What is the Together 4 Kids program?
The Together 4 Kids (T4K) program is a voluntary, early learning program available to ALL four-year-old children and their families within the Monona Grove School District (MGSD). T4K is a play-based program designed to nurture the social, emotional and early math and literacy skills of four-year-old children. It does not take the place of kindergarten. T4K is implemented using a community-collaborative model that builds on existing resources within our community. Partnerships between our elementary schools, early care and education centers and preschools are used to provide quality early childhood education for four-year-olds. The T4K program started in the 2008-09 school year and has had 80% of age eligible children participating.
Do all partners have to meet Department of Public Instruction regulations?
Yes, the school district and partnership sites will meet Department of Public Instruction (DPI) regulations, which include classes taught by a teacher who is licensed by DPI in early childhood education, a minimum of 437 hours per year of classroom instruction and 87.5 hours of parent involvement offerings.
How is the T4K program funded?
State equalization aid is the primary source of funding. The funding is administered through the MGSD.
What are the benefits to families when early care and education centers/preschools collaborate to implement T4K?
Benefits include: the guarantee of a highly qualified, DPI licensed teacher; curriculum that addresses the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards for preschool children; availability of extended or wrap-around care at certain sites; expanded parent involvement and training opportunities; and provide additional resources to maintain and build on quality early learning programming.
Why would community sites want to participate in T4K?
Benefits of participating in the T4K program include: the public schools and parents to provide high quality early learning experiences to all children in our community; the strengthening of partnerships between community organizations; expanded staff development opportunities; curriculum materials; library books for the classrooms; and a strong marketing tool to attract families.
When does the enrollment process begin?
Information about the T4K program will be sent to parents in the Early Learning Fair materials each year. The enrollment process begins in December preceding the school year. The first day that registration materials will be accepted is the first day of the Early Learning Fair in February.
How are children registered to participate in T4K?
To register your child for the four-year-old kindergarten program, Together 4 Kids, we need the following information: On-line 4K registration application, Together 4 Kids Placement Preferences form, Proof of residency (copy of current water, gas or electric bill; signed lease), Original Birth Certificate or Passport.
How are site assignments determined?
Site assignments will be based on prior program enrollment, need for earlycare services, place of residence, special programming needs, transportation and available openings at the site requested. Priority will be given to applications received by February 23, 2018.
Can centers implement priority enrollments – for example, can centers give priority registration to employees, children who participate in extended care options, or families who are affiliated with that particular organization?
We understand that partner sites will have a cap on the number of children they are able to accommodate and that some sites are already providing services to children who will also meet the qualifications as T4K students. These students can receive priority enrollment so as not to create a hardship on the family. However, centers do need to comply with the MGSD non-discrimination policy. Enrollment decisions must not be made on the basis of sex, race, national origin, religion, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability or handicap.
What age must a child be to participate in the T4K program?
A child must be four years old on or before September 1st to participate in the program.
Can a program charge an additional fee for the T4K program?
A minimal fee is charged for consumable supplies. There is no cost to families for the regularly scheduled hours of the program. If parentselect to havewrap around services (early care at aneducation center/preschool site before or after T4K), the parents will pay the rate established by each individual early care program for the contracted services provided.
What about a child who has not attended a pre-kindergarten program in the past and is 5 years old on or before September 1st? If the parent elects not to send the child to regular kindergarten, will this child be eligible to be enrolled in T4K?
This is possible but not encouraged. Children who meet the age eligibility for five-year-old kindergarten are encouraged to enroll in that program; however, the individual needs of children will be considered and a determination will be made on a case-by-case basis.
Can a child enroll in the T4K program as a four-year-old and then repeat it as a five-year-old?
This is a decision that would need to be made on a case-by-case basis and would not be encouraged. Such practices are not routine and would be considered grade retention.
Can centers accept children who live in another school district?
A four-year-old who resides outside of the district will be able to apply through the Open Enrollment process IF his/her home district offers a DPI-approved four-year-old kindergarten program. The student would need to meet all the criteria for Open Enrollment in order to be accepted into the program. The open enrollment window is February 5–April 30, 2018. Contact the MGSD district office at
221-7660 for more information.
