Central MN Parish Nurse Ministry Committee Minutes
Group met on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 from 9am-10:30am in Spruce Room at St. Cloud Hospital.
Attendees were: Ellen Ellickson, Peace Lutheran, Cold Spring, Marjorie Henkemeyer, St. Joseph, St. Joseph, Marva Jorgenson, St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s, St. Cloud, Annette Jesh, Sacred Heart, Sauk Rapids, Karen Reinholz, Rosemary Weiser & Bev Wiehoff, St. Francis Xavier, Sartell, Chris Jones, Riverside Presbyterian, Sartell, Joyce Simons, St. John’s Foley, Kay Sime, Faith Lutheran.
Meeting opened with prayer by Marjorie “Call to Prayer” for FCN’s
November, 2014 minutes presented by Marjorie and approved by group.
Corrections made to agenda re: Upcoming Meetings and Times
· February 11, 2015 Monthly Meeting
· March 11, 2015 Monthly Meeting
· April 8, 2015 Monthly Meeting
· Mary 13, 2015 Annual Prayer and Blessing Service-Monthly Meeting
· June 2, 1015 Spring Conference-Topic “Forgiveness” Mary Hayes-Grieco speaker SAVE THE DATE
· June 13, 2015 Monthly Meeting
Treasurer report reviewed and approved, current status breakdown included in notes per Annette.
Lists the bills paid of a total of $ 1,601.42.
$87.27 was for books for the new Parish Nurses PN Fund #2 (Spirit of Caring Award)
$115.70 was for BP equipment for Joyce Simmons, St. John’s Church, Foley Fund #2
$418.23 was for food for the Mental Health First Aid Class and was paid from Fund # 3 (Health Ministries of Central MN)
$533.22 was for 1000 Note Pads from Fund #2
#447.00 was for food for the October Parish Nurse Retreat from Fund #3
The total in the fund right now is $5,616.19.
We have three obligations:
$250 for a Scholarship for Tracey Moe of Little Falls and one for $100 for Bev Wiehoff of Saint Francis Church in Sartell of $100. To be taken from Fund #2
$1000-donation of $200=$800 for the June 2, 2015 Forgiveness Conference (we have been awarded $200 from Catholic Mutual Insurance obtained by Nancy Zackowski and two Knights of Columbus groups have been sent letters of request for donations so may receive other donations of up to $400.Funds for the speaker. Any needed after donations will come from PH Fund #1.
We also discussed raising the fee for the June workshop to $45 so verify this as it is important to raise funds through the workshops or to fundraise to support programs.
Annette suggests we submit the bill to pay St. Francis $100 as they paid for the class and we said we would reimburse them. They will get another $400 for the class from the Faith in Action Grant.
Marjorie asked for a vote to award scholarship of $100 St. Francis Church, Sartell for the FCN class for their new Parish Nurse.
Prayers for Betty Pasela. Little Falls Parish Nurse, who is leaving January 19, 2015 for South Africa in Peace Corp to work with AIDS and HIV patients. Her commitment is for two years.
Diabetes Training titled I CAN prevent diabetes to be offered in St. Cloud at Whitney Senior Centre at 1527 Northway Dr. St. Cloud, Minnesota. If you have a history of diabetes in your family, are overweight of inactive, have high blood pressure, or high cholesterol and are over 55 years of age you would benefit from this information and support. This is a 16 week course starting February 7, 2015 with cost of $6.20 each week or $99 inclusive of book, materials, and class fees. Scholarships are available. Pre-screen and pre-register by Jan 31, 2015 by calling 320-650-3082 Instructor is Paula Woischke.
Another choice for this same class is to be held at the St. Cloud YMCA, the dates to be announced. This class will also include a weekly Y pass, Scholarships are available. More information available on website http://scymca.org/diabetes-prevention/, Another contact is Minnesota Department of Health for Prevention of Diabetes at 651-201-5433.
Matter of Balance classes will be available at the church of Joseph’s at 12 West Minnesota Street in St. Joseph on February 3 and April 7, 2015. Contact Whitney Senior Centre at 320-255-7245 to register. The cost is a free will offering and classes run Tuesdays, February 3-March 24, 2015 from 2-4pm.
Powerful Tools for CareGivers classes also upcoming at the same site.
Telephone equipment distribution program available by contacting 1-800-657-3663 for this TED program. Qualifications based on hearing, speech, or physical disability which limits use of standard phone, Minnesota resident status, and family income. The equipment is provided on long-term basis at NO COST.
Centracare Heatlh is offering Healing Touch Certificate program levels 1, 2 and 3. 2015 schedule classes Level I in May and June, Level II In Sept and Level II in December. Connect with CentraCare Education Department at 320-255-5642 for registration. Volunteers and employees cost is $160 for each level and $299 for each level of other participants. CEU’s available for nurses
Mental Illness –Hope for Recover FREE workshop on March 28, 2015 at St. Francis Xavier Parish. Visit http://HopeSartell3-28-eventbrite.com to register. Sponsored by NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness in Minnesota
Traveling Health Fair planning to have three of these events in the community with collaboration of Health Care Ministry Parish Nurses and nursing students from St. Ben’s, St. John’s, and St. Cloud State. The first fair will be at St. Francis in Sartell on April 30, 2015. Other sites will most probably be at Whitney Center and still looking for another site. Watch for dates and times to be announced
Clarification: Effective January 1, 2007 the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) has directed continuing nursing education providers to change the CEU number of minutes to a consistent 60 minutes for each CEU. The Minnesota Board of Nursing is 50 minutes/CEU.
Light the Legacy Update by Chris
Lynn MacKenzie has been working to incorporate this entity as a 401K organization. The work group is now putting together policy and procedure manuals. Light the Legacy are asking for input from the nurse facilitators to assist in creating a website for the advanced directive facilitators. The goal for the web site is to have educational and resource materials readily available for facilitators in their planning and works with community members. A very helpful discussion by the group followed. These ideas will be included in the planning for the Light the Legacy informational website.
Falls Coalition Update by Marjorie. Kathy Gilbride from Counsel on Aging will be promoting for active caregivers to participate in the safety program for community members. The goal of this program is to assist anyone helping with those in need to educate for and create an environment which will prevent falls. NEED CONTACT INFO. Contact Central MN Council on Aging.
Request from student for a capstone project. The idea is to review and evaluate our CMPNC policies and procedures and make recommendations. Marjorie is coordinating and group is open to moving forward with this exciting project.
Spring conference presented by Ellen. Plans are moving foreward for the June 2, 1015 spring work shop entitled Forgiveness with speak Mary Hayes Greico. The group agreed that a consistent fee for all participants of $45 dollars. The exception would be a fee of $25 dollars for students wishing to attend.
The purchasing of visitation handbooks if on hold until more investigation by Marjorie for FCN’s for May Blessing of Hands.
The group will have guest speakers coming to meetings in February and March. The time of the regular meeting will be 9-10 with the speaker coming at 10-10:30. CARE of Foley to be scheduled for March.
Submitted by Chris Jones, Secretary