The working group consisting of E Nakken (Statoil), G Smaaskjær (Saga) and Jan I Kristiansen (Hydro) has agreed on suggesting a final version of a FORCE-coordinated geosteering project. This phase 1 project shall have a pre-project character and its conclusions shall lay the foundation for the subjects of a possible continuation of an extended geosteering study. Wide aspects of geosteering shall be included but solutions and recommendations shall be specifically directed towards activities that are relevant for the Norwegian sector. The main objectives will accordingly be: to gather updated information on geosteering, give a structured reporting of this and come up with a list of challenges and recommendations for future work.
The project tasks have been described in broad head lines. This is done in order to give reasonable room for a creative initiative by the executing institution. However, the issues that were listed in the summary of the FORCE Geosteering Seminar, NPD 96.01.24 must be paid special attention and be part of the review. (The minutes from the FORCE Geosteering seminar are attached). Wishes from participating companies concerning specific technology should of course be obeyed within the limits of interest of the majority of participating companies.
The project will be given the following title:
"Status of geosteering and near future challenges".
The project shall elaborate on the following four main themes and be carried out in the spirit outlined above:
- World wide applications of geosteering
- a summary including definitions of geosteering
- it’s relevance to the Norwegian Sector
- Mapping of technologies
- existing and near future technologies
- geosteering projects in progress
- future trends
- Exchange of experience among participating companies
- case studies
- benefits/costs/profit potential of geosteering
- present/future requirements
- Future challenges and recommendations
- list of relevant challenges
- a basis for a possible phase 2
The project shall be carried out by an independent firm/institution chosen among invited tenders.
Participating companies are instructed to contribute actively e.g. to case studies, rough outline of geosteering projects in progress and individual judgement of future requirements.
Total project period for phase 1 should not exceed in six months. The work is planned to commence October 1, 1996, and to be finalised by March 1, 1997. The final report is presented during April 1997.
An upper limit of 1 000 (one thousand) man-hours is scheduled.
On behalf of the group
Jan I Kristiansen
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