Professional Development Committee
August 2010 Meeting
Diane Stelacio
Please add your name above reflecting attendance at our asynchronous planning meeting. The computer will document entries however this makes it easier for all to see who is here and for me to submit the minutes.
Committee Responsibilities
1. Revise the current PD framework for our short training module
2. Review the areas to be developed and determine what needs to be developed or researched
3. Provide suggestions for the a longer-version of the training module that will explain the changes to the NJTAP-IN package.
For easy reference the short training module is included below in this document. Review and add your thoughts directly to this document. Schedule or technology conflicts may result in absences from the Elluminate meeting. Your voice can still be heard by adding your thoughts to this document. Don’t be shy, all input is needed.
Thank you.
Professional Development Committee
August 2010 Meeting Agenda
1. Goals of the Committee
a. Revise the current professional development framework for the short training module.
b. Provide suggestions for revisions for the longer-version
2. Review obstacles of implementation
a. Time
b. Money
c. Staff resources
d. Technology resource
e. Other – your thoughts or concepts missed from the last meeting
3. Review the train-the trainer short module
a. Identify strengths
b. Identify missing components for revisions
· Should a hybrid component be added for participants to experience as a portion of the training?
4. Identify or incorporate solutions for implementation
5. Plan and develop revision
6. Timeline – so when does the final revision need to be ready?
7. Next meeting
· Is the preference of the group synchronous or asynchronous? Or is face-to-face the preference hosted at the Cape May County Technical School?
Train-the-Trainer Short Module Guide
New Jersey
Assessment for
Proficiency and
NJTAP-IN Train-the-Trainer Short Module Overview
Introduction to the NJTAP-IN Rationale for the Short Module
The New Jersey Technology Assessment for Proficiency and Integration (NJTAP-IN) is a group of tools and implementation strategies that are available to districts for assessing the number of students that are proficient and therefore meet the Core Curriculum Content Standard for Technology (Standard 8). A district may choose any tool to assess their students, but must report the number of students at the end of eighth grade that are technologically proficient. NJTAP-IN rubric is required to determine the definition of proficiency. However, using the NJTAP-IN rubric as an assessment tool is a recommendation—ONLY!
Many modules are being developed to assist districts in assessing Standard 8. This first module is intended to be comprehensive and provide an introduction to the integration of educational technology into instruction. It is designed for any professional developer to utilize in any professional development activity.
If a presenter is unable to attend a Train-the-Trainer session, he or she may obtain this guide on the NJDOE web site or seek assistance from the NJDOE or an Educational Technology Training Center (ETTC).
The term “Trainer” applies to anyone who will be training others on this training guide.
The term “Presenter” applies to the facilitator of the NJTAP-IN content, including but not limited to classroom teachers and/or school administrators.
The term “Turnkey” applies to structured training of at least one person within a district to ensure:
1. Building level support by the principal
2. Technical expertise is available at the building level
3. Training conducted by one person that will train several people within the district and provide support to assist with implementation
Introduction to the “Train-the-Trainer” Short
Technology Integration Module (TIM)
Name: (TIM) Technology Integration Module
Projected time for the delivery: Thirty-five (35) minutes
Demonstrate technology integration to enhance learning while examining Standard 8 and identify how they can be incorporated and assessed with other content areas rather than taught as a disconnected lesson.
Upon completion of this workshop participants will be able to:
1) Analyze past observation or delivery of lessons focusing on any content where technology was integrated to enhance the educational experience
2) Identify how technology integration looks embedded in a lesson
3) Discuss forms of assessments for reporting
You will need the following items to teach this Train-the-Trainer course:
¨ Computer access (one computer with a LCD projector and walk participants through the module steps).
¨ Train-the-Trainer Guide (copies of this Train-the-Trainer Guide may be provided to participants).
¨ TIM PowerPoint
¨ TIM Worksheet
¨ Standard 8 Strands and Cumulative Progress Indicators
¨ Video clip not focused on technology, instead reflecting the integration of technology to enhance learning – an example:
¨ Rubric to evaluate the workshop
¨ Notepaper and pencils
Workshop presenters will model using technology during the workshop without focusing on using the tools, but on effective teaching and learning in the content area. Upon entering the workshop participants should begin with the pre-instructional activity reflecting on past experience. A PowerPoint presentation will be displayed with the focus slide prompting to bring the group together turning the focus to the worksheet.
The delivery strategy is to be student-centered utilizing participants’ knowledge and past experiences. The workshop presenter acts as the facilitator, providing an overview of the intended activity and then guiding the interaction and documenting the findings of group.
TIM Activity Plan
Approximately 40 minutes
¨ Introduction and group discussion bridging past knowledge and experience to current application [5 minutes]
¨ Overview of CCCS Standards 8.1 and 8.2 – For 8.1, focus on integrating technology in the curriculum (refer to handouts) [15 minutes]. For 8.2, focus on putting the standards into practice.
