MAY 29, 2012
Herb Woltjer made a motion to call the meeting to order @7:11 p.m. Bruce Miller seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Kari Pilote / Becky Ramsay / Mike Kozak / Randean PlayfordDarin Gill / Les Richardson / Tina Parton / Jacki Talsma
Lin Luymes / Jeff Heindel / Corey Gish / Patti Mckinlay
Chantal Romanow / Leah Cook / Kathy Pallister / Sherry Bell
Barb Walker / Solveig Riggins / Thalia Hibbs / Darren Wilson
Agnes Yzerman / Trina Kohut / Allie Parker / Jennifer Grabo
Scott Vickery / Paul Monchomp / Reg Shandro / Sandra Congdon
Karen Knight / Anita Swier / Sherry Vink / Mario Dykslag
Jessica Chadd / Brie Huston / Lisa Suarez / Paul Pearson
Anita Blain / Jillian McIntyre / Barbara Calkins / Trevor Jevne
Andrea Morgan / Peter Lawson / Rick Plante / Sabrina Ball
Darcy Arnold / Randy Burt / Joan Suederus / Tammy Cooper
Herb Woltjer / Bob Bailey / Danielle Davies / Cheryl Carson
Dee Zunti / Bret Kennedy / Darryl Ericson / Rick Marz
John Bowness / Alison Colton / Reuben Komik / John A. Douglas
Guy Lapointe / Tim Wyatt / Cathy Nelson / Anette Wagner
Rob Smallman / Jon Meadus / Darren Bajema / Shannon Wiggins
Ian Thompson / Gavin Conrad / Mandy Peakman / Grant Fulton
Melanie Chrenek / Tracey Grant / Miranda Kanngiesser / Angie Sydenham
Lana Braun / Susan Crawford / Natalie Broderson / Jennifer Porter
Colleen Freitag / Theresa Grubb / Bruce Miller / Lana Beierbach
Darryl Armitage / Lynda Mah / Shawn Wagar / Michelle Brown
Sherri Straub / Naomi Bennett / Shauna Glasman / Vanessa Braat
Dawn Pecharsky / Jacqui Rider / Rhonda Brandon / Heather Pedersen
Art Hazelhoff / Larry Ubels / Tom Fisher / Teri Lewis
Darryl Klassen / Wes Cross / Curt Ritchey / Jason Bessette
Donna Bailey / Gwen Jacobi / Cheryl Court / Caralyn Sydenham
Tanya Kenyon / Brandie Humbke / Ang Nygaard / Gerri Vlahoj
Sarah Wilson / Carlene Wagner / Mark Loades / Tamara Reid
Boyd Lotzien / Colin Jeffries / Jason Kachnic / 2 signatures illegible
Dave Davidson / Shawna Kachnic / Joan Coleman
Connie Lofstrand / Derek Majerech / Jim Pocock
Adam Shackleton / Dave Lofstrand / Clarence Verveda
Chris Funkhouser / Will Kingma / Deanne Rowley
Margaret Williams / Bill Stegmaier / Angela Power (Engel)
Heike Cunningham / Misty Murphy / Grant Novakovski
Karen Novakovski / Erin Fuller / Haley Kirsch
Dwaune Steele / Jamie Lawrence / Rachel Maris
Jeff Heindel occupied the Chair and Tina Parton acted as Secretary of the meeting.
The Minutes from the Fall General Meeting dated October 6, 2011 that had previously been posted onto the website. Connie Lofstrand made a motion to approve those minutes as reviewed. Randy Burt seconded the motion. Motion was unanimously carried.
No new business
4.1Highlights of 2011 -2012
- Bears 4 yr old partnership with figure skating ran smoothly thanks to Trevor Jevne for running the program.
- First year the top Peewee, Bantam, and Midget teams played in South Central League. This was a well organized, competitive league. The top teams will remain in this league for the upcoming season.
- Congratulations to the Bantam OK Tire Rockets for winning the AA Minor provincials. Thanks to all the volunteers that made this weekend possible.
