Target Audience (e.g., principals, administrators, teachers, support staff, building and grounds, etc.)
Type of Service Requested
□ Safety and Security Plan Assistance [Estimated Time: 4 hours]
OSPEP will review the district’s safety and security plan to ensure it meets the minimum requirements set forth by N.J.A.C. 6A:16-5.1. OSPEP will subsequently meet with the district’s safety team to review the plan and identify areas in need of improvement. Requirement: District must send the plan, in advance.
□ Drill Observation [Estimated Time: 1-2 hours]
OSPEP will observe school security drills within a district. The goal is to improve drill exercises in preparation to respond to an actual incident. OSPEP will identify and share best practices, identify gaps between planning and exercising, and provide options for consideration to improve how schools exercise the district’s safety and security plan. Consultation with local first responders in regards to implementing any potential recommendations provided by regional planners must occur to assure a coordinated response to an emergency. Staff and students should not receive advance notice of the drill observation. Please select one:
□ Active Shooter □ Bomb Threat □ Non-Fire Evacuation □ Lockdown
□ Town Hall Meetings, PTA Meetings, Other [Estimated Time: 15 minutes to 1-hour]
At the district’s invitation, OSPEP will present to target school communities to share New Jersey’s state-of-the-state in school safety and security, share promising practices across the state, and increase community buy-in for safer schools for a better tomorrow.
□ In-Service or Professional Development [Estimated Time: 30 minutes to 2-hour]
At the district’s invitation, OSPEP will present to district staff regarding state’s regulations on school safety and security, share promising practices across the state, and increase engagement and buy-in from staff to support district’s efforts related to school preparedness.
□ Other (Please describe):
Email the completed request form to .
Please call (609)588-2323 with any questions.