· Everything you need to know
· Who does what and when!
· Fees for services taken
1 Travelling Expenses
2 Eligibility for Locum Fees
3 Claiming Reimbursement
The Diocese of Chelmsford
Interregnum Procedures
2 The Gazette September 1998
During an interregnum, the Church-wardens of the parish are responsible for accounting to the Diocesan Office for the collection and payment of fees which are, under normal circumstances, the responsibility of the incumbent. Fees which are payable to the PCC (for marriages, funerals etc) are not affected by this requirement.
(i) Who is eligible?
ONLY locums who are retired stipendiary clergy and have the Bishop’s permission to officiate.
Stipendiary clergy are not entitled to receive locum fees because their annual income is maintained at a fixed rate by the Diocese. Self-Supporting Ministers (SSM’s) and Readers are voluntary and unpaid and are not entitled to a fee for their services.
(ii) How much is payable?
For services which are part of the regular pattern of worship within the parish, the current (2011) fee payable to each eligible locum is:
Per service £28.50
Maximum for one day £57.00
NB: this changes each year,
because it is fixed at a rate of half of
the incumbent’s fee for a funeral service in church - see Table of Parochial Fees available from the C of E website.
(iii) Travelling expenses of all locums should be met. We suggest that these be paid at the ‘Inland Revenue Allowable Rate’ (currently 45p per mile). These expenses remain the responsibility of the PCC during an interregnum.
The PCC Treasurer should pay the locum fees and detail those eligible for reimbursement on the front of the ‘Monthly Expenses Statement’ (Part A).
Locum fees eligible for reimbursement are those incurred for regular Sunday services; and for one weekday service where the parish has been accustomed to weekday celebrations of Holy Communion, from the official vacancy commencement date as on your letter.
Other weekday services will not qualify, except for such special occasions as Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension Day, Christmas, Patronal and Dedication Festivals.
OCCASIONAL SERVICES (Part B) During an interregnum, fees may be earned from occasional services like weddings and funerals.
Officiants are not generally entitled to fees, so that part of each fee ‘payable towards the stipend of the incumbent’ (see Table of Parochial Fees) should be passed by the Officiant to the Treasurer in full.
However, an eligible locum may keep two thirds of this fee ‘as remuneration. The remaining third should be handed to the Treasurer.
The Treasurer should note these fees received on the back of the ‘Monthly Expenses Statement’ (Part B).
NB Travelling expenses should be met by the wedding party/funeral director.
Part C of the ‘Monthly Expenses Statement’ should be completed, signed and sent to the Diocesan Office for reimbursement (or with a cheque if fees received exceed those paid out). Replacement forms are sent on request, or can be downloaded – see Claim Form for details. .
2 The Gazette September 1998
If you need any further information or additional forms please contact:
Mrs Debbie Humphreys, Finance Dept, Diocesan Office, 53 New Street, Chelmsford CM1 1AT.
Tel: 01245 294473 email:
2 The Gazette September 1998