Specific Agreement / Grant Agreement Number: -
Form to be used for the submission of the
- You should carefully read the Chapter IV of the Administrative and Financial Handbook before submitting your Progress Report.
- The Third Progress Report is to be submitted at the latest by 01/02/2014. It can be submitted before, if 70% of the amount received as pre-financing has been spent.
- The reporting period of theThird Progress Report covers the period from the submission of the Second Progress Report (01/02/2013) and the date of submission of the Third Progress Report.
- The Progress Report is to be submitted by the beneficiary on behalf of the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Partnership. The declaration at the end of the form confirms that a process of consultation and approval has been carried out by the partnership.
- The Progress Report consists of following parts:
I.A technical (narrative) part where the project must be described as complete and accurate as possible
II.EACEA Mobility Tool print-outs by specifying if changes have occurred since the previous Report
III.A financial part (to be filled in if the report includes a request for further pre-financing) and the beneficiary declaration, which must be signed and dated by the beneficiary's legal representative.
- The original and one copy of the Progress Report must be sent by the deadline, as per postmark, to:
Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)
Unit P4 - Erasmus Mundus and External Cooperation
Avenue du Bourget, n°1 - BOUR 02/29
BE-1049 Brussels
- An electronic version of the Progress Report must be sent by the deadline to the following E-Mail address:
- You are strongly advised to send your Progress Report by registered post to ensure a record of postage. Additionally, you are advised to keep a copy of the full report, including any annexes.
- Please note that a late submission of the Progress Report may result in penalties or even cancellation of the specific agreement/ grant agreement, in accordance with the General Conditions of the framework partnership agreement/grant agreement.
- Please complete the footers of this document.
1.Follow-up on recommendations and changes
1.1Follow-up on recommendations provided by the Agency (cf. the Acceptance Letter of your Second Progress Report)
1.2Report on further developments/ new elements compared to the Second Progress Report related to the management of the EM ECW partnership, cooperation mechanisms, organisation and implementation of mobility.
1.3List the existing amendments and provide information on foreseen administrative and/ or financial changes.
2.Report on concrete progress with regards to:
2.1Recognition of study arrangements (ECTS or similar, diploma supplement, joint diplomas, etc) and contribution of staff (learning outcomes, institutional cooperation, etc)
2.2Evaluation and quality assurance of the activities (internal and external evaluation, individual academic follow-ups, involvement of students in the process, etc.)
2.3Brain-Drain prevention (measures put in place to prevent brain drain, related initiatives, etc)
2.4Sustainability (dissemination of results, long term impact, efforts to ensure continuity etc.)
3.Achievements and future developments
Report positive experiences and/or problems encountered during the period covered by this report and possible improvements.
- Submitthe EACEA Mobility Tool print-outs for all type of mobility signed by the co-ordinator together with this report.
If changes have occurred to the mobility list submitted in the First Progress Report, please state themain reasons for the changes.
- Fill in the mobility datatables here below in all their parts.
2.1Mobility cohorts
Type of mobility / First Cohort / Second Cohort / Third Cohort / TOTALUndergraduates / XX / XX / XX
Masters / XX / XX / XX
Doctorates / XX / XX / XX
Post-Doctorates / XX / XX / XX
Staff / XX / XX / XX
2.2Mobility distribution per type of mobility
Type of mobility / Call XX/XX distribution / Distributionin the original Proposal / Current distribution
Undergraduates / XX % / XX % / XX %
Masters / XX % / XX % / XX %
Doctorates / XX % / XX % / XX %
Post-Doctorates / XX % / XX % / XX %
Staff / XX % / XX % / XX %