Tracy Elementary School AFG Update Review

Tracy Implementation Team

(B. Steckel, L. Fisher, A. Dolak, K. Pasquel, P. Cinoa, Jennifer Schultz, Ellen Manchester, Karen Borghi, Jackie Mogilski, Cathy Kitzhoffer, Lisa Broderick, Amy Dickert, Charlene Kocher)


AFG Tracy Elementary School Math Committee

The following changes were made in the Mathematics Action Plan at Tracy Elementary School: Grades 2, 3 and 4 are in the implementation stages of the Fastt Math which is a software program that increases basic fact fluency and automaticity. Teachers will be implementing it in their classrooms 3 times per week. Teachers will be trained to use the “new” Math Investigations program. It is a program that is utilizes the constructivist approach in the teaching of mathematics. Teachers will be trained to integrate math throughout the curriculum. Teachers are continuing to focus on math anchors and eligible content. Curriculum and pacing guides reflect Pennsylvania state standards, anchors, and eligible content. Professional development has been dedicated to data-driven decision making using various assessments (local district pre and post tests, quarterly benchmarks, 4 Sight Benchmark Assessments, and PSSA). The elementary report card continues to evolve and change. The current scoring system (1-4) for proficiency is being reviewed. In order to attain district consistency, it is imperative that this issue be resolved by the 2008-2009 school year. The SRA Number Worlds Intervention program was adopted as the district –wide math intervention program. It is being implemented for third and fourth grade at-risk students.

AFG Tracy Elementary School Literacy Committee

Teachers at Tracy are analyzing data from literacy assessments (DRA, DIBELS, 4 Sight, Fresh Reads). They are establishing grade-level literacy goals, and they are implementing instructional strategies and programmatic intervention. A full-time reading coach and a part-time RtI teacher have been hired. However, there is still a need to address the academic needs of the at-risk student population in grades 3 and 4.

AFG Tracy Elementary School Citizenship Committee

The following activities were added to the Action Plan: The Crime Victim’s Council has held assemblies for grades 1 and 3 educating students in personal safety. At Tracy, professional development has been provided targeting academic and language diversity. Tracy has school-wide behavior expectation system in place. Wellness activities permeate Tracy Elementary School’s professional and learning atmosphere. The health fair, “Walking Works”, “Chart your Heart,” “Weight Watchers”, and “Walkers Club” are current activities that staff and students participate in to promote wellness. The district-wide guidelines for healthy eating are being implemented.

Tracy Elementary School AFG Update Review

Tracy Implementation Team

(B. Steckel, L. Fisher, A. Dolak, K. Pasquel, P. Cinoa, Jennifer Schultz, Ellen Manchester, Karen Borghi, Jackie Mogilski, Cathy Kitzhoffer, Lisa Broderick, Amy Dickert, Charlene Kocher)


AFG Tracy Elementary School Standards Based Teams

The recommendations for STANDARD #1 were discussed and it was decided that in order to make the mission statement known to students, it will be of best practice to continuously incorporate the reading of the mission statement sometime throughout the school day. In regards to STANDARD #2, Acting Superintendent, Joseph Kish and Director of Pupil Services, Guy Greenfield have been visible within Tracy School.

In regards to STANDARD #3, the class sizes at Tracy School are too high and the reducing of numbers needs to stay as an initiative. Class sizes currently consist of the following: grade 4 – over 25, grade 3 – at 25, grade 2 – 25.6 and grade 1 – 24. Additional classroom space is still needed as part of the Facilities Utilization Plan. The ratio of students to guidance counselor is still not appropriate. There is a need for additional guidance counselor. Tracy School is still in need of reading support in grades 3 and 4. A full-time reading coach is present but two part-time support staff was not reinstated.

In regards to STANDARD #4, due to the fact that Tracy School does not have Title I support, we are in need of specialists/coaches for at risk students; as a result this will be reviewed annually. Tracy School is exploring the possibility of study skills being embedded into the curriculum across lower grade levels. More time is needed to implement the vertical/horizontal curriculum. It is recommended that a checklist of technology skills benchmarks be created.

In regards to STANDARD #5, the EASD alert system should be changed to include parents. The CTC provides training needed for new technology applications. According to the annual review the upgraded cable service was to be addressed during the summer of 2007 however, at this time it has not. In regards to STANDARD #6, most of Tracy School special education students continue to be pulled out for support. Our handbook does not indicate how parents should express bus stop safety concerns. STANDARD #7, no changes.

According to the STANDARD #8 report, a more definite plan needs to be established to plan for replacing the furniture in the school that has become a safety issue. Air conditioning needs to be installed throughout the school. Additional parking is needed at Tracy School for staff and visitors.

The recommendations for STANDARD #9 are met with the exception of the fire alarms being connected directly to 911. Also the first phase of the fencing at the playground is complete and we are awaiting notification of when the second and third phase will occur. Links to healthy resources will be added to Tracy web home page. STANDARD #10 – no changes.

In regards to STANDARD #11, grade 1 administered a cognitive abilities test and it was not certain if it will be continued for the 07-08 school year.

In regards to STANDARD #12, the special education staff are not receiving data and would like access to retrieving data and grade level goals in order to follow through on goal setting.