- Welcome and Presidential Address
Vice President Mr James Turner opened the Diocesan Conference by welcoming delegates once more to the Pavilion venue nearLlangollen. This year’s theme is “Being Church 24/7” where delegates were asked to consider the vital focus of 2020 Vision on the local communities we are called to serve. Delegates were urged to return their “I can do that” pledge cards recording their commitment to doing one thing to “Unlock their Potential.”
Bishop Gregory’s presidential address reflected onthe migrant crisis over the summer and which continues to dominate the headlines. He highlighted the unique St Michael’s Church in the refugee camp at Calais which was featured in the BBC series Songs of Praise and posed the questions, “What is Church about?, “Which one is most the Church in action?”,“Do we continue with the comfortable or recognise the gritty realism of people’s lives?” and how this impacts on parish life.
- Diocesan Offering presentation – Welsh Air Ambulance
Following a video presentation outlining the excellent work of the Welsh Air Ambulance, as Chair of the 2015 Diocesan Offering Mrs Clare Cameron presented a generous donation to Debra Sima who represented the charity.
- Ecumenical Update
The Reverend Jenny Hurd on behalf of the Commission of the Covenanted Churches in Wales updated the conference on the work which has been carried out since the Commission Gathering in 2013. The next event will be held during summer 2016.
- Training and Funding Opportunities
Parish Funding Officer Tracey White outlined the various training opportunities available for both clergy and laity and urged delegates to take advantage of the courses on offer.
- Diocesan Accounts 2014
Chair of the Diocesan Board of Finance, Mr Clive Myers, was called upon to present the 2014 Diocesan Accounts. The accounts had been circulated to delegates prior to Conference and were also available in the day’s conference packs. Mr Myers highlighted there had been a 1% increase in the total amount of Parish Share requested and the actual income increased by 0.2%. The Parish Share Discount Scheme continued for a second year and over 84% of our parishes qualified for the discount. The diocese remains largely dependent on the £1.147million block grant from the Representative Body, some 28% of the diocesan income and we remain grateful for that support. The value of diocesan investments increased by 12%, new investment opportunities being identified but interest rates on bonds and cash holdings remaining low.
When all the Welsh dioceses compared their Parish Share arrears figures, St Asaph has the lowest percentage of arrears both on 2014 share payable and when looking at longer term arrears. The Parish Share component of debtors figure has reduced from £443,455 at the end of 2013 to £377,458 at the end of 2014 – a decrease of 15%.
Expenditure has been managed carefully and the year finished with a -5.5% on the budgeted level. Clergy costs, including housing, continue to represent a large amount of total expenditure, some 80% during this financial period. Clergy stipends increased by 2.5% and clergy housing contributions by 2.7%, both above the Parish Share increase of 1%. Savings were also made in the Developing Steering Group budget due to the low number of ordinands in training and savings on the triennial Clergy Residential School. An underspend on clergy costs was recorded as there had been a number of retirements during 2014.
In summary, with strong financial management and a number of clergy inter-regna, a surplus of £281,096 was recorded and this will be used to matchfund the Transformation Fund without making further demand on our parishes and to support other initiatives in growth. It also allows some budgeting flexibility in 2016 and overall, the outcome looks to be very good.
Mr Myers presented an illustration outlining the surplus/deficit trend from 2004-2014; the total of surpluses over the last three years being £775k. This provides the £500k needed to matchfund the RB contribution to the Transformation Fund.
The Chair invited questions or comments. Mr Myers referred delegates to the Diocesan stand in the Christian Marketplace where both he and the Diocesan Finance Officer, Mr Graham Walker, would be on hand to answer in depth any queries raised.
The 2014 Diocesan Accounts were carried by a show of hands.
- Diocesan Budget 2016
The 2016 Budget was circulated to members via their pre-conference mailing and also presented to delegates attending Conference. The expected income will be £4,582,258, a +0.4% increase on the 2015 budget. Parish Share remains the largest source of income representing 68% of the income after accounting for the discount scheme. We remain dependent on the block grant from the RB which in 2016 remains the same level as last year, ie £1,063,122, representing 23% of our income. The RB also provided a grant of £166,667 to the Transformation Fund, which is used to support new initiatives supporting 2020 Vision.