Is transportation provided to students participating in the T4K program?
Transportation is provided for the T4K program following the existing MGSD transportation guidelines. Transportation is available during the hours of the T4K program.
Does the district transport students after or before T4K session?
If childcare is needed before or after the hours of the T4K program, parents will be responsible for transportation.
What models of implementation are used to deliver the program?
There are four basic models of implementation. T4K currently uses models I and III. We do provide some resources on the T4K website for parents.
Model I – School District Teacher; School District Site
Model II – School District Teacher; Community Site (this model is NOT used by T4K)
Model III – Community Teacher (DPI licensed teacher); Community Site
Model IV – Resources for Parents and in-home day care providers
What strategies for communication are used between sites?
Internal Communication - Monthly meetings are held for teachers across sites. Separate meetings are also held for directors across sites. All sites have access to email for additional communication.
External Communication – The MGSD website houses general information, press releases, brochures and displays as necessary.
Must a center meet the requirement of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?
Centers comply with the Department of Health and Family Services (DHFS) licensing regulations in regard to ADA requirements. The school district assures that there are sites available in the district to meet the special considerations of all children, including those with physical limitations. For example, not every T4K site is required to have an elevator, but an accessible classroom is available somewhere in the district.
What record keeping is required of partner sites?
Each partner site is responsible for creating and maintaining a student cumulative file that includes student enrollment information (including immunization and age verification), documentation of parent conferences, an end-of-the-year cumulative report and documentation of student assessments. Materials and forms for this file are provided by the MGSD. Sites report student attendance to the MGSD on a daily basis.
How is T4K information distributed, and who is responsible?
The district will send out T4K information with the Early Learning Fair materials each year, based on the school district census. Brochures are distributed throughout the community. T4K information and materials can be found on the school district and participating program websites.
Are multi-age classrooms allowed?
Our goal is to have classrooms of four-year-old students. If there is additional space, the preschool sites, in collaboration with the Early Learning Coordinator, will determine how to fill their classes. Children who are not four years old by September 1st, however, are not eligible for reimbursement by the district.
Will all parents be able to participate in the parent involvement and parent training opportunities even if their child is not enrolled in T4K?
Yes. All community parents will be allowed to participate in parent involvement activities if space allows.
When and how often will sites receive payment?
Sites receive two annual payments. The first semester payment occurs within 6 weeks after the third Friday pupil count in September; the second semester payment occurs within 6 weeks after the second Friday pupil count in January.
How does reimbursement work if a child adds or drops after the third Friday count?
If a T4K student withdraws after the 1st semester calculation date, the Provider will not pay a refund to the MGSD. If a T4K student enrolls in the program after the 1st semester calculation date, the MGSD will pay the Provider after the second semester calculation date for that semester.
Do centers receive reimbursement for Model IV?
No, neither the partner site nor the MGSD receive reimbursement; there is no state membership aid received for children who participate in Model IV only.
Will each site follow its own curriculum?
Each site will follow the same curriculum (provided by the MGSD) and the Wisconsin Model of Early Learning Standards (WMELS). The curriculum is specifically designed to meet the social, emotional and educational needs of four-year-old children.
How is student progress documented?
All sites are required to observe children and document student progress on common early learning outcomes. All sites will conduct screenings three times a year (fall, winter and spring) to monitor progress and track student growth.
Can religious instruction take place?
No, not during the T4K program. T4K complies with state and federal regulations that specify the separation of church and state. If centers elect to offer religious instruction before or after the T4K program, they may do so, but staff and parents must understand that this is NOT affiliated in any way with the T4K program.
Can parents be asked to provide snacks for the T4K classroom?
Yes, parents may be asked to provide a snack for their child. If parents do provide a snack they will be asked to follow certain guidelines and policies. The MGSD Wellness Policy suggests appropriate snacks. Additionally, due to food allergies, some snack items may not be allowed in classrooms. Contact your site about their specific snack policy.
