V.6 15.16
Every year the Students’ Union produces a Societies Handbook, printed in its thousands and distributed to students throughout Fresher’s Week and to prospective students on Open Days in advance of their application. The Students’ Union also promotes your groups through social media and our website in advance of their arrival, which receives thousands of visits over the summer period and presents a fantastic opportunity to promote yourselves to prospective members.
Please complete and return the below form toyour that you can be included in these media.
Society NameSociety Email Address
Facebook Page
i.e. uon salsa society 16.17
Twitter @
i.e. @uonsalsa
YouTube Account
(if applicable)
Any other social media accounts(Instagram, Snapchat etc.)
Twitter Blurb – 140 characters or less about your SocietyINCLUDE your @handle
Handbook Blurb – 30-50 words about your Society
Website Blurb – 150 words about your Society
Please tick the following boxes if applicable:
Society logoWelcome video
Society Photo/Logo
Please attach alongside this form in an email, a suitable high resolution logo for your Society.
Welcome Video
Some Societies like to create welcome videos or videos that explain or showcase their group and activities. If your Society has a video which you would like included on the Students’ Union website and posted to social media for prospective students please include the YouTube URL in the box below.
Welcome Video URLTerms & Conditions of Submission
1.1.The University of Northampton Students’ Union does not, unless otherwise stated or agreed, claim any rights of ownership in any submission. As such, the participant retains ownership of his/her submission and, although The University of Northampton Students’ Union will be able to use submissionsfor the purposes as set out above, the participant will also have the right to use their submissions in any way he/she chooses. Student Committee members may be required to sign a release form in connection with submissions.
1.2.Each participant hereby agrees that The University of Northampton Students’ Union (and third parties authorised by The University of Northampton Students’ Union) may make any and all submissions available on the website and any other media, whether now known or invented in the future, which may include other internet sites, mobile, television and/or radio and that submissions may be made available with advertising and/or sponsorship. Participants now grant The University of Northampton Students’ Union (and third parties authorised by The University of Northampton Students’ Union) a non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable licence (for the full period of any rights in the submission) to use, display, publish, transmit, copy, make derivative works or podcasts from, edit, alter, store, re-format, sell and sub-licence the submission for such purposes.
1.3.The University of Northampton Students’ Union does not guarantee to use or otherwise make available any submission. The University of Northampton Students’ Union may also, in appropriate circumstances, and at its sole discretion, reject, edit, remove or disable access to submissions that appear to be legally or otherwise problematic e.g. infringe the copyright or other intellectual property or privacy rights of others, are defamatory etc. or for any other reason.
1.4.Submissions and any information submitted by participants must be personal to and relate specifically to him/her. Participants hereby warrant that his/her Entry and all information which he/she submits and/or distribute will not infringe the intellectual property, privacy or any other rights of any third party, and will not contain anything which is libellous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, harassing or threatening. If relevant, The University of Northampton Students’ Union reserves the right, but not the obligation, to screen, filter and/or monitor information provided by you and to edit, refuse to distribute or remove the same.