- Thank you to the organizers and volunteers that participated in the Oilers 50/50, Casino, Golf Tournament, and Rebels game fundraisers. All the extra fundraisers help keep our fees low.
- Thank you to the managers and teams for there behaviour at other arenas. Some of the Lacombe teams received the fair play award this year. Congratulations.
- Thank you refs for doing a tough job and to the outgoing and future executive members that help keep the association running. It takes lots of time, perseverance, and patience.
- Condolences to Keith Randall’s family and friends. The family is setting up a memorial fund.
4.2Rebels Game is booked for Friday, September 14, 2012.
4.3Annual ‘Return To The Ice’ Golf Tournament in September
- Golf Tournament to take place September 7 or 21.
- 14 volunteers are needed contact Corey Gish to volunteer.
- More Lacombe Minor Hockey Members need to attend.
4.4Sobey’s/Co-op gift card program
- Thank you to Sobey’s/Co-op for their partnership with Lacombe Minor Hockey in the gift card fundraising program.
No reports
No reports
Nominations or volunteers were asked to submit their name at this time.
President: Trevor Jevne let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Vice-President: Jason Bessette let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Registrar: Lin Luymes let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Secretary: Jackie Talsma let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Treasurer: Kari Pilot let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Initiation Director: Becky Ramsey let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Novice Director: Thalia Hibbs let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Atom Director: Kathy Pallister let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
PeeWee Director: Shawn Playford let his name stand. Dave Davidson let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted. Dave Davidson won majority of the votes.
Bantam Director: Darin Gill let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Midget Director: Les Richardson let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Female Director: Darryl Klassen and Tom Fisher together let their names stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Fundraising: Natalie Broderson let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Sponsorship: Justin Grabo let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Referee in Chief: Josh Smith let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Tournament Chair: Deanna Zunti let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Ice Convenor: Jacqui Rider let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Upper Ref. Assignor: Anita Brown let her name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Lower-Ref Assignor: Cam Penstone let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Game & Conduct: Mike Kozak let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
South Central league Representative: Troy Rider let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously.
Coach Mentor: Jason Petrie let his name stand. Three calls for nominations. Membership voted unanimously
The 2011-2012 Executive & Operating Committee for the Lacombe Minor Hockey Association is as follows:
President-Trevor Jevne
Vice-President-Jason Bessette
Registrar-Lin Luymes
Secretary-Jackie Talsma
Treasurer- Kari Pilote
Past-President-Jeff Heindel
Initiation Director-Becky Ramsay
Novice Director-Thalia Hibbs
Atom Director-Kathy Pallister
Pee Wee Director-Dave Davidson
Bantam Director-Darin Gill
Midget Director-Les Richardson
Female Director-Darryl Klassen & Tom Fisher
Fundraising-Natalie Broderson
Sponsorship-Justin Grabo
Ref-in-Chief-Josh Smith
Tournament Chair-Deanna Zunit
Ice Convenor-Jacqui Rider
Upper-Ref Assignor-Anita Brown
Lower-Ref Assignor-Cam Penstone
Game & Conduct-Mike Kozak
South Central League Rep.Troy Rider
Coach MentorJason Petrie
Please see attached Amendments
- Special Resolution – Amendment to By-Law III (F) Registrar. LMHA membership voted to approve the changes to the Registrarposition in the LMHA By-Laws. Vote was unanimously carried.
- Special Resolution – Amendment to By-Law III (I) Ice Convenor. LMHA membership voted to approve the changes to the Ice Convenorposition in the LMHA By-Laws. Vote was unanimously carried
- Special Resolution – Amendment to By-Law III (H) Referee Assignor(s). LMHA membership voted to approve the changes to the Referee Assignor(s) position in the LMHA By-Laws. Vote was unanimously carried.
- 2012-2113 LMHA Operating Budget. Darryl Klassen made a motion to accept the operating budget for the 2012/2013 season. Grant Fulton seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Herb Woltjer made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Barb Walker seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:18 and Early Bird registration followed.
(please indicate position and print name)
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