TraCS Florida – Database Setup Instructions

1.  Download the latest installation package from downloads section of Press Sign In. Your ID is your work email. If you don’t have a password or forgot it, press Forgot Password. If your email is not in our system, request it be added by emailing .

2.  Under the Agency Download portion of the website you will find the most current install package along with your agency serial number.

3.  After downloading the most current installation package, run the MSI. Do not change any defaults. Please note you must be an administrator to run the installer.

4.  When the installation is complete, sign into the Configuration Manager. Your default log-in credentials are as follows:

§  UserID: 00001

§  Password: tracs

5.  Change the Security Mode to ‘Global – Read Only’

6.  Press the ‘Enter Serial Number’ button. The Serial Number = 919283748.

7.  Go to c:\programdata\tracs\dbdata and find the SQL script called ‘TraCS10_8_0_full.sql’

8.  Create a database in TraCS called ‘TraCS10’ and run the script from #7 against the TraCS10 database.

9.  In the Database Connection editor, press ‘Add’ button and type in ‘DataForExternal’ for Name and SQL Server for Database Type.

10.  Enter the credentials required to Read/Write against the SQL database for the Data, Users, and DataForExternal connection strings.

11.  Press ‘Test’ and ensure the below box appears, which confirms a successful connection.

Note: If the test will not connect successfully then use this configuration checklist:

12.  Take note of the path where the encrypted database connection file is location that contains the database connection settings, go to this path, and make a copy of the file, and email it to TraCS. We will put on our server as part of your agency’s “update package” so that all machines that have or will have TraCS will automatically download this file.

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