Request for Quotes (RFQ)
This Request for Quotes (RFQ) is the exclusive, confidential, proprietary property of FHI 360. It may not be copied, transmitted or disclosed by any means without the express written consent of FHI 360. By accepting a copy hereof, recipient agrees to use the RFQ and any related documents solely for responding to this RFQ and to destroy the RFQ (and any related documents) upon your decision not to respond.
RFQ Title:Leadership Development Workshop and Capacity Assessments
Issuance of RFPQ:Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Questions Due:9:00am EST, Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Answers Released:9:00am EST, Friday, May 17, 2013
Proposals Due:5:00pm EST, Thursday, May 23, 2013
Award Start Date:9:00am EST, Monday, June 3, 2013
Capstone Forum:July 7– 11, 2013 (Johannesburg, South Africa)
- Facilitators certified to administer The Leadership Circle Profile™ are required
- Experience facilitatingleadership development trainings, classes and/or workshops is required
- Experience administering LCP™ assessments and providing feedback and coaching to participants about how to interpret results is required
- Experience working in international settings is preferred
- Non-profit organizations, institutes, universities, and for-profit firms are eligible
- Beneficiaries or former beneficiaries under any KSAL program are not eligible
- Introduction and Project Background
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation’s (Kellogg or the Foundation) work in the Southern Africa region started in the mid-1980s.In the face of apartheid, the Foundation provided unprecedented bursaries to black South Africans to pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees in South Africa and abroad. Over time, the Kellogg mission of“helping people to help themselves” expanded to six other countries in the region: Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
The purpose of the KSAL program is to develop a cadre of leaders selected from rural target areas across Southern Africa and provide them with education, skills and tools. The two inter-dependent and overarching project goals are to: 1) ensure that leaders from target areas will bring new capacity to their communities through their academic credentials, leadership skills training, and ploughback activities; and 2) sponsor a new generation of African thought leaders who can promote systemic change through their expertise and leadership.
To achieve these goals, FHI 360:
•Administers scholarships for Fellows to attend academic institutions, including financial assistance in the form of tuition, stipends, and allowances;
•Facilitates leadership development skills building and training activities for the Fellows; and
•Supports community service through ploughback opportunities for Fellows to bring new capacity and development to their home regions.
The KSAL program is now in its final year; a Capstone Forum is planned for July 7 – 11, 2013 to be held in Johannesburg, South Africa. All current Fellows and Alumni in good standing will be invited to participate in this culminating event.
- Capstone ForumPurpose
The Capstone Forum for the KSAL program will bring together Fellows and Alumni from the year 2000 to the present. Participants of the Capstone Forum will have the opportunity to showcase their successes and achievements— the results of the Kellogg Foundation’s 13-year investment — to the Southern African community. In addition, participants will have the opportunity to further develop, strengthen and refine their leadership capacities and roles which they are and will be assuming.
The objectives for the Capstone Forum are:
- To showcase the impact of the KSAL program model and to share program highlights with stakeholders, donors and development organizations;
- To link members of various KSAL program cohorts across 13 years of program implementation for future teamwork and ongoing networking; and
- To provide a high-level, leadershipdevelopment opportunity for Fellows and Alumni to enhance individual capacity and as change agents at the community and national levels.
- Scope of Work (Design and Methodology)
FHI 360 is requesting quotes for a leadership development workshopthat will be comprised of twodays of sessions during the five-day Capstone Forum. The sessions should be designed to support both emerging and established leaders to better understand the relationship between personal and professional competencies, behavior patterns and motivations in order to grow and move to higher levels of leadership. The sessions should focus on two things: leadership development processes/ models, and The Leadership Circle Profiletm.
