Status of the SAE communication standards
New version of J2735™ was published March 2016
This SAE Standard specifies a message set, and its data frames and data elements specifically for use by applications intended to utilize the 5.9 GHz Dedicated Short Range Communications for Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (DSRC/WAVE, referenced in this document simply as “DSRC”), communications systems. Although the scope of this Standard is focused on DSRC, this message set, and its data frames and data elements have been designed, to the extent possible, to also be of potential use for applications that may be deployed in conjunction with other wireless communications technologies. This Standard therefore specifies the definitive message structure and provides sufficient background information to allow readers to properly interpret the message definitions from the point of view of an application developer implementing the messages according to the DSRC Standards.
J2945/0 Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) Minimum Performance Requirements
(also called “base” or “slash zero”).
This standard will establish systems engineering principles for the J2945 suite of standards. SAE J2945/0 will provide guidance on how to read and interpret the J2945/x family of documents to assist standards based deployments and procurement processes.Currently in committee ballot.
J2945/1 On-board Minimum Performance Requirements for V2V Safety Systems
This standard will set the minimum performance requirements and the standard features used on the interface required to establish interoperability between on-board units for V2V safety systems. Published March 2016
J2945/2 DSRC Requirements for V2V Safety Awareness
DSRC interface requirements for V2V Safety Awareness applications, including detailed Systems Engineering documentation (needs and requirements mapped to appropriate message exchanges). Currently – Work In Progress
J2945/6 Performance Requirements for Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control and Platooning
This standard defines the data exchange will be necessary for coordinated maneuvers and that definition of the categories should start with differentiating Platooning and CACC, then determining message sets and performance to realize cooperative vehicles. It is an important step in realizing the role of vehicle-to-x communication with automated vehicles. Currently – Work In Progress
J2945/9 Performance Requirements for Safety Communications to Vulnerable Road Users
To determine Vulnerable Road User use cases enabled by Cooperative ITS. To identity relevant SAE DSRC Technical Committee standardization activities and define output support VRU applications. To make recommendations for performance levels, links to existing standards and as necessary, embark on new standard development. Currently in committee ballot.
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