TrackingNarrative Language Progress (TNL-Pr)
Gillam& Gillam (2010)
StoryGrammarElement / Description / Examples / Description / Examples / Description / Examples / Description / Examples / Total
SaltCode =CH / 0Points:Nomain characteris included,or only ambiguous pronounsare used. / “Theywere walking.”
“Sheand him were walking.”
Somebody iswalking. / 1Point: Includesat leastonemain character
usingnon- specific labels (pronouns,
(“the”or“a”). / “Oncethere was aboywalking.”
“Theboywaswalking.” / 2Points: Includesat least1main character usinga “name”for thecharacter.
Note:Only codeeach characteronetime. / “Oncethere wasaboy named Charles.” / 3points: Includesmore than1main character
(name). / “Therewas aboy named Charles,a girlnamed
Connie,and amom named Jody.”
*Settingelementsmayoccuranywhereinthestory. / 0Points:
Noreference toaspecific timeorplace. / “Theboy andthegirl were walking.” / 1Point: Includes referencetoa generalplace ortime
(*not necessarily relatedtoa“story”) / “Theboyand thegirlwere outside.”
“Thespace shipcame fromouterspace.” / 2points:
1referenceto aspecific placeortime inthesame story.
(*mustbe related specificallytothestory). / “Oncethere wasaboy andagirl walkingin CentralPark.” / 3points: Includes2or more referencesto specific placesand/or times(inthe samestory). / “Last weektherewasa boyanda girlwalking inCentralPark.They livedin Logan.”
SaltCode=IE Eventthatmotivates/elicitsaction“startsthestory”
*Note:TheIEmustbe explicitlystatedbythechild,notinferredbythescorer. / 0Points:
Aproblemor “starting” eventisnot stated. / “Thegirl lookedat theboy. Theboy andgirl were walkingin thepark. Theboyis nexttoa car.There isatree.”
Note: Description ofpicture with no motivating event tostart the story.. / 1Point: Includesat leastone eventor problemthat doesnot
motivate/elicit anaction
fromthe character. / “Aspaceshiplandedinthe park(potential initiating event).There werealiens laughinganda dogrunning andatable and....(no action/attempts relatedto potentialIE)” / 2points: Includesat leastone eventor problemthat elicitsan active
responsefrom the character(s). / “A spaceship landedin thepark (IE). The girlran(A) outtosay “hi’tothe aliens.” / 3points:
2ormoreIE’s inonestory (complex episode). / “A spaceship landedin thepark (IE).The girlran(A) outtosay “hi’to them.They became friends(C). Then,the spaceship caughton fire(IE). Theyranto getsome water.”
(eg.,afraid,surprised, happy,excited,sad; NOT“liked”“hadfun”)
*Note:Adjectiveor adverbthatexpressesa mentalstaterelatedtoemotion / 0Points: Thereareno feelings, desiresor thoughts explicitly stated / “Thegirl andboy sawthe aliensland andthey ranoutto meet them.” / 1Point:
Wordsareused thatdescribe feelingsthatare not directlyrelatedtotheIE. / “Theboysaw aspaceship landinthe park(IE). Therewasa happydog.” / 2points:Onefeeling, desire,or thoughtofthe characterare explicitly statedand relatetotheIE.
(OnestatedIR) / “The spaceship landed (IE).The girlwas afraid(IR) ofmeeting
thealiens.” / 3points:
Twoormore feelings, desiresor thoughtsare explicitly statedand relatetothe
(2ormore statedIRs). / “The spaceship landed.The girlwas excitedto meetthe aliens.She washappywhenthey greetedher nicely.”
Keywords:wanted, thought,decided, pondered,considered / 0Points:
Nostatement isprovided aboutthe character’s plantosolve theproblem. / Thealiens landed. Thegirl ranoutto
meetthem. / 1point:
Use“gonna, goingto”ora cognitive/mental stateverbNOT relatedtohow thecharacter
mayreacttothe IE.The statementis NOTdirectly
relatedtotheIE. / “Thegirl decidedto haveapicnic withher brother.” / 2points: Thereisone statement abouthowthe charactermay reacttothe
IE.The statementis directly relatedtothe IE. / “The spaceship camedown (IE).The alienscame out(A).