One of the key aspects of the workshop is to provide participants with processes and models to which they can refer over time as they progress in their careers. In particular, we would like participants to have a way to support themselves in their own growth and development in the future once the KSAL program has ended. So in addition to competencies, we would like to incorporate a focus on increased self-awareness and the development of greater wisdom that can be brought to bear in support of themselves, their communities and others. The materials should be tailored and relevant to and reflect the context of the KSAL program and participants’ backgrounds as Southern Africans from Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
The other key component of these sessions will be an explanation of how to interpret results of The Leadership Circle Profiletm (LCP). Individualized reports should be prepared for each participant prior to the Forum. Participant materials should include the participant’s aggregated responses and scores and guidelines or an instruction manual for interpreting the data. It would be optimal for the participants to be able to have a chance to review their results during the workshop one on one with a facilitator or in small groups. Prior to the Forum, provide to the technical director a composite LCP profile. Before (if possible) or after the Forum, provide LCP data disaggregated by gender, country and other variables agreed upon with the technical director.
Depending on the number of participants, a minimum of two or more facilitators should be included.The facilitators should be present for the entire Forum in order to better understand the KSAL program and its Fellows and Alumni.
While all the 250 current Fellows and Alumni will be invited to attend the Capstone Forum, it is not anticipated that all of them will attend. Therefore, cost proposals should take into account a possible range of attendees: 100 – 250 individuals. Technical and budget narratives should explain how approach, methodology and costs may be affected by and adapted to the range of potential participants.
Materials for the Forum shall be branded with FHI 360 and KSAL logos. The selected applicant may propose inclusion of its own logo on specific items for this portion of the program.
- Proposed Timeframe and Deliverables
The following is a proposed timeline of the deliverables for the leadership development sessions to be implemented during the KSAL Capstone Forum:
Item / Deliverables / Key Dates-Submit a draft agenda for the two-day leadership development sessions based on the purpose and objectives of the workshop / Friday, June 7, 2013
-Submit language for a draft email to participants with an introduction and instructions for completing The Leadership Circle Profile as well as an introduction and instructions for them to send to their evaluators / Friday, June 7, 2013
-Submit a draft pre-Forum survey that can be used to assess change in participants’ knowledge, understanding, skills, etc. at the conclusion of the Forum / Wednesday, June 12, 2013
-Submit materials to be used during the leadership development sessions / Friday, June 14, 2013
-Revise materials, as appropriate and if needed, per comments from FHI 360’s KSAL program team / Monday, June 24, 2013
-Submit composite Leadership Circle Profile (LCP) incorporating all participant data / Monday, July 1, 2013
-Submit disaggregated LCP data / Wednesday, July 3, 2013
-Facilitation as per agreed structure and program. Facilitation team should, however, plan to attend all five days of the Capstone Forum / Monday – Tuesday,
July 8 – 9, 2013
-Submit draft report of the leadership sessions at the Capstone Forum, including results of the pre- and post-Forum survey / Friday, July 26, 2013
-Submit final report of the leadership sessions at the Capstone Forum / Friday, August 9, 2013
- Contract Mechanism and Terms of Payment
FHI 360 anticipates issuing a firm fixed-price purchase order. Payments will be made upon submission and approval of specific deliverables. The award executed will include a fixed-price payment schedule with specified milestones and deliverables.
- Proposal Submission Requirements
Offerors should read the following proposal instructions carefully. All interested offerors must provide the following:
- Technical Approach. Describe the overall design strategy, including approach and methodology, for the leadership development sessions.
- Timeline. Describe your ability to adhere to the proposed timeline and deliverables and/or propose a suitable alternative
- Organizational Capabilities.
- Brief, general overview of organization/institute/university
- Description of any partner organization or subcontractor that you might contract with to do a portion of the work, and a description of the division of level of effort and responsibility the parties
- References: Three client references and contact information. References should have worked with you within the past two years in subject matter and countries or region applicable to this RFQ
- Personnel. List all proposed personnel, indicating which one will serve as team leader and primary contact if more than one. Include background and experience of the proposed expert(s) to work on the assignment by attaching a CV (three pages maximum) for each proposed team member. The team should be comprised of individuals, ideally with the following areas of expertise:
- Certification in administering and analyzing the Leadership Circle Profile Tooltm (LCPT)
- Extensive leadership development experience, particularly in non-American settings
- Demonstrated experience in facilitating similar workshops
- Price/Cost Proposal. Offerors will submit fixed-price proposals, with sufficient detail to allow evaluation of elements of costs proposed.
