May 26TH, 2015
Chairman Paul Rice called the meeting to order.
Clerk Rebecca Schuster read the Call of the meeting.
Roll Call: Chairman Paul Rice, Supervisor Jeff Geib, Supervisor Jim Heipp, Clerk Rebecca Schuster and Bill Roggenbach.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Opening and awarding of Road Bids. Please see attached list of projects.
Road Bids for 2014 - Town of West Bend
Proposal for Seal Coating:
Scott Construction:
Project #1: .13 miles of Gilbert Circle specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - $18,633.60
Project #2: .34 Miles of Wickert Drive specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - $34,412.00
Project #3: .16 miles of Thoma Park Drive specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - $26,522.80
Payne & Dolan:
Project #1: .13 miles of Gilbert Circle specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - No Bid
Project #2: .34 Miles of Wickert Drive specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - No Bid
Project #3: .16 miles of Thoma Park Drive specified work with Asphaltic Seal Coating with Polymerized Emulsion with Black Boiler Slag as a cover aggregate. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in bid. - No Bid
Proposal for Hot Asphalt:
Scott Construction:
Project #4:
Option 1: .15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. No bid
Option 2: 15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. No bid
Option 3: 15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. No bid
Payne & Dolan:
Project #4:
Option 1: .15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. $38,595.50
Option 2: .15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. $49,079.50
Option 3: .15 miles South 18th Avenue specified work with Hot Asphalt. As specified in specifications sweeping or brushing is to be included in the bid. Same as option 2 but includes pulverizing existing asphalt. $51,879.50
Chairman Paul Rice made a motion to award the road bid projects #1,#2 and #3 to Scott Construction. Supervisor Jeff Geib seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chairman Paul Rice made a motion to award the road bid project #4 option number 3 to Payne & Dolan. Supervisor Jeff Geib seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
Chairman Paul Rice made a motion to adjourn. Supervisor Jeff Geib seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 AM.
Discussion and or Action re: Changing the time of future Town Board meetings:
It was discussed that it may be nicer to move the start time of the meetings to an earlier time. It was proposed to try a start time of 6:30 PM. The issue can always be revisited and changed if needed. Chairman Paul Rice made a motion to change the start time of the monthly Town Board meeting to 6:30 PM starting in July. Supervisor Jeff Geib seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion carried.
Respectfully Submitted this 27th day of May, 2015.
Rebecca Schuster, Clerk