Trailer Hire Agreement Form

Mitre 10 – Port Elliot

ThisTrailer Hire Agreement is made by and between ______, hereby known as ‘Hirer’, and Mitre 10, Port Elliot, hereby known as ‘Owner’.

I, ______, ‘Hirer’, hereby agree to borrowMitre 10, Port Elliot loan trailer for a maximum period of 2 hours dated on ______.

Mitre 10, Port Elliottrailer hire is a courtesy freeservice to anypaying Mitre 10 customershowever;a $20.00 deposit is required whichonly covers*minor trailer damages. (seeterms and conditions below, outlining ‘minor’ damages)

Name of driver towing trailer: / Drivers Licence: / Trailer Rego Plate:
Towing Vehicle Make & Model: / Deposit paid by:
Phone Number: / Towing Vehicle Rego Number: / Max Gross Weight Allowed:750kg with predominate weight at the front of trailer
Mobile Number: / Time taken:
Customer address: / Time returned: / Max Overhang Allowed:1.2 metres using flags

Please read and initial(inside the box) the terms and conditions to this agreement:

I agree the loan trailer will only be used to move goods/items purchased from Mitre 10, Port Elliot and not driven further than 50kms from this premises.
I agree to return the loan trailer to Mitre 10, Port Elliot within the maximum 2 hour time period allowed.
I agreethe towing vehicle is fully registeredand can be driven within South Australia.
I agree to take full responsibility for any and/or all bodily injury or property damage that may occur while the loan trailer is in my possession.
I agree the loan trailer will be properly connected to the towing vehicle and the load of the trailer properly secured.
I agreeto check the trailer’s taillights are fully functioning before driving off with the trailer.
I agree to accept liability forany *minor trailer damage, such as; plug, chain, jockey wheel or tailgate light damage and the deposit will be held as part payment for any damages incurred.
I agree the loan trailer will not be taken on the beach or used for ANY personal use, other than home delivery of purchased goods.
I agree all penalty and traffic infringement fines (such as: exceeding speed limit, red light camera, overloading, unsecured loads, incorrectly loaded and unlawful use) incurred while on loan, will be payable by the ‘hirer’ not the ‘owner’.
The person signing below ‘the Hirer’agrees to be the only driver towing the loan trailer.

I have read and fully understand(by initialling)the terms and conditions outlined above.


(Signature of Hirer/Driver)

/ Mitre 10, Port Elliot * Corner Pt Elliot & Brickyard Road’s Port Elliot * Phone: (08) 8554 2312