What is “parent outreach” and how are the annual 87.5 hours of parent involvement activities provided?
Parent outreach is a support network for parents and families to expand the child’s educational experience. The T4K partners work collaboratively to offer 87.5 hours of parent education and involvement activities. Examples include, but are not limited to, family fun nights, potluck dinners, training workshops, and parent newsletters.
Can a child be removed from a T4K program because of behavior or special educational needs?
No, the goal of the T4K program is to place children in environments that best meet the needs of the child. A problem solving team, including the site staff, MGSD staff, parents and others will meet if a child is experiencing difficulties and determine how to best support the needs of the child. The team will work together to determine the best placement for the child to succeed.
Must children be toilet trained to participate in T4K? Some child-care/preschool sites are not licensed for diapering.
Children are not required to be toilet trained to participate in the T4K program. If a site is not licensed by the Department of Health and Family Services to allow for diapering then it needs to specify this in its site application and make this information known to specific parents. If a site is licensed for diapering, it is not able to turn away a child on the basis of toilet training.
What are expectations of centers regarding children with special needs?
The T4K program is open to all age-eligible children regardless of ability level. If a child is entering the T4K program and is currently identified with a disability, an Individual Educational Program (IEP) team that includes parents, teachers and other professionals will meet to determine the best and most appropriate placement for the child. If a child enters the T4K program without a diagnosed disability but is exhibiting delays in development, the partner site is expected to document the child’s progress and interventions used. Sites will contact the Early Learning Coordinator and will request assistance.
Is there an application process that a site must go through before becoming a T4K partner?
An application process was developed to ensure that all sites interested in participating in the program would pledge to meet certain standards, including, but not limited to: learning environments, daily routines, adult-child interactions, curriculum planning and assessments, parent and family involvement, staff qualifications and staff development, and program management.
How will ongoing quality be ensured within sites?
The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS) will be used twice during the first year of a site’s partnership. Areas assessed include:space and furnishings, personal care routines, language-reasoning activities, interaction, program structure, and parents and staff. A plan will be implemented for each site based on the ECERS findings for continuous improvement.
Does a program have to adhere to a specific schedule/calendar to be in the program?
A program has to meet DPI requirements of a minimum of 437 instructional hours and 87.5 hours of parental involvement in the T4K program. All sites will follow the MGSD calendar.
Describe the logistics of your planning process. What did it involve?
The planning process began two years prior to the implementation of T4K. A study group of more than twenty members met monthly during the 2006-07 and 2007-08 school years. One of the first steps was to establish our vision and value statements. Consensus was the primary decision-making process used throughout our study. The study group worked to develop the program and presented information to the Curriculum Committee and the MGSD Board members. The School Board approved the program on June 13, 2007. The 2007-08 school year was used to determine partner sites, choose a curriculum and finalize program details.
The first class of the T4K began in the fall of the 2008-09 school year. To ensure the quality of the program, the Together 4 Kids council meets bi-annually to maintain program integrity and address program needs.
How did you get input from community members, and how were they included in the planning process?
The study group was composed of early childhood educators, elementary school principals, kindergarten teachers, in-home day care providers, and parents from both Cottage Grove and Monona. A survey was sent to all parents of preschool age children in the Early Learning Fair mailing in the two communities to gauge the level of interest in the program and to find the most common questions and concerns.
What types of professional development are offered?
Professional development will align with the district goals. Professional development will be focused on implementing a high quality instruction delivery model (learning standards for literacy, math, and handwriting), delivering and expanding a continuum of services for social and emotional learning, equitable opportunities, and developing all personnel.
Can T4K programs participate in other MGSD staff development activities?
Yes, staff members employed at a T4K site may participate in any MGSD offerings.
Is staff development required?
We believe that the most critical component of an early learning program is highly trained and well supported teachers who nurture children’s desire to learn, respond to interpersonal relationships, and cultivate their emerging talents. Teachers will be encouraged to attend trainings to expand their knowledge.
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