TW3 Office Transformation: Final review report Author: Jo Baxter
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: As part of the supporting people through change process, a review of learning has been completed for each of the 3 main bases. This final report for the County Hall element of the Office Transformation programme andincorporates finding from the following mechanisms:
- Part one: TW3 Programme Team Review – Mar 09
- Part two: Comparative results of the County Hall post implementation survey
- Part three: Open space session held with members of strategic groups across sites
It is recognised within the review that a number of elements helped ensure successful implementation of the Office Transformationacross all sites which we recommend are incorporated into the approach for any future implementation programmes. The main implementation learning points for all sites were as follows:
•Working with Directors to develop a clear endorsed vision
•Early engagement of local leads, managers and staff
•Clear co-ordination of tasks & agreed project mechanisms
•Early identification and mitigation of risks
•A holistic approach delivered by a cohesive cross functional team
•Putting in place a structured Change Management Programme
•Active departmental involvement, ownership & sign up
•Ongoing reviews and incorporating learning actions into the approach
•Allowing enough time to prepare
•Allowing enough time for change to embed
It is noted that the County Hall site had a different physical start and end point to Apsley and Stevenage. This context helps to explain the statistical differences for County Hall when comparing the experience of the move and physical location to other sites. The degree of refurbishment has also had an effect on the statistics and morale of staff, particularly when responding to questions specifically related to the building design and infrastructure. When comparing County Hall with itself pre and post implementation however, statistical improvements can be seen.
A key finding from the review is that culturally, all 3 sites have reached a similar degree of cultural change (around 47% take up) in terms of adopting the ways of working, regardless of their physical differences. This could be the cultural ‘tipping point’ for staff to either revert back to old working practices or for the wider organisation to adopt the ways of working and achieve the associated benefits.
The consistent TW3 learning actions from both the review and the open space session with strategic group cross representatives were as follows:
•Directors, AD and management’s role in keeping the TW3 values and vision alive
•Consistent take up of protocols and ways of working
•Managing space and space allocation
•Further utilisation of ICT
•Overcoming cultural barriers to flexible working
Enabling the above could result in significant benefits in line with those highlighted in the TW3 business case.
PART ONE: TW3 Programme Team Review – Mar 09
In March 2009, the TW3 programme team met to review ‘What’s gone well’, ‘What hasn’t gone well’ and to subsequently identify required learning actions.
A detailed report from the review was distributed after the group session. To follow are the headlines from the report:
What Went Well
To follow are the consistent themes from the review that staff felt went well and therefore should be incorporated into future programmes of work:
- Effective leadership, programme management mechanisms and a cohesive multi disciplined team
- Full input and engagement of departmental leads
- Well co-ordinated and planned moves process with good support from the FM team
- Comprehensive training and support for staff to engage in the transformation
- Utilising staff experiences in wider staff briefing/communication
- Using a variety of communication channels
- Good implementation of and supported ICT
- Reduction of paper generated and stored
What Didn’t Go Well
The consensus for the top 3 ‘live’ issues were as follows:
- Car parking at County Hall
- Clarity regarding FM changes on site
- Consistent implementation of protocols
A summary of other ‘How to’s (focusing on ‘live issues’ only) are to follow:
- How to ensure the programme of works for the old block at County Hall are clarified and communicated and expectations managed
- How to ensure appropriate break out areas are implemented at County Hall - Centrally & Locally
- How to ensure snagging issues are identified and promptly resolved?
- How to ensure outstanding issues are resolved?
- How to ensure the barriers are implemented and communicated to staff?
Facilities Management
- How to ensure historic issues are resolved?
- How to ensure that facilities are provided that support the new ways of working?
- How to clarify the cleaning works - scope and time table
- How to ensure desktops are available at all touchdowns?
- How to ensure there are sufficient RBA licenses to enable flexible working opportunities?
- How to ensure telephony opportunities and training are equitable for all at County Hall?
Filing & Storage
- How to identify further storage areas at County hall?
- How to ensure all staff (including non movers) are adopting best practise around storage?
Transport & Travel
- How to ensure the car share scheme/system is implemented and communicated to staff?
- How to ensure that there is accurate perception of the travel and transport role within the business?
Health & Safety
- How to ensure there is sufficient fire safety at County Hall?
- How to ensure there is departmental financial support to fully utilise available ICT?
- How to minimise impact of limited refurbishment on staff morale and attitudes?
- How to overcome resistance to change?
What Next Time:
To follow is a summary of learning actions identified by business owners to address the ‘How to’ statements:
- Ensure we communicate to staff regarding the programme of works in the ‘old block’ at County Hall
- Ensure we develop further break out areas in the banking hall, ballroom and refurbished areas. The restaurant will also be redesigned with more, smaller tables to accommodate increased levels.
