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PROCEDURE TITLE: / Training Agreements For Mandatory Courses
PROCEDURE REFERENCE NO: / Learning & Development 2

Effective (Start) Date

/ 9/2/16

Last Review Date:

/ 6/3/17

Next Review Date Due:

/ 6/3/19

This Procedure is suitable for publication under the Freedom of Information Act

/ Yes/No/In Part
(Delete as appropriate refer to FOI Section 6)

Business Area/Department

/ HR – Organisational Development

Policy Contact/Author:

/ David Price

Business Lead Approver:

/ Michael Ankers

Chief Officer Approval: (If appropriate see section 10)


Supporting Documents ………………………………………. 3

Introduction …………………………………………………….. 3

Guidance …………………………………………………….. 3 - 4

Responsibilities ……………………………………………… 4

Appeals ……………………………………………………….. 4

Human Rights …………………………………………………. 5

Freedom of Information ………………………………………. 5

Equality Impact Assessment ………………………………… 5

Health and Safety ……………………………………...... 6

Training ………………………………………………………… 6

Communication ……………………………………………….. 6

Review/Approval ………………………………..…………….. 6

Supporting Documents:


1  Introduction

1.1 Cheshire Constabulary is committed to the development of all its employees. This often requires a substantial investment in police officer and police staff training to enhance an existing capability or develop any deficiency so that individuals can perform effectively in their roles and Cheshire Police is the best it can be.

1.2 The Force expects to see a commitment from our employees in return for the financial support the organisation is willing to provide for both police officer and police staff training.

1.3 The Force expects that employees will complete the designated training and use the newly acquired skills/knowledge to benefit the organisation.

1.4 There is an obvious financial risk to supporting employee training in this way and having a training agreement in place will enable the risk to be reduced somewhat. Courses for ICT and Forensics in particular can be very expensive and there is a need to ensure that the organisation sees a “return on its investment” and is able to recoup some of this investment where able to do so.

1.5 The information below provides details of the requirement to complete training agreements for mandatory courses that our employees embark on and which are financially supported by the organisation.

1.6 The process applies to Police Staff and Police Officers, both full and part time, including fixed term workers.

2  Guidance

2.1 When there is a requirement for one of our employees to attend a mandatory training course, the employee will be required to sign a mandatory training agreement where the training course costs over £500 per person. The blank pro forma (see link above under supporting documents) should be requested from and issued by the Training Planner prior to course attendance.

2.2 The employee will complete the training agreement and will ask their Head of Department to sign the document on behalf of Cheshire Constabulary before returning the completed form to the “HR Organisational Development” mailbox with a copy to their line manager for future reference.

2.3 The HR Admin Assistant (L & D) will maintain an electronic central record of completed training agreements and a hard copy filing system as necessary.

2.4 Upon any employee signing a mandatory training agreement, the costs will be paid accordingly by the Constabulary for the specified training. However, any training costs will be repaid by the employee to the Constabulary if the employee: (a) resigns; or (b) retires; or (c) is dismissed (excluding redundancy); or (d) voluntarily moves to another post (outside the department) but within the organisation and not at the request of management.

2.5 The sum to be repaid will reduce as follows (less the amount of tax already paid) if the employee either leaves employment or moves to another department as per item (d) above:

-  Within 6 months or less after completion of the training, the employee shall reimburse 100% of the training cost.

- Between 6 months and 12 months after completion of the training, the employee shall reimburse 75% of the training cost.

- Between 12 months and 18 months after completion of the training, the employee shall reimburse 50% of the training cost.

- After 18 months then no reimbursement will be expected.

2.6 It is the line manager’s responsibility to notify the “HR Organisational Development” mailbox in situations when the organisation should be looking to recoup any previous investment in mandatory training.

3  Responsibilities

The HR Advisor (L & D) is the author of this procedure and will ensure that it is monitored and reviewed to ensure the content remains current and relevant and that the procedure is developed where appropriate in line with Cheshire force procedure guidance.

The Training Delivery Inspector is the owner of this procedure and will ensure that the procedure is published internally/externally in line with the Cheshire force approval process.

4  Appeals

Persons affected by the exercise of powers, directives or action under this procedure have the right to make representations and/or challenges and/or appeals to the decisions involved, via judicial processes (e.g. Civil Law) and or non-judicial processes (e.g. internal management, grievance and complaints procedures). They may wish to consult with their legal advisor and/or their respective staff association representative when considering such processes or procedures.

5  Human Rights

The Human Rights Act 1998 incorporates the Articles contained in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) into domestic law, making it unlawful for public bodies to act in a way which is incompatible with the Convention.

I confirm that this document has been drafted to comply with the principles of the Human Rights Act 1998.

6  Freedom of Information

Public disclosure for this policy document is determined by the Force FOI Officer in agreement with the owner.

Fully Disclosable: I confirm this procedure is fully disclosable to members of the public via the Force website. / Yes/No
Part Disclosable: I can confirm that this procedure is disclosable in part only. The sections listed are NOT suitable for disclosure.
Please seek approval from the Force FOI Officer (Sarah Davies): / Yes/No
FOI Review Completed by:

7  Equality Impact Assessment

This procedure has been reviewed and drafted against all protected characteristics in accordance with the Public Sector Equality Duty embodied in the Equality Act 2010. This procedure has therefore been Equality Impact Assessed to ensure ‘due regard’ in respect of the need to:

(i) Eliminate discrimination, harassment, and victimisation.

(ii) Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. Protected characteristics are: age, disability gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation.

(iii) Foster good relations between persons who share a relevant protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

8  Health and Safety

I confirm that this document has been drafted to comply with the requirements as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, including amongst others the general duties to:

(i) Secure the health safety and welfare of persons at work.

(ii) Protect persons other than persons at work against risks to health and safety arising out of or in connection with the activities at work.

9  Training

Additional training if required/requested will be provided by the Learning & Development team.

10  Communication

The following methods will be adopted to ensure full knowledge of the procedure:

(i)  Procedure will be published on the Force Intranet (noticeboard) for the attention of all Police officers and staff.

(ii)  Procedure will be published on the Force procedure library.

(iii)  Intranet marketing via weekly orders.

(iv)  Disclosure to all police officers and staff on any learning/development requirements.

11  Review/Approval

The policy business owner maintains outright ownership of the policy and any other associated documents and in-turn delegate responsibility to the department/unit responsible for its continued monitoring.

The policy should be considered a ‘living document’ and subject to regular review to reflect upon any Force, Home Office/ACPO, legislative changes, good practice (learning the lessons) both locally and nationally, etc.

The approval requirement of this procedure is defined as laid out in the Cheshire Force Approval Matrix.

If consultation is required the attached guide defines the personnel whom should be included as part of any consultation

Version Not Protectively Marked 1