Subject: New Video Script Tool that ROCKS Viewer Conversions!
Many tools I've introduced you to in the past couple
of months allow you to make a GREAT dent in
Video Marketing…but as you probably know,
you need a great SCRIPT to really entice your
viewer traffic to turn into buyers...
Are you ready for the best low-cost script generation
tool ever?
The price for a script writer or recycling old
video scripts has always been SO costly to both
your bank account and your viewer engagement,
and only a smallpercentage of users will ever
ACT on your video to then become captured
as a lead or even buyer…
This software takes on the effectiveness of
professional script writers and call-to-actions,
but for just a fractionof the price and lets
you customize and generate a winning script,
ready for you to use for your videos so you
don’t lose your viewer traffic due to boring,
repetitive or unengaging content!
Grab the discount here:
What are the features of "Video Script",
also known as "Script Generation on Steroids"?
1. It is NOT a Wordpress Plugin
2. It can be used on BOTH Mac and PC!
3. It is NOT an App, but instead a web-based
Software which means you’ll be able to use it
anywhere in the world.
4. All you need to do is select what parts
you want to add into your script, customize
it with your name and product, and save!
5. The cost is super-low compared to the other
alternatives of script writes and the rest
(just a 1-time charge)
You've been purchasing some superb software
from me - but they all have one thing in common...
they need a way for you to actually create a
winning video script before you even make
the video so it’s enticing enough to gather leads
in an interactive manner so you can MAKE SALES
(and be affordable) Problem solved.. especially if you
get 'in' today..
Watchthe video at that link below for a
demo of the software…again, they are using the actual
software on this page:
[Your Name]

Subject: Software generates Killer Video Scripts In Minutes!


Imagine if every single one of your
Videos you create could effortlessly
be engaging enough to gather leads
or even make sales, and make your
message HEARD without having to
pay overpriced copywriters to
write your script for you…

…well now it’s possible! A new software
called Video Script just released
and because you’re reading this
you qualify for a massive discount
if you act fast and go here


This incredible software is going to change the
way that you do video scripts forever…

…not only will it let you create killer copy
for your videos, but have the ability
for you to work off a template to
customize a script that fits with your
story, product and audience!

Any scriptsVideo Scriptmakes,
is geared to convert and help your
videos become more engaging,
without having to spend hours of time
or money outsourcing it!

You have to see this to believe it. Check
out this LIVE demonstration here now:


[Your Name]

P.S. The price WILL rapidly increase
so if you’re going to get access then
do it during EARLY!

This won’t be around for long.


Subject: Powerful New Video Script Generation Software


A new software for creating
quick and easy converting video
scripts justlaunched that’s going
to changethe way you make videos
for affiliate marketing,TeeSpring or
even help businesses forGOOD…

…this software allows you to
create interactive, customized video
scripts in minutes all with a few clicks
of a mouse

Check out the live demonstration here:


It’s not going to be LIVE for very long
so make sure you act fast…

…before I forget I should probably
tell you that this software also
has the potential to increase your
lead generation and even conversions
through proven copy! Any script
you create through this software is
all geared to make your videos
more engaging AND convert better
for you to promote your products and
services all through creating simple
but powerful video scripts for you to

See what I mean here:


[Your Name]

P.S. I wasn’t kidding about this
offer not being around for
long. Don’t miss it!

Get in early and get the best
price available



Subject: Huge DISCOUNT Ends in 6 Hours


Just a quick email today to let you

know that the special discount

for "Video Script” expires
in under 6 hours.

=> Grab Your Discount Here

Once the clock strikes "0" the price will go back up to $197.

=> Grab Your Discount Here

To Your Success,

[Your Name]

P.S. Don’t forget about the awesome bonuses you’ll

be getting as well – these will all be waiting for you
in the members area!



Subject: FINAL CALL - 3 Hours Left For Your Discount

Hey there,

The Special discount for

Video Script is closing in
just 3 hours.

This is the final call to claim

your discount.

=> Get Instant Access Here

Once the clock strikes "0" the price will go

back up to $197.

=> Grab Your Discount Here

To Your Video Success,

[Your Name]


Subject:Video Script has CLOSED

That is what you will see
if you don't take action NOW
and purchaseVideo Script
along with the incredible
video bonus package.
Go here now:


[Your Name]