Thegirl wantedto go(P)meet them.” / 3points: Thereare2or more statements abouthowthe characters
mayreactto thesameor different(if complex episode)IEs. / “The aliens landed. The girl decidedtogomeet
them.Sheran overandsaid, “Hi.”Theboy thoughthe wouldsneak away.He
andnoone sawhimgo.”
Note:Cognitivestate verbsNOTincluded (thought,decided, wanted) / 0Points:
Noactionsare takenbythe main character(s) (noaction verbs containedin thestory). Basically,a seriesof random descriptions. / “Thereis a girl. There is aboy.It issunny.” / 1point: Actionsare takenbythe main character(s)that arenotdirectly relatedtothe
(Descriptive actions) / “The spaceship landed.The boyandthe girlwere goingtoa park.” / 2Points:
Oneormore actionsis takenbythe main character(s) thatIS directly relatedtothe IE. / “The spaceship ofaliens landedin thepark (IE).The girlranout tomeet them.She wentup andsaid, “Hi.” / 3Points:
Theaddition ofa complicating actionthat interfereswith the
character’s actionsin responseto theIE. / “Thealiens landedinthe park(IE).The girlwantedto betheirfriend (P).She walkedover
tosayhi(A). Theysnarledather(Complication). Sheranhome totellher parentswhat happened
Outcomeof attempt/actionrelatedto IE;Actionthat“ends” theepisodeorbringsittoalogicalconclusion(mayalsobetheIEfor
afollowingepisode). / 0Points:
Nooutcome ofthe action/attempt isexplicitly stated. / “The spaceship landed(IE). Thealiens gotout(A). Theboy
*Aninternal response maynot serveasa
consequence. / 1point: One consequence withnoIE.
The consequence islinkedonly toanaction. / “Thegirlran overthere(A). Shefelland
gothurt(C).” / 2Points: One consequence directly linkedtoIE. / “The spaceship camefrom spaceand landed(IE) inthepark. Thealiens gotoutto (A)lookat theearth (A)and thenthey flewback
totheir home(C).” / 3Points:
Twoormore consequences directlylinked toinitiating events. / “The spaceship landed(IE). Thealiens gotout(A) andlooked attheearth (A)and
flewhome (C/IE).On theway, theyhita meteor(A). Theyfixed thehole(A) andflewon home(C).”
Language / Description / Example / Description / Example / Description / Example / Description / Example / Total
FANBOYS (for,and,nor, but,or,yet,so)
Cancoordinate nouns,verbs,or clauses. / 0points: No coordinating conjunctions instory. / “Sherantothe dog.” / 1point:One coordinating conjunction usedinstory. / “Thegirl andthe boywere running.” / 2points:
Twodifferent coordinating conjunctions usedinstory. / “Thegirlandtheboywere afraidbuttheywent anyway.” / 3points:
Threeormore different coordinating conjunctions usedinstory. / “SallyandJohnran homebuttheirmom wasn’tthere sotheywent backtothe park.”
(after,although,as,because,if,for,like,once,since, that(butthat,inthat,in orderthat,such that),unless, when,where,while.) / 0points:No subordinating conjunctions. / 1point:One subordinating conjunction usedinthe story. / “Whenthe alienslanded thegirlran.” / 2points:
Twodifferent subordinating conjunctions usedinthe story. / “Thegirlsaw thealiens whileshewas playinginthe park. Sheran homebecauseshewas afraid.” / 3points:
Threeormore different subordinating conjunctions usedinthe story. / “Afterthe alienslanded, theywalked outofthe spaceship. Johnsaid,iftheyhaveray gunstheywill killus. Sally said,Idon’t thinktheydo sincethey
Mental/linguistic verbs
[wanted,thought, said,know, promised,decided, forgot,wished, greeted,barked, called,asked, wished,know,told / 0points:No mental/linguistic verbs. / 1point:One mental/linguistic verb. / “The boy thoughtit washot.” / 2points:
2DIFFERENT mental/linguistic verbsexplicitly stated. / “Hedecidedtogoand meetthe aliens.”
