JUNE 8, 2010
The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Board of Health of the Township of Mahwah, held at the Municipal Offices, 475 Corporate Drive, Mahwah, New Jersey, was called to order at 7:30 PM by Vice-President, Patricia Spiech. The Opening Statement was read according to the Sunshine Law and was followed by Roll Call.
PRESENT: Mrs. Spiech
Mr. Ackerman
Mrs. DeSilva
Mr. LaMontagne
Mr. Wasson
Dr. Welch (7:35pm)
ABSENT: Mr. Harris
PROFESSIONALS: Mrs. Musella, Health Officer
Mr. Mason, Attorney
Mrs. Campbell, Secretary
Mr. Maas, REHS
Public: Mrs. Janice Ciocci
Mr. Alex Ciocci
Mr. Matt Cantor
Moved by Mrs. DeSilva and, seconded by Mr. Wasson to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 11, 2010.
Mr. Wasson asked if there had been follow-up on Mason Jar’s donations to the Center For Food Action. Mrs. Musella explained that it is Mason Jar’s prerogative to continue with the donations provided they comply with holding temperature regulations during service and transport.
Mrs. DeSilva inquired why clients of the buffet could be served the food if it was unacceptable to donate. Mrs. Musella responded that unless cold items are displayed on ice, they have to be discarded after four hours – roughly the duration of the brunch.
Based on our investigation, cold buffet items were being refrigerated after having sat at room temperature for the maximum time permitted, and then donated to CFA. Our staff suggested to Mason Jar personnel that putting out smaller quantities could offset the restaurant’s potential losses and ensure that any leftovers were suitable for donation.
Mr. Ackerman asked if there were plans to revisit Mason Jar. Mr. Maas responded that Mr. Grotheer had already returned.
There being no further questions or discussion, the minutes of May 11, 2010 were unanimously approved.
Moved by Mr. Ackerman and, seconded by Mrs. DeSilva, to approve the Health Activities Report for May 2010.
Mrs. DeSilva inquired about a trash disposal abatement issued to a Miller Road resident. She said it is common to see trash bags out for collection that have not been placed in covered containers. Mrs. Campbell responded that most residents self-police, especially after their trash has been ransacked by raccoons or crows. The ordinance provides redress against habitual offenders who don’t. These abatements are usually the result of a neighbor lodging a complaint.
Mr. Ackerman asked about the 50% unacceptable results on the food samples collected this month. Mr. Maas believed the samples were taken from Sharp Cafeteria by Mrs. Homler. Consultation and re-sampling is the protocol when high bacteria counts are reported.
Mr. LaMontagne remarked that all the food establishment inspections were Satisfactory this month. Mr. Ackerman pointed to the staff’s policy to educate. Mrs. DeSilva credited increased inspections.
Mrs. Spiech inquired as to the whereabouts of a new ice cream establishment. Mr. Maas responded that this is a new mobile vendor.
Mrs. Spiech then inquired if deli personnel slicing cold cuts were required to wear gloves. Mrs. Musella explained that New Jersey Code prohibits bare hand contact with ready to eat food. This can
be accomplished in a variety of ways, i.e. with gloves, tongs, or wax paper. Mr. Maas noted that produce would be one of the few exceptions to the code.
There being no further questions or discussion, the Health Activities Report for May was unanimously approved.
Moved by Mr. LaMontagne and, seconded by Mr. Wasson, to approve the Health Officer’s Report for May.
Mr. Ackerman inquired if the chipmunk involved in a bite incident had been captured. Mrs. Musella answered that the animal had not been recovered and the bite victim refused rabies prophylaxis. Mrs. Spiech asked what the criteria were for determining who should get the rabies vaccine. Mrs. Musella asked Dr. Welch to address the question. Dr. Welch responded that, unfortunately, the prior shortage of vaccine was primarily determining who would get it. In her opinion, anyone bitten by any wild animal should receive rabies prophylaxis.
There being no further questions or discussion, the Health Officer’s Report for May was unanimously approved.
Moved by Mrs. DeSilva and, seconded by Mr. Wasson and, unanimously approved by all present to pay the bills for May.
Fardale Farm Estates
Block 154, Lot 54.Q
Major Subdivision
This is a 12 acre site at the end of Vanderbeck Lane that will be divided into 9 plots of single-family homes on a cul-de-sac.
Four monitoring wells existed on the property due to a prior contamination. The clean up was completed, and in 2006 the DEP issued a No Further Action letter. The DEP also mandated removal of the monitoring wells at that time. The subdivision will be serviced
by public water and sanitary sewer. Mr. Maas confirmed and documented that the wells were properly abandoned in 2007; he recommended that the Board approve the application. Mrs. Spiech called for a motion to approve:
Motion: Mrs. DeSilva
Second: Mr. Ackerman
Roll Call: 6 ayes
Motion carries.
Mrs. Campbell read a thank you note from Mr. and Mrs. DeSilva expressing their gratitude for the floral arrangement delivered by Mrs. Spiech, and the kind thoughts and condolences conveyed by the members on the loss of their fathers.
Public Session
Mrs. Spiech invited comments or questions from the public. Attending members of Boy Scout Troop 258 explained they were working to attain a badge in Public Health; observing an actual Board of Health meeting is a prerequisite to earning this badge.
Executive Session
On a motion by Mr. Ackerman, with a second by Mr. Wasson, the Board moved into Executive Session at 8:05pm to discuss a matter of potential litigation.
On a motion by Mr. Ackerman, with a second by Mrs. DeSilva, and unanimously approved by all present, the Board returned to Regular Session and adjourned the meeting at 8:55pm.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 13, 2010 at 7:30pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Marianne Campbell