Use this form to apply for a donation of $1,000 or less. For requests over $1,000 use our ‘Application for a Donation of More Than $1000’ form,available at:

Please make sure you review the instructions and the application form carefully. Due to the volume of requests, incomplete and improperly submitted applications will not be reviewed.

Please type in the answer boxes for each question. (Make sure your “View” for this document is “Print Layout”.)

We review requests under $1,000 on a rolling basis. Applications must be received at least 6 weeks before a decision is needed.We respond to all requests via an award or decline letter within 8 weeks.

We can only grant one donation per year to an organization. You are welcome and encouraged to include all opportunities for our donation for this year in one proposal.

Check carefully to make sure you are pleased with all your answers and then submit your FULLY COMPLETED application (cover letter on your letterhead, this application, and verification of your nonprofit status) by mail to:

Public Affairs Department

The Stop & Shop Supermarket Company

PO Box 55888

Boston, MA02205-5888

Lead Contact + Title
Mailing Address
Project(s) to be Funded
(less than 75 words)
Which of our Corporate Giving Priority Focus Areas does this Request Address? /
  1. Healthy Living (Nutrition, Exercise and Play)
  2. Hunger Relief
  3. Kids
If this request doesn’t address one of our priority areas please explain any fit or connection that you think is important for us to be aware of:
Amount of Donation Requested
Number of People Served
Communities Benefited (Geographic)
List Stop & Shop Stores (names and distances) within 10 Miles of your Location (if none, where are the closest stores) / Store(s) Distance
e.g. Bridgeport CT, 4531 Main St 2.2 miles
Have we Funded Your Organization in the Past? (if ‘yes’, please detail)
501(c)3 Tax ID Number (we also need a copy of your 501(c)3 letter)
If Donation is for an Event, What is the Date of the Event?
What is Your Deadline for a Decision? Do you Have Other Deadlines (e.g., deadline for inclusion in program books)?
What opportunities do you see for returning value to Stop & Shop via a partnership? (e.g., visibility opportunities, public relations opportunities, etc.)

Please make sure you review the instructions and the application form carefully. Due to the volume of requests, incomplete and improperly submitted applications will not be reviewed.

Completed Application Checklist (make sure all of the following are included)

  1. Cover Letter on Nonprofit Letterhead
  2. This Application (fully completed)
  3. Copy of Letter Verifying Nonprofit Status
  4. Make sure you’re deadline for a response is at least 6 weeks from now


10/12/2018 8:34:53 AM