- Provide a cost proposal for the total fixed amount. The fixed-price proposal should include a fixed price for each deliverable described in the scope of work. This breakdown may include a cost per participant to allow for the expected range of individuals to be trained. Budgets should include travel and accommodation expenses and should be submitted as excel documents.
- While facilitation of the Leadership Development and Capacity Assessments will take place on Days 2 and 3, July 8 – 9, of the Capstone Forum, the Awardee of this Purchase Order should budget and plan to attend all five days of the Capstone Forum.
- The currency of the budgetmust be USD.
- Criteria for Evaluation
Proposals will be evaluated and ranked by a committee according to the evaluation criteria below:
Proposal Section / Maximum PointsDesign for two-day leadership development workshop / 25
Skills and qualifications of facilitators / 25
Cost / 25
Offeror experience/past performance / 13
Timeframe and ability to meet it successfully / 12
Total / 100
- RFQQuestions and Response Information
Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by e-mail to and o later than9:00am, Thursday, May 9, 2013 EST. Please include the RFQ number in the subject line of your email. Answers will be posted on Friday, May 10,2013.
All responses to this RFP must be received no later than 5:00pm Thursday, May 23, 2013. Proposal documents should be submitted via email to and n WORD (for technical narrative and budget narrative), Excel (for budget, include formulas) and PDF.
1. Offer & Agreement: The following terms together with such terms as are set forth on the face of this agreement, with such other documents as may be incorporated by reference or attached hereto, and with such additional terms as are approved in writing by FHI Development 360 LLC, hereinafter referred to as “FHI 360” in any Change Notice issued to this order, Constitute the offer of FHI 360 to Vendor and shall, when accepted, constitute the entire order or contract between FHI 360 and Vendor. FHI 360 hereby gives notice of its objection to any different or additional terms. This agreement shall be deemed to have been accepted upon Vendor’s signed acceptance on the cover of this order or commencement of performance (whichever is applicable). Any reference herein to any proposal, quotation, or other communication by Vendor shall, unless indicated to the contrary herein, be deemed to be limited to the description of the services and to be limited by the terms set forth or incorporated by reference herein.
2. Assignment: Neither party shall have any right to assign this order or any benefits arising from this order without the prior written consent of the other, and, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the rights of any assignee shall be subject to all set-offs, counterclaim, and other comparable rights arising hereunder. FHI 360 shall not, except as otherwise agreed in writing by FHI 360, delegate or assign all or substantially all of on any item or service to be furnished under this agreement.
3. Proprietary Information & Confidentiality: Vendor shall consider all data, documentation, drawings, specifications software, and other information furnished by FHI 360 to be confidential and proprietary and shall not disclose any such information to any other person, or use such information itself for any purpose other than that for which it was intended in completing this order, unless Vendor obtains written permission from FHI 360 to do so. Vendor agrees to execute FHI 360’s standard Non-Disclosure Agreement upon request.
4. Terms of Payment: Subject to any superseding terms on the face hereof, Vendor shall invoice FHI 360 at 1825 Connecticut Ave., NW, Washington, D.C., Attn: FHI 360 Purchase Agent (Block 10) and be paid upon completion/acceptance of the required supplies/services. Vendor shall be paid not later than thirty (30) days after FHI 360’s receipt of an acceptable invoice or FHI 360’s receipt of the completed products/services, together with any required documents. Drafts will not be honored.
5. Compliance with Law: Vendor’s performance of work hereunder and all products to be delivered hereunder shall be in accordance with any and all applicable executive orders, Federal, State, municipal, and local laws and ordinances, and rules, orders, requirements and regulations. Such Federal laws shall include, but not be limited to, the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 as amended, E.O. 11246, “Equal Opportunity,” as amended by E.O. 11375, “Amending Executive Order 11246 Relating to Equal Employment Opportunity,” and as supplemented by regulations at 41 CFR Chapter 60, “Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor”, the Copeland “Anti-Kickback” Act (18USC874 and 40USC276c and 18USC874 as supplemented by Department of Labor regulations at 29CFRpart 3, the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended (40USC276a-a7) and as supplemented by Department of Labor at 29CFRpart 5, the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act (40USC327-333), and the Byrd Anti-Lobbying Amendment (31USC1352). Unless otherwise agreed, governing law shall be that of the State of Delaware.
