December3, 2009

Call to order – 2:40pm

Members present –Heather Luce, Chet Bromley, Tara Liloia

Also in attendance –Karen Groseclose, Beth Hemingway, Richard Taylor

Adjustments to agenda –None

FY10-11 Budget Discussion

Richard Taylor: The budget we’re presenting is preliminary, based upon the information we know so far. For example, the tax rates are likely to go up from .86 to .88 cents.

We may be in the two-article approval category because the cost-per-pupil has risen.

Though we try to have the budget settled before Chet leaves for the season, we should consider holding off on approving the budget until we’re aware of revenues, student counts, etc. Approval must happen by the third Wednesday in January, but it would be helpful to wait until we have more concrete data upon which to make our decision.

Executive Session – 2:46pm – 3:20pm

FY2010-11 Budget

FY10-11 Budget Discussion (continued)

Line-by-line budget explanation provided by Karen Groseclose:

Professional Development is level-funded.

Academic Enrichmentis also the same as last year.

A $37,00 increase in high school tuition costs assumes an average 5% increase in tuition to each secondary school, as well as three additional students, from 26 to 29 total.

Travel and general supplies will stay the same.

Literacy supplies will decrease; however, the additional $750 for math comes out to be a wash.

Books, periodicals, and magazines are level-funded.

Title I overall increased, this reflects the difference in last year’s budget for a Title I teacher as well as the offset.

Preschool increase is due to salary, benefits, and supplies for in-house preschool.

Special Education transportation is for kids with high needs to get to their programs. Administrative items like telephone and postage were level-funded. Other costs decreased due to graduations and the fact that there are no high needs kids going into high school. Travel is $200 for conferences and other meetings. Program supplies are level funded. The Board willreceive more details when it’s clearer who is going to what high school.

EEE is .1 person, who works collaboration with Children’s Integrated Services through NCSS for kids in pre-school. There is also a special educator oversees kids in pre-k. This funding will eventually be coming out of ARRA money.

Student activities arelevel-funded.

Guidance shows an increase related to salary step changes.

Dental may be over-budgeted, this figure is likely go down.

Speech includes a speech and language aide for .2 to serve FITP kids and EEE kids. We may see an increase as we’re adding these services back into IEPs. She comes on Monday mornings into this building or to homes.

Library is level-funded.

Board of Education expenses are mostly level-funded.

GISU amounts will be based on the budget to be voted on next week.

The Special Education coordinator expenses are mostly the same with a decrease in office support because the2009-10 budget was too high.

Level funded interest expenses on possible borrowing in anticipation of taxes.

Transportation costs for the bus went down. The current year was too high, the fuel escalator has reduced significantly.

The bond payment will go down and create an interest savings of $1400. The bond goes until 2016; seven more years.

Word is that the small schools grant will be phased out over three years, so that revenue will be reduced by a third in the budget for each year. We’ll know the exact outcome whenever the legislature gets around to it.

FY10-11 Projected Revenues

Line-by-line explanation from Karen Groseclose:

Earnings from investmentsare based on last year’s figures.

Title I numbers are based on actual usage.

Louise worked on a formula for calculating community building use with George, the Board will ask George to provide it. Heather will notify the selectboard that we will be sending a request as they build their budget.

Chet announces that the trustee of public funds monies aren’t available for borrowing next year.

Estimates for Special Education grants are based on projected expenses. Average 60% reimbursement.

Small schools grant was assumed to have the typical reduction and then took a third off of that number.

The transportation grant has decreased because we’ve hit three years after we reduced our bus.

Net deficit from 2008-09 from tuition cost increases was $25k. This was added in to cover the carryover balance –Karen will type up an explanation with details.

EDEIA funding is level.

EEI will have small increase.

Revenues end up being 220k but that’s 80k less than last year.

Small schools grant and last year’s deficit are the bulk of it.

Heather Luce asks: Is the revenue we’re losing in proportion to Special Education expenses going down? Beth Hemingway replies that it is proportionate.

Preliminary equalized per pupil will be $13,700 based on ADM submitted in the fall; however, the new kids weren’t here for the ADM for October and aren’t counted in that figure.

There’s a hold harmless provision that says it can’t be more than 3.5% (which maybe changed to 5%).

The six new kids will be counted in next year’s numbers and will be adjusted for in the following year.

Base education payment level funded based on the legislature’s last session.$1.415

The expenses total a 2.79% increase.

Updated numbers for revised the CLA will be available in mid-December.

We find ourselves in a two-article situation, because $12,033 is the two-article limit.

Colchester Designated School

The Colchester Superintendent or his representative is coming in two weeks to speak to the Board about the possibility of designating Colchester secondary school. Karen’s preliminary estimate of cost savings would be about $40,000.

Tara Liloia motions to adjourn the meeting. Chet Bromley seconds.

Adjourned – 4:05pm

Respectfully submitted,

Tara Liloia


Heather Luce, Chairperson


Chet Bromley


Tara Liloia