- Ensure Mouchel address the air balancing issues
- Ensure we communicate updates regarding the implementation of barriers to staff
Facilities Management
- Ensure communication of provision of bins will be increased
- Ensure changes to the cleaning contract are advertised
- Ensure appropriate desktop arrangements are available at touchdowns
- Ensure ICT requests follow business as usual process and be managed by the requesters business unit manager
Filing & Storage
- Ensure that rolling records audits of business units, around records and storage, with an action plan drawn up for the individual unit. The records management service will do this at the request of business units or departments
Transport & Travel
- Ensure communication is in place to promote the car sharescheme
Departmental/Service & Change management
- Ensure departmental leads continue to champion and drive the cultural change through links with boards and strategic group.
- Ensure that team plans incorporate the TW3 principles
Number of respondents for each survey:
- Apsley 1 post move survey = 96 respondent (approx 19%)
- Apsley 2 post move survey = 93 respondents (approx 18%)
- Stevenage pre move survey = 288 respondents (approx 19%)
- Stevenage post move survey = 446 respondents (approx 29%)
- County Hall pre move survey = 324 respondents (approx 17%)
- County Hall post move survey =409 respondents (approx 21%)
County HallPost Move Survey-Comparison withStevenage, Apsley 1 & Apsley 2
- How well do you feel you have been kept informed about the County Hall office transformation and the changes to the way you will be expected to work Nearly 50% of County Hall respondents answered excellent/good as to how well they felt informed. An improvement on Apsley 1, but a reduction compared to Apsley 2 and Stevenage. 11% scored this as poor, on par with the average response across the sites.
- How well did your manager keep you informed about 'The Way We Work' A total of 60% of respondents scored their manager as keeping them informed as excellent or good, 5% less than the average across other sites. 7% scored their manager as poor – this is on par with the average across all sites.
- How well do you feel you were supported in the preparation for your move to/within County Hall? 32% of internal/external movers (respondents) scored how well they felt they were supported prior to the move as excellent/good. 42% of potential respondents did not respond. 5% scored the support as poor – on par with the average across the sites.
- Are you aware of the County Hall User Group? 40% of respondents are aware of the County Hall User group – 18 less than the average across the sites.
- Please tick the support processes you have found most helpful: The support processes staff scored highest for excellent/good were: Team meetings, supervision, 1:1 consultation, weekly email updates and ICT floorwalkers. The support processes that staff scored the lowest in the poor category were: ICT floorwalkers, Telephony training and weekly email updates.
- How well timed was the training you received? 75% of external movers (respondents) thought the timing of the training was good/satisfactory, 1% less than the average across all sites.
- How easy was it to gain access to the training/workshops you feel you needed? 63% of external movers rated the ease of gaining access to training/workshops as good/satisfactory – 15% less than the average across the sites.
- Have your learning and development needs associated with the move been met? 68% of respondents felt their learning and development needs had been met, 15% lower than the average across the sites.
•32% of people are working toward a clear desk policy (45% Stevenage)
•39% of people are working flexibly (44% Stevenage)
•42% of people are reducing the amount of paper generated and stored (43% Stevenage)
•35% of respondents are using voicemail (43% Stevenage)
•40% of people are working in new ways post transformation (45% Stevenage)
- How useful was the information handed out to you on your first day at County Hall? 35% of external movers (respondents) scored the information provided to them on their first day as Excellent/Good, 24% less than the average for other sites. 33% scored the information as poor.
- "Was it easy to find information about the transformation at County Hall and The Way We Work?" 51% did not answer whether they found it easy to find information about the transformation at County Hall. 14% said no, 2& higher than the average across all sites.
- How useful have you found Connect? Nearly 50% of respondents did not answer how helpful they found Connect. 27% found it to be excellent/good, and 4% felt it to be poor.
- Do you think you had enough contact with the move contractor & relocation coordinator Peter Cox? 56% of internal and external movers (respondents) felt they had enough contact with the move contractor & Peter Cox – Only 2% less than the average across the sites.
- At the time of the relocation, did you know what to do & when to do it? 84% of internal and external movers (respondents) said they did know what to do at the time of relocation – A high number, but 4% less than the average across the sites.
- How useful were the relocation instructions you received? 55% of internal and external movers (respondents) scored the relocation instructions as Excellent/Good – Practically on par with the average across sites.
- Compared to other moves, how well organised was your move to/within County Hall Compared to other moves, 49% of external/internal movers (respondents) scored the move as Excellent/Good – 5% less than the average across the sites.
