Town of Greene, Maine
Planning Board Minutes
July 12, 2016
Peter Jolicoeur, Secretary & Associate, c:740-5503
George Schott, Treasurer, & Associate, 946-7972
Mark Randall, 946-5108
Bob Hodgkins, 946-5331
Byron Boyington, 946-4850 c:267-1062
Robert Stevens, 946-1078 c:751-0812
Ken Pratt, CEO
John Maloney, AVCOG, 783-9186
Those Members present were; Byron Boyington, Bob Hodgkins, Peter Jolicoeur and George Schott. Members absent were Robert Stevens and Mark Randall. Also present was CEO Ken Pratt, Select Board Liaison Don Bedford and AVCOG Representative John Maloney. Members of the community present were; Barbara Vivian, Steve Wood, Harry Ricker, Kendall Ricker and Bob Valentine.
Acting Chairman Bob Hodgkins called the Planning Board meeting to order at 6:44pm. Mr Hodgkins then read the announcements.
(A) Planning Board Agenda for the August 9, 2016 meeting closes
July 26, 2016.
(B) Next regular Planning Board Meeting is August 9, 2016 at
7:00PM at the Greene Town Office.
(C) All AVCOG fees must be paid prior to the signing of the Final
The vote on the minutes from the June 15th meeting and notes from the June 15th Public Hearing was tabled until the next meeting because there were not enough members present who could vote on them.
Mr Schott reported that there is no change in the treasury from last month.
Mr Pratt reported that the new Land Use Laws book for 2016 is not yet available. When it becaomes available it will be ordered.
This plan received final approval from the board at the last meeting held on June 15, 2016, but the Mylars could not be signed because the bill from AVCOG had not been sent. Now it has been received and paid in full. The board members present signed the final Mylars for this plan.
The board members were not notified that the AVCOG bill had been paid so the mylars were brought to this meeting. The board members present signed the final Mylars for this plan.
Mr George Schott recussed himself from the board because he feels he has a conflict of interest as he is an abutter to this subdivision.
Mr Maloney distributed the final draft of the Findings of Fact for this plan. He stated that the applicant has already received the changes that were made and are in agreement. Mr Maloney said he would go over those changes that were made. The areas of changes made are as follow;
Vehicular Access – requirement is for the applicant have a parcel of 10 acres or more, or 500 feet or more of road frontage on a public street shall file a Conceptual Access Master Plan with the Planning Board. This parcel is more than 10 acres and has more than 500 feet of road frontage on a public road. This is a requirement that is not necessary because it does not affect public health, safety or welfare and the board is asked to waive the requirement.
After a brief discussion Mr Boyington made motion to waive the requirement. Mr Hodgkins seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.
There was also a concern about sight distances at the intersections of Coburn and North Hatch Hill Rd. The condition is that road side brush and low tree limbs that are in the Coburn Road right-of-way be removed for a distance of 300 feet to improve sight distance.
Signs – It is determined that there will be temporary signs used, as needed, at the intersections of Coburn and North Hatch Hill Roads. This standard will be met.
Exterior Lighting – Any new luminaries associated with the wedding barn shall be of full cut-off design. This standard is met.
There has been no response to date from the Municipal Officers for this new application.
Noise – There was a discussion about noise and the size of the property and distances from neighbors. There is a condition set that the noise level shall not exceed 55db(a) from 7:00am to 10:00pm and 45 db(a) from 10:00pm to 7:00am. This standard will be met.
Directions to the site were discussed again. Mr Ricker stated that he would encourage the usage of North Hatch Hill Road. Changing the name of the road was also mentioned as a possibility for controlling directions received from Google and Mapquest. There are several possibilities that will be looked into.
Mr Hodgkins motioned to except the plan with the conditions. Mr Boyington seconded the motion, the vote was unanimous.
Statement was made that when the final bill is paid the board will be notified to come to the town office and sign the final papers.
Mr Robert Valentine was present this evening with questions and possibly looking for ways to allow his son to sell his property, or part of it, on Androscoggin Way. The development is better know as the ‘Back 40’ and includes 4 lots sold and 4 family lots. If his son sells his lot it creates a 5th lot that will require the development owner to pave the road. He is looking for a waiver because of hardship or some other way to not have to pave the road.
There was a brief discussion about dates of developments and when certain ordinances went into effect.
It was determined that more research will need to be done and Mr Pratt will work with Mr Valentine to determine the best course of action.
At the September or October meeting of 2015 the Planning Board drafted some questions to be submitted to Maine Municipal Association for clarification of some ordinances. AVCOG was involved in drawing up the questions for MMA at the cost to the town of $900.00 that the Selectmen are questioning. Mr Hodgkins stated that he would be going in front of the Select Board to clarify the request.
Seeing no further discussion necessary, Mr. Boyington made motion for adjournment. Mr Hodgkins seconded the motion. The Board Members voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:28pm.
Respectfully submitted by,
Peter Jolicoeur
Secretary Chairman
Greene Planning Board Minutes of 07.12.16 Page 1 of 4