21 & 22March 2015 CELL LEADER’S WEEKLY RESOURCE Compiled by Pr. Janan Goh


1.WORKS (30-40 minutes)

  1. Reflections (20 minutes)

a)Lent Meditations

i)Until the Easter weekend, get your cell members to bring the hard copy of the Lent Medidations booklet, or download it via:

ii)Spend 15 minutes to quietly reflect on the passage of the day.

iii)Pair up members to share an action/inspirational point, and pray for one another.

iv)Get one or two members to share to the entire group.

  1. Evangelism Emphasis (LEAD – Evangelism)

b)Easter Weekend Celebration - ANEW

i)As Easter draws near, it is time to RECONNECT with our pre-believer and backslidden Christian friends and invite them for our Easter Celebration

ii)As a cell group, figure out how to invite them for the Easter Weekend celeberation on 4 and 5 April.

iii)Prayerfully consider to conduct an Easter Home-E event.

iv)Pray over your cell group’s pre-believer list (if you have one). If not, time to ask every cell member to share on his/own oikos list and compile it.

2.WORD (50-60 minutes)

Standing between heaven and earth (Genesis 18:16-33)

Sermon By Pastor Chris Manivannan

Role Play: Standing-in-the-gap

Last weekend, we heard about the term ‘standing-in-the-gap’. To further illustrate the role, we are going to play a role-play in cell group. There will be six roles to act upon, whereas the rest will be audiences.

1)Pre-prepare small sheets of paper and fold them, each containing the roles that the cell members will play. (See Appendix)

2)Distribute the papers across and get those who obtained the roles to own up willingly.

3)For every role, read out the scenario. Give the six persons 3-5 minutes to prepare and then 3 minutes to plead their case (i.e. standing in the gap). It is vital that these persons act out as realistically as possible, embracing the role as much as they can.

Audiences to consider:

1)Did the person sound convincing in the pleading?

2)Was the pleading fair and just?

3)How would you judge if you were deciding on the case?

Summary of Role-Play: Simiilaly, this was what was happening between the LORD and Abraham, as the latter pleaded for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and how God remembered Lot because of Abraham’s act of standing in the gap in prayer.

  • Read the scripture passage.
  • Do a THREE-MINUTE SUMMARY of the sermon highlighting KEY POINTS below. Do not preach the whole sermon again, as majority of your cell members would have heard the sermon already. Allocate more time for sharing in the cell through the application questions below.
  • Sermon Resource at:

Questions for Discussion:

  1. How’s your Quiet Time with the Lord? What are your struggles? The Word and the Spirit builds faith to trust God in all circumstances. How can the cell group hold you accountable in this?
  1. Share an instance where God intervenes in the life of someone else through your prayer. How were you encouraged? Who are you upholding in prayer right now?

Closing: Make a commitment as a cell group to attend corporate prayer meetings at church at least once a month. Congregation intercession is vital to stand in the gap for our friends and family, pre-believers, our church, our nation and the nations of the world. We need to pray as a church to see God’s will done, on earth as it is in heaven.


Write/Print these in small pieces of paper and fold them. Whoever picks this six pre-identified roles will have to play the roles of these persons accordingly.

1)Mother/Father of a young child

2)Lawyer defending an innocent victim

3)Passenger of a car

4)Witness of theft by the orphan

5)Saw cell member broke a plate in the restaurant

6)Friend of a colleague.

Prepare extra sheets of paper and write down the roles of these as ‘Audience’ for the rest of your cell members who are present.

They will witness the above as the six cell members act out the role of ‘standing in the gap’ and answer the questions accordingly.


1)You have been summoned to see the headmaster of the school after your child has been caught taking drugs. Plead on his behalf.

2)You are now before the judge and you need to make a closing statement on behalf of the defendant who is accused to have injured his neighbour.

3)You are riding the car and the driver broke the traffic law by zooming through a red light as you are rushing to see his dying mother. Being stopped by the police, plead his case on his behalf as he is distraught by the incident.

4)You were the witness of a theft by an orphan who stole bread from the bakery. You could see that the orphan is poor and really hungry. Plead the case on behalf of the child to the baker, who wants the orphan beaten and arrested.

5)Your cell member accidentally breaks an expensive plate in a restaurant and the Restaurant Manager seems angry. Plead his case to the Manager.

6)Your friend at work made a major blunder at work, causing the company to suffer losses. The boss wants to fire him. Plead your friend’s case.

Soft copy of the DUA is available at: 1