¨ Introduce video clip identifying why it is being viewed, refer to the TIM #1 handout (chart with standards) [2 minutes]
¨ Show the video clip [5 minutes]
¨ Individual work recording observations and standards observed [5 minutes]
¨ Group discussion identifying how technology is integrated to enhance learning, standards observed and possible forms of assessment [5 minutes]
¨ Questions (3 minutes)
TIM Script
Ø The presenter distributes a worksheet designed to bridge past knowledge with the current standards.
Ø The presenter says; “Please review the thought to ponder and projection to the future questions on the worksheet and record your ideas.”
Ø Allow the audience time to reflect and ask for volunteers to share their answers.
Ø Begin by introducing the focus question.
Ø Say: “Review Standard 8 and identify one element that you have used or observed in a lesson delivery.”
Ø Presenter begins with an overview and distribution of Standard 8 - This is a short PowerPoint presentation on the expected outcome of the module including the website reference for the standards. Distribute copies of Standard 8.
Ø Prep for the video clip.
Ø The presenter says to the audience, “Answer the questions on the worksheet – please answer one thing in each box. Record or make a mental note of those areas.”
Ø Presenter shows a video clip where technology is used and not the focus of the lesson (3-5 minutes).
Ø After the clip, say: “What content areas are addressed in the clip? What not-so-obvious content areas are addressed and how are they addressed by the students? Talk with your neighbor for two minutes to share your thoughts on one or two indicators addressed in the video.”
Ø Presenter allows for group work identifying one or two strands observed in the video.
Ø The presenter says: “May I have volunteers to share their answers?” Presenter always repeats answers so that the entire group can hear the responses. Presenter should expect answers similar to: “Mathematics could be addressed because the students had to design animated characters in a 3-D medium.”
Ø Conclude discussion by saying: “It is interesting how many different observations allowed us to identify how technology is integrated to enhance the lesson rather than taught as a disconnected lesson.”
Ø The presenter makes a challenge for next steps in the district and says: “what can you do when you back to your classroom (or the district) to prepare your students to meet Standard 8? For example: There may be an effort to identify the members of your school community to be included in planning and assessing technological literacy. What else?”
Ø The presenter asks for volunteers to report.
Ø Additional resources are provided by the presenter – the Assessing Technological Literacy website - The presenter references the telephone number on the first page of the site that indicates the telephone number to call if assistance is needed.
Ø The presenter says: “Congratulations! You are now ready to identify the link between what you are already doing with the indicators in Standard 8.”
Ø Distribute evaluation forms.
TIM Worksheet
Bridging Past Knowledge to Current Applications
As you enter please review the thought to ponder and projection to the future section below and record your ideas.
Thought to Ponder: In your daily activities how does technology enhance your performance? Is it used independently or embedded to enhance performance, similar to the way lights illuminate a room.
Projection to the future (it has arrived):
Can you identify any employment which does not use technology?
What are educational technological tools that benefit the teacher and student?
Video Activity:
Brief review of the core curriculum standards at:
Standard 1 Visual and Performing Arts
Standard 2 Comprehensive Health and Physical Education
Standard 3 Language Arts Literacy
Standard 4 Mathematics
Standard 5 Science
Standard 6 Social Studies
Standard 7 World Languages
Standard 8 Technology
Standard 9 21st Century Life and Careers
While watching the video of classroom instruction, please fill in the blanks in the table below. After the video refer to the standards to identify at least one in each box.
Focus / Observation / StandardsWhat is the lesson content? / Referring to the core curriculum content standards what area(s) were addressed?
What technology is used to enhance learning? / Review the 8.1 Standard indicators and identify one observed in the video.
Group Discussion:
Review the group observations identifying how technology is integrated to enhance the lesson rather than taught as a disconnected lesson.
What’s next?
Identify the members of your school community to be included in planning and assessing technological literacy.
TIM Workshop Evaluation
Presenter: ______Location: ______Date: ______
CATEGORY / Exemplary / Good / Fair / Needs Improvement / CommentPresenter / The presenter was prepared, knowledgeable about the content and interacted with participants. / The presenter was prepared and knowledgeable about the content, lecturing with limited interaction. / The presenter was knowledgeable about the content, lecturing with limited interaction. / The presenter reviewed the intended content reading from the material.
Relevance / The topic is relevant. I have made connections to past practice and have ideas how to apply for future growth. / The topic is relevant. Ideas are seeded for future growth and development. / The topic is not relevant. I have made connections and will forward the workshop materials to other staff for implementation. / The topic is not relevant resulting in ineffective use of time while attending.
What did you observe used?
Participant Level of Understanding / Understand the topics and additional resources to use. I am ready to turn-key to district staff. / Understand the topic and additional resources to use. I need time to explore and will be ready to turn-key to district staff with-in one month / Understand the topic and additional resources to use. I need time to explore and will be ready to turn-key to district staff with-in 2-3 months / Unsure of how to apply the content or where to go for additional assistance.
Assign an overall workshop rating / Exemplary / Good / Fair / Needs improvement
General Comments
NJ Department of Education
Office of Educational Information Technology
Trenton, NJ 08625-0500