Expenditure is expected to be around £4,901,013, a +3.7% increase on the 2015 budget. This includes a 1.8% increase in clergy stipends and a 2.0% increase in Parsonage Board costs. Other expenditure includes the £166,667 received from the RB and £166,667 funded from diocesan reserves to be added to the Transformation Fund. We are committed to spend this money out in the parishes and Mission Areas and represents 7% of diocesan expenditure in 2016. Clergy costs are based on a figure of 75 stipendiary clergy, 6 training curacies and 1 training officer for the year. Clergy recruitment remains a priority as many of our current clergy approach retirement age. Financial resources will continue to be devoted to clergy recruitment in order to avoid lengthy inter-regna.
In summary, the budget deficit for 2016 will be £318,755 with no overall increase in Parish Share. The Parish Share discount scheme will increase to 4% for parishes which pay in full and on time. A discount of 2% will be offered to all parishes which pay their Share in full by the end of the first week in January 2017.
Conference was asked to receive the 2016 Budget and this was carried by a show of hands.
Mr Clive Myers was thanked for his reports.
- Annual Report of the Diocese of St Asaph
Questions arising from the Annual Report had been circulated in advance of Conference and were answered by Bishop Gregory on inter-regna and clergy recruitment; Tracey White on training opportunities for clergy; Chancellor Canon Pam Powell on Transition Ministry and Mission Areas; and Sarah Wheat, Diocesan Engagement Officer on Transition Funding projects.
- Same Sex Relationships Update
Bishop Gregory addressed Conference on the discussions which had taken place earlier in the year relating to the Same Sex Marriage consultations held across the Province. In St Asaph, 21% of those who took part in the consultation process recorded they did not want to see any change in the church’s teaching or practice; 29% did not wish to see any change and only if they needed to and 50% registered they wished to see some sort of change but undecided about the type of change they wanted to see. In other dioceses, some were firmly in favour of a change whereas others were firmly against. At the September Governing Body meeting, an excellent and often passionate debate was held with 34 speakers and all viewpoints aired. An indicative vote was held via the three houses in order to see what the bishops, clergy and laity believed on this issue. A majority vote for change of some 53% was recorded but it was felt that this figure showed there was not sufficient support to secure a change in legislation. A two thirds majority in each of the houses would be required in order to secure a change in legislation The October Bench of Bishops will debate these figures and where the Church in Wales moves to next on this matter.
Bishop Gregory took a small number of questions on this subject.
The Chair announced the break for lunch.
- Presentation of The Order of St Asaph
The Diocesan Standing Committee had agreed the office of The Order of St Asaph as a way of honouring and celebrating outstanding service to the diocese by leading lay members of the diocesan family. Admission to the Order celebrates outstanding and distinctive contributions made to the witness of the Church in this diocese. Chair of the Advisory Panel, the Very Reverend Nigel Williams, Dean of St Asaph, invited this year’s recipients to be presented with their medals by Bishop Gregory. The list of those receiving the medal this year can be found in the diocesan Yearbook.
- Unlocking our Potential – stories from across the diocese
Bishop Gregory gave a vote of thanks to Mr James Turner who was standing down at the end of his triennium as Vice President of the Diocesan Conference. A new group of Vice Presidents had been agreed at the Diocesan Standing Committee in September, these being The Reverend Martin Batchelor, The Reverend Sarah Errington and Dr Hilary Murray. Reverend Martin chaired the afternoon session by introducing a video presentation of inspirational stories from across the diocese highlighting the existing good work underway on various projects. Delegates were asked to take copies of the video back to their parishes via a USB memory stick in their conference packs so that those unable to be present could benefit from this presentation.
- Keynote address
Reverend Martin invited Mandy Harvey of the Cinnamon Network to address conference on her work as the Network’s Ambassador for Wales. Mandy works as part of the leadership team of Parklands Church in Swansea and is co-ordinator for Swansea Hope. She is also a Vice-President of Gweini which represents the Christian Voluntary sector in Wales. The full content of Mandy’s address is available on a Conference 2015 DVD which will be issued to all mission areas and deaneries.
- Vote of thanks - Bishop Gregory
Bishop Gregory was invited to offer a vote of thanks to Mandy Harvey who was presented with a small gift and a bouquet. The bishop concluded by saying he felt there was a consistent message running through the conference to get out and get on with the task of mission, of unlocking our potential, of using the resources we already have, of harnessing the motivation, of realising our potential, of exploring and developing our ideas and most importantly doing so in the knowledge that God is by our side. Finally he paid tribute to the Diocesan Secretary and her Conference Planning team who had worked so hard to ensure the smooth-running of the event.
- Conference Worship – St Asaph Youth Forum
Bishop Gregory handed over to the Youth Officer Tim Feak and the St Asaph Youth Forum who lead the act of Worship.