6. Title and Risk of Loss: Title to and risk of loss of, each product and/or service to be delivered/provided hereunder shall, unless otherwise provided herein, pass from Vendor to FHI 360 upon acceptance of such product/service by FHI 360.
7. Inspection: (a) Vendor shall work within professional standards and limitations specified on work statements, drawings and specifications covering the work and shall make such inspections as are deemed necessary to insure Vendor compliance, unless deviation there from is authorized in writing by FHI 360. (b) All shipments of materials shall be subject to final inspection by FHI 360 after receipt by FHI 360 at destination. If material supplied or work performed by Vendor is found to be defective, Vendor shall be given the opportunity to correct any deficiencies within a reasonable period of time. If correction of such work is impracticable, Vendor shall bear all risk after notice of rejection and shall, if so requested by FHI 360 and at its own expense, promptly make all necessary replacements. Vendor shall provide immediate notice to FHI 360 of any potential failure on the part of its suppliers to provide supplies/services required hereunder. Vendor is responsible for any deficiency on the part of its suppliers. VENDOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY COSTS OF REPROCUREMENT AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR FHI 360 TO SECURE THE SUPPLIES/SERVICES AS A RESULT OF VENDOR’S INABILITY TO PERFORM THAT EXCEED THE AGREED UPON PRICE HEREIN. (d) Final inspection and acceptance by FHI 360 shall be conclusive except for latent defects, fraud, or for any rights provided by any product warranty.
8. Force Majeure: The Vendor shall not be liable by reason of any failure in performance of this Agreement in accordance with its terms if such failure arises out of causes beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of Vendor. Such cases may include, but are not restricted to, acts of God, acts of government or municipal or other authorities, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantines, strikes, and labor disputes. Such causes do not include deficiencies on the part of its suppliers.
9. General Warranty: Vendor warrants all supplies/services to be free from all materials defects and expressly represents that all such required supplies/services are capable of providing/performing the function service for which they were intended. Vendor agrees to pass on all manufacturer’s warranties to FHI 360.
10. Liens: Vendor agrees to deliver/provide the products/services which are the subject-matter of this order to FHI 360 free and clear of all liens, claims, and encumbrances.
11. Stop Work and Termination: (a) FHI 360 shall have the right to direct Vendor to stop work at any time. Such direction must be in writing and shall be effective for a period of no more than 30 days after which time Vendor may continue work absent direction to do so or a notice of termination. (b) This Order may be terminated upon default of either party in meeting its obligations hereunder. (c) This order may be terminated for convenience, without fault of either party, by FHI 360 with advance written notice to Vendor. Vendor shall be paid for work completed and shall be reimbursed all actual costs for work in process incurred to time of termination notification inclusive of any associated administrative costs, restocking charges, vendor cancellation charges and settlement costs. Under no circumstances shall Vendor receive more than the original value of this Order. (d) This order may be terminated for constructive default in the event that FHI 360 has reasonable cause to believe that the Vendor will not be able to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Order. Vendor shall be given a reasonable opportunity to respond to a notice of constructive default termination. In the event of failure of the Vendor to deliver/complete any part of this order, then FHI 360 shall, at its sole discretion, have the right to accept any delivered/completed part and unilaterally reduce the agreed upon price accordingly. (e) FHI 360 acceptance of partial deliveries shall not constitute a waiver of any of the Vendor’s remaining obligations hereunder. (f) The preceding paragraph (e) shall not limit any legal rights of either party to cancel this order by reason of any default, and FHI 360 further reserves the right to cancel this order without further liability for articles not accepted by FHI 360 in the event Vendor commits an act of bankruptcy, files or has filed against the petition of bankruptcy or insolvency or suffers any receivership or other similar petition to be filed for or against it, or assignment.