Town of Oxford

Board of Selectmen

December 1st, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Chairman Scott Owens. Other members present were, Peter Laverdiere and Floyd Thayer (Vice-Chair), Roger Jackson and Scott Hunter. Also present were Interim Town Manager Rebecca Lippincott, Town Clerk Elizabeth Olsen. Members of the public were present. Chairman Scott Owens led all in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Selectmen Meeting

3. Executive Session: MRSA title 1 section 405(6)(a) (Personnel Matter)

Motion by Floyd Thayer to enter into executive session at 6:31, seconded by Roger Jackson – passed 5-0

Motion to come out of executive session at 6:50pm by Floyd Thayer, seconded by Roger Jackson – passed 5-0

Motion by Floyd Thayer to sign the new contract with Interim Town Manager, Rebecca Lippincott. Seconded by Roger Jackson – passed 5-0

4. Action on Minutes-

November 17, 2016- A motion was made by Roger Jackson to accept with 2 changes (remove Peter Laverdiere as present and remove the name Lou in the Public questions/comments). Seconded by Peter Laverdiere.

Motion passed 5-0.

5. Adjustments to the Agenda- None

6. Manager’s Update/Report –written report handed to the selectmen.

7. Questions/Comments from the Public-

Marc Blaquiere –

Asked if the highway truck had been put out for sale. Rebecca answered that the bid advertisements have been sent to the paper and are being put onto MMA website. Bids are due 1/04/2017 at 2:00 pm and will be brought to the Selectmen’s meeting on 01/05/2017 for acceptance of the bid.

Lois Pike wanted to know if the State owns the property for sale on Route 26 and if the same sale stipulations are on the property – Scott Owens said that the Town had been offered the property but had no interest because of the stipulations – he was unsure if the stipulations still remained on the sale.

All comments and discussion is available on recording.

8. Questions/Comments from the Selectmen-None

9. New Business

A. Rank Choice Voting

B. Marijuana Legalize Act

C. Town Government Structure

Roger Jackson stated that the above three items were his request to have on the agenda, and although he recommends at this time no action be taken, he did want to bring them to the attention of the board because they will need to addressed in the new year.

1. He is looking at the constitutionality of rank choice voting, the advantage of it, the ramifications of it, and the implementations of it and would like to have the items addressed.

2. He would also like to discuss the Town Government structure, including the makeup of department heads, current job descriptions, the current advantages of the system that we have and the disadvantages, along with looking at the public safety directors we have and the advantages and disadvantages which has been brought up but not discussed. Review of public works and recreation and see how it is working and if we want a change.

3. Discuss the commercial sales of cannabis marijuana within our community. Look at creating sound ordinances, discussing the legality of it considering it is still a violation of federal law.

D. Bank Account Authorizations

Motion made by Roger Jackson to sign the bank account authorization to authorize Rebecca Lippincott to be on Northeast Bank account. Seconded by Peter Laverdiere – passed 5-0

E. Abatements

Motion made by Floyd Thayer to deny the abatement on R2-021. Seconded by Roger Jackson- passed 5-0

Motion made by Floyd Thayer to deny the abatement on U50-26B. Seconded by Roger Jackson- passed 5-0

Motion made by Floyd Thayer to approve the abatement on acct # 1728 for the amount of $2306.04. Seconded by Roger Jackson- passed 5-0

13. Sign and Vote on Warrants – Treasurer’s Warrant #52 and #54

Motion made by Floyd Thayer to sign warrants #52 and #54. Seconded by Roger

Jackson – Passed 5-0.

14. Adjournment-

Motion made by Roger Jackson to adjourn the Selectmen’s Meeting; seconded by Floyd Thayer at 7:18pm Motion passed 5-0. Meeting adjourned

Respectfully Submitted,

Elizabeth Olsen

Town Clerk of Oxford