- Were all your files delivered to your work areas? 83% of internal/external movers (respondents) said their work files were delivered to their work area- 2% less than the average across the sites.
- How effectively were issues dealt with when they arose? 39% of internal/external movers (respondents) answered excellent/good as to how effectively they felt their issues were dealt with when they arose. 11% answered poor – 4% higher than the average across the sites.
- Overall, was the actual relocation experience better or worse than expected? 68% of internal/external movers (respondents) felt the relocation experience was better than anticipated. 20% of respondents felt it was worse than anticipated – 7% more than the average across the sites.
- Generally, do you like your new base? 43% of external movers (respondents) like their new base – A reduction of 36% compared to the average across the sites.
- How do you rate the restaurant and café facilities? 45% of external movers (respondents) rated the restaurant and café facilities as excellent/good – 6% less than the average across the sites. Only 7% scored the facilities as poor – An improvement compared to the results for other sites.
- How do you rate the break out facilities? Only 4% of external movers (respondents) rated the break out areas as excellent/good – a reduction of 51% compared to the average across the other sites. 55% of external movers (respondents) rated the break out areas as poor.
- To what extent have the things that you hoped would be provided been provided? 31% of external movers (respondents) scored the extent to which things they expected to be provided in the building have been provided as excellent/good. A reduction of 27% compared with the average across the sites.
- How well have any concerns you had about the building before you moved been addressed? 29% of external movers (respondents) scored how well their concerns about the building before the move were addressed as excellent/good. A reduction of 19% compared to the average across the sites.
- Are you aware there is a vision statement for The Way We Work? 9% more respondents are aware of the TW3 vision and content than before the transformation.
- Are you aware of The Way We Work programme and why it needs to happen? 6% more respondents are aware of the TW3 objectives and why it needs to happen
- Are you aware of the flexible working options available to you at HCC? 3% less respondents are aware of the flexible working options available, however the total is still high at 85%
- Do you work a standard Monday to Friday 9-5 week? 9% less people (43%) are working a standard 9-5, Monday to Friday week post transformation
- Do you currently work remotely? A surprising statistic is that 20% less people answered that they work remotely post the transformation compared to prior to the transformation. This reduction may, however, be partly due to individuals defining themselves as ‘always in’ in order to have a static desk – As highlighted by respondents in their text comments.
- Do you currently use your electronic diary? Half of the respondents did not answer whether they use an electronic diary. 7% said they did not use their electronic diary – A relatively low number and a positive reduction compared to 15% that answered no prior to the transformation.
- Do you know which drive you should store personal information & which drive you should store shared information? Half of the respondents did not answer this question. However only 4% answered no – a positive reduction compared to 10% that answered no prior to the transformation.
- Are you aware of the ICT acceptable use policy? Half of the respondents did not answer this question. However only 3% answered no – a positive reduction compared to 5% that answered no prior to the transformation.
The top 3 themes from the text responses are as follows:
Ways Of Working
•Desk share/Desk allocation
•Inconsistent take up of the ways of working
•Concerns regarding noise in open plan areas
•Unhappy with waste bin & plant removal
•Unclear of benefits of clear desk
Building & Facilities
•Air conditioning
•Cleanliness, maintenance & Décor
•Toilet facilities
•Requests for further support
•RBA issues
•Electronic diaries
•Telephony issues
Other themes included:
•Relocation: Relocation area unclean/maintenance issues, furniture not relocated/fit for purpose
•Car Parking: Concerns especially around impact on flexible working
•Communication: Inadequate information & difficult to find information on Connect
•Flexible working: Cultural barriers to working flexibly, in particularly, location flexibility.
Further to the comparative survey results for County Hall being presented to the County Hall strategic group, an open space session was held with members from strategic groups across all 3 sites. The theme of the session was:
What opportunities does The Way We Work provide that could benefit you, your teams and the services in which you deliver?
Attendees firstly identified and presented to the wider group ideas/issues related to TW3 they would like to discuss. Attendees then signed themselves up for these discussions, which were self facilitated, and noted their outputs. Outputs were thenprioritised by attendees who subsequently ‘signed up’ where they would like to assist in taking the actions forward.
To follow are the top 5 themes that emerged from the session along with the number of votes from the group for each theme:
•How do we ensure management ownership for all things TW3? (20)
•What can Directors and AD’s do to keep the TW3 values and vision live? (15)
•Managing space and space allocation (13)
•How do we ensure consistent policies are applied across all sites? (12)
•One size fits all? (9)
Other themes included: Making the best use of technology, overcoming barriers to flexible working, venues to meet clients and retaining team identify.