“Hesaid,“Hello.” / 3points:
3ormore different mental/linguistic verbsexplicitly stated. / “Hedecidedtogoand meetthe aliens.The girltold himhewas brave.
SaltCode:ADV (adverbthatconveys tone,attitude,time, or manner,place,degreeorreasonandmodifiesaverb,adjective,or anotheradverb)
Note:Additional examplesbelowchart. / 0points:
Noadverbs. / 1point:
Oneadverbthat conveystone, attitude,time,
place,degreeor reasonand modifiesaverb, adjective,or anotheradverb. / “Sometimes, theyliketo watch aliens.”
“Theywent backhome.”
“Heisverygood.” / 2points:
adverbs / “Theboy andthegirl wereveryscared. Theyleft quickly.” / 3points:
3ormore different adverbs. / “Thealiens yelled loudly,
overhere.” Surprisingly, thekids
went anyway. Afterthat, theywereall friends.”
SaltCode:ENP (articles,possessives, determiners, quantifiers,wh-words,big,black,funny)
Note: Additional Examples below chart / 0points:
Nonounphrase elaboration. / “Hesaw spaceship.” / 1point:
Anounphrase containsone modifierthat precedesthe noun. / “Herbrother sawthespaceship.”
“Thedogis happy.”
“Twoaliens cameout.” / 2points:
Anounphrase thatcontains2 different modifiersthat precedesthe noun. / “Theblackdogsawthe spaceship.” / 3points:
Nounphrasesin which3or
moredifferent modifiers precedethe noun. / “Theold, blackdog wassick.” / =
Date Date: Date: 1Date: Date:
Total macrostructurescore /21 Total macrostructurescore /21 Total macrostructurescore /21Total macrostructurescore /21Total macrostructurescore /21
Total microstructurescore /15 Total microstructurescore /15 Totalmicrostructurescore /15Totalmicrostructurescore /15 Totalmicrostructurescore /15
Story used to elicit narrative:
AdditionalExamples of Microstructure elements (not an exhaustive list)
•May include and, and then, then, for, or, yet, but, nor, and so.
boyran back home but he got there too late.)
•Include after, although, as, because, if, for, like, once, since, that (but that, in that, in order that, such that), unless, when, where, while.
•These words set up a hierarchical relationship between clauses. You must have 2 clauses to have a subordinating conjunction.
•“That” in the sentence, “I saw that.” is not subordinating. “That” in the sentence, “I saw that you really liked him.” is subordinating.
•May relate to time (e.g. all of a sudden, suddenly, again, now, tomorrow, yesterday),
•Manner (e.g. somehow, well, slowly, accidentally),
Degree(e.g. very, almost, barely, much), Place (here, outside, above, right there),
•Number (first, second), and
•Affirmation or negation (e.g. definitely, really, never, not).
ElaboratedNounPhrase:AnENPisagroupofwordscomprisinganounatitsheadandoneormoremodifiersprovidingadditionalinformation aboutthenoun.Modifiersmayincludearticles(e.g.a,an,the),possessives(,his,their),demonstratives(e.g.this,that,those),quantifiers (e.g. every, each, some), wh-words (e.g. what, which, whichever), and true adjectives (e.g. tall, long, ugly).
Simpleelaboratednounphrasesconsistofasinglemodifierandanoun.Examplesincludeoneday,bigdoggy(adjective+noun),thatgirl (determiner+noun),andthoseones(demonstrative+noun). Complexelaboratednounphrase(CENP):CENPsconsistoftwoormoremodifiers andanoun.Examplesincludebigredhouse(adjective+adjective+noun),atalltree(article+adjective+noun),andsomemeanboys(quantifier+ adjective + noun).
MentalandLinguisticVerb:Mentalverbsmayincludethink,know,believe,imagine,feel,consider,suppose,decide,forget,andremember. Linguistic verbs may include read, write, say, tell, speak, shout, answer, call, reply, whisper, and yell.