APRIL 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Mayor Pro-Tem Carney.
Present: / Mayor Pro-Tem, Rick Carney, Council Members, Gayle Lloyd, Chuck Harris and Wayne Hawver.Absent: / Mayor Eric Wolfe and Council Member Michelle Carroll with an excused absence.
Also Present: / Adm. Jeff Ranger, Attorney Sara Watkins and Clerk-Treasurer Tanya J. Luke.
Review Consent Agenda Items
Council reviewed the consent agenda as presented. Clerk Luke did inform Council that the new agenda that was before Council was because she had forgotten to place the Voucher Check numbers on the agenda for the invoices that were ran on Friday for the Council Meeting. Council also asked Clerk Luke to double side the packets so that so much paper would not be wasted.
Staff Report
Adm. Ranger informed Council that we would soon be replacing the banners at the Depot due to the wind damage that they had sustained during the many wind storms we have had.
Adm. Ranger has been working with the Naches Chamber of Commerce to obtain a volunteer student from Central Washington University. Mr. Ranger also announced that his daughter would be conducting her Senior Project at the Depot this summer and would be working there this summer.
Adm. Ranger informed Council that Yakima County has now gone out for bids on the salvage contract for the rail removal. Bids will be opened on April 27th, 2009. This will include rail removal from the Mill to 40th Avenue.
Adm. Ranger announced that the paving for the trail should be complete by Tuesday. Granite will then let it sit for a couple of days and then come back and edge and blade. The park will be complete in about 3-4 weeks.
Adm. Ranger and Attorney Watkins have included in the Council packet draft Ordinance 647 that sets rules and regulations that are consistent with the Yakima Greenway for the Naches Trail.
T.T.C Construction has done some electrical/mechanical testing and the clarifier has passed all tests. The clarifier should be up and running in about 15 to 20 days.
Adm. Ranger is still working with the White Pass Scenic Byways Committee on signage for US Hwy. 12.
Adm. Ranger wanted to remind Council that Town Hall would be closed all day on Tuesday, April 28, 2009 due to training with Small Cities Specialist, Toni Nelson. Clerk Luke wanted Council to know that since the Town has switched to checks the treasurer’s report will look a little different and so will the payroll report that Council receives.
The Town has been conducting traffic counts on Shaffer Avenue. Adm. Ranger is working with Deputy Dan Cypher in order to obtain flashing lights for the school zone. Adm. Ranger will be writing the grant for the lights. We are also updating the counts on Naches Avenue in order to have current information for any transportation monies that may become available. The last time counts were conducted on Naches Ave was the summer of 1996 so we should see quite an improvement on our numbers.
The Short Plat was not finished on the Olson Property that will be going up for Auction. The new owners will have the option to re-start the process.
The Allan Road study is still under review. All of the agencies involved in the process are now waiting on DOT for their criteria input. The plans will then be gathered for funding the lighting and acceleration and deceleration.
Adm. Ranger has submitted an application to Yakima Valley Conference of Governments for STP monies. The Town of Naches came in third for those monies. Zillah and Tieton must use the money or the town could be eligible.
The Local Agency Agreements included in the Council Packets is standard Federal paperwork that must be complete before any monies arrive here at the Town.
Adm. Ranger has received numerous complaints in regards to the skateboarders here in town. Councilwoman Lloyd asked what it hurt to have skateboarders in Town. Adm. Ranger informed Council that they have knocked down elderly people coming out of the deli and are destroying the gazebo and the spire. They have also done some destruction at the park and it is just a big congregation of people. Adm. Ranger is in need of Council’s input on this Ordinance as to what they would like in it.
Public Works has been doing their annual spring cleaning. They are now getting the irrigation ready for the season and hopefully the system will be up and running by Wednesday, April 15, 2009.
Review Vouchers
Council reviewed the April, 2009 vouchers presented for approval. Mayor Pro-Tem Carney asked what Greentree was. Clerk Luke informed Mayor Pro-Tem that is was the telephone support for the handheld meter reading system.
Treasurer’s Report
Council reviewed the March 2009 monthly treasurer’s report.
The Study Session was closed at 6:45 p.m.
The Study Session was opened back up at 6:50 p.m.
Council discussed the trail ordinance and asked for Attorney Watkins to define “Special Event”. After several minutes of discussion Councilman Hawver suggested to Council that they approve the Ordinance and then revisit it at the next meeting.
The Study Session was closed at 7:01 p.m.
Rick Carney, Mayor Pro-Tem Tanya J. Luke, Clerk
4/13/09 Council Study Session Page 3