Lêer verw/Navrae/Enquiries:
File ref:15/3/10-15/Farm 1194Mr AJ Burger
13 September 2016
PO Box 557
By Registered Mail
Sir/ Madam
Your application dated 18 September 2015 with reference 133~1194-SWM, regarding the subject refers.
By virtue of the authority that is delegated to the Director: Development Services in terms of the decision of Council No. 7.25 dated 13 May 2015 as determined in Section 69(1) of the Swartland Municipal Land Use Planning By-Law (PG 7420 of 3 July 2015), the application for a consent use on the farm no. 1194, Division Malmesbury, is hereby in terms of Section 60 of the abovementioned By-law,approved for sand mining subject to the following conditions:
(a)The proposed mining activities be restricted to two areas being site A (±2,5ha) and site B (±2,5ha)as presented in the application;
(b)The mining activity includes the extraction of sand;
(c)This approval is only valid for the same period as the mining permit until 4 July 2018;
(d)The property be tidied and rehabilitated when mining activities as stopped;
(e)Sufficient and acceptable toilets be provided on site;
(f)Drinking water be accessible and available onsite and has to conform with SABS 241-1984 standards;
(g)If any human remains are found during the mining process, it must be handled with respect and SAHRA and Heritage Western Cape must be notified immediately;
(h)If human remains are found, that it be removed by an archaeologist for the cost of the owner/developer and that SAHRA and Heritage Western Cape must be notified immediately;
(i)No vehicles may be serviced on site;
(j)All oil / diesel spills be cleaned up using the necessary precautions and procedures;
(k)The visual impact and disturbance of the mine and mining activities be restricted to the minimum;
(l)Protective measures must be taken should the mine pose a risk to human health;
(m)The health requirements as set from time to time by Department of Health, be met;
(n)The applicant/developer complies with the conditions of the Environmental Authorisation of the Department of Mineral Resources dated 25 May 2016 with reference number WC30/5/1/3/2/10096MP;
(o)The applicant/developer has to comply with the conditions of the mining permit issued by the Department of Mineral Resources dated 5 July 2016 with reference WC30/5/1/3/2/10096MP;
(a)No municipal drinking water can be provided;
(a)Sewerage services can only be provided for household sewerage by means of a vacuum truck;
4.Refuse removal
(a)Prepaid vouchers must be submitted to the landfill if any of the landfills in the municipal area are to be used. These coupons are available at any municipal office in the municipal area.
(a)Any changes or deviations from the original planning during or prior to construction must immediately be communicated to Telkom;
(b)Should alterations or relocation of existing infrastructure be required, such work will be done at the request and cost of the applicant;
6.Department of Transport and Public Works
(a)A 5m building line in terms of section 17 of Ordinance 19 of 1976 is applicable along all proclaimed roads as measured from the statutory boundary of the roads;
(b)No new accesses in terms of Roads Ordinance 19 of 1976 may be built or existing access layouts or access uses changed without the approval of the Department of Transport and Public Works;
(c)The agreement between the Department of Transport and Public Works, West Coast District Municipality and Mr Liam Viljoen for the use and maintenance of the haul roads be adhered to at all times;
7. Department of Water Affairs
(a)The mined area be rehabilitated and not affect the ecological functioning of the non-perennial stream;
(b)A surface water and groundwater monitoring plan must be developed and submitted to the Departments of Water Affairs for approval;
8. Department of Agriculture
(a)Put all measures in place to ensure proper post-mining rehabilitation of affected areas to as close to the original condition as possible;
(b)Limit the visual impacts associated with mining;
(c)Be careful not to damage agricultural infrastructure;
(d)Allow day to day farming activities to continue unrestricted.
Yours faithfully
per Department: Development Services
Copies :Building Control Officer
Director: Civil Engineering
De Hoop Viljoen Trust, PO Box 109, Malmesbury, 7299
Reasons for approval
- The application is consistent with the Spatial Development Frameworks of Swartland Municipality, the West Coast District Municipality and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Development Planning.
- The application is supported by all external Provincial Departments (Agriculture, Water Affairs, Transport and Public Works, Mineral Resources) and the West Coast District Municpality.
- No objections were received from surrounding/affected land owners.
A mining permit as well as an Environmental Authorisation has been issued by the Department of Mineral Resources