Prénom/Nom______La date______
6th grade French Midterm
“Tout à propos de moi” (All About Me)
For your 6th grade French midterm you will be creating a project all aboutyourself!
This will be done entirely in French. You may create either a PowerPoint Presentation or a booklet and it must include the following elements:
1.)Your name
2.)Your age
3.)Your birthday
4.)Where you are from
5.)3 Personality traits
6.)3 Physical traits
7.)2 things you love to do
8.)2 things you like to do
9.)2 things you hate to do
10.) 2 things you dislike to do
11.) Your favorite season
- )Your favorite weather
- )Your favorite color
- If you choose to do the PowerPoint presentation, you mustinclude one complete sentence and picture per slide. You must have 1 slide per component so that you have a total of 13 slides.
- If you choose to do the booklet you mustbring in photos or pictures from the internet/magazines, or you may also draw them (neatly). Feel free to be creative and bring in scrap-booking materials, stickers, etc. You must have one sentence and picture per page. You must have one page per component, so that you have a total of 13 pages in the booklet.
We will be working on the laptops for 2 days only, Wednesday January 22nd and Thursday, January 23rd. If you need more time with the laptops, you must finish it at home.
The project is due on the day of your class’s scheduled midterm (the week of January 27th – 31st) and you will present it to the class then.
You will be graded on both the written copy as well as your presentation.
6th grade Français MIDTERM RUBRIC for the project
1 Point / 3 Points / 5 PointsClasswork / Off task 3 or more times. / Off-task 1-2 times. / Always on task.
Grammar & Spelling / 8 or more grammar and spelling errors. / 4-7 grammar and spelling errors. / 3 grammar and spelling errors or fewer.
Creativity / No evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is not organized, colorful, or creative. / Some evidence of effort.
Project is somewhat colorful, organized, and creative. / Clear evidence of effort put forth by the student. Project is organized, colorful, and very creative.
Oral Presentation / Very little eye contact with audience, unclear and hard to understand.
More than 7 pronunciation errors. / Some eye contact with audience, fairly easy to understand. 4-6 pronunciation errors. / Good eye contact with audience, veryclear and easy to understand.
3 pronunciation errors or fewer.
Requirements / Missing more than 3 requirements. / Missing 1-3 requirements. / All requirements are met.
Nom: ______La date: ______
Grade: ______x 3 =______/ 75
Prénom/Nom ______La classe______La date______
Outline of Topics for the 6th Grade French Listening Comprehension Midterm
For the 6th grade French Midterm, 75% of your grade will be based on the All About Me project and 25% will be based on the Listening Comprehension section, which will take place on Friday, January 24th. In this section you will hear 20-25 descriptions. You are going to mark with a number the letter of the illustration that best match the description.
You will need to study the following topics for Listening Comprehension section of the 6th grade French midterm:
1)Les salutations – Greetings/Farewells
2)La date- The Date
3)L’heure – The Time
4)La méteo – The Weather
5)Les Expressions avec le verbe avoir – Expressions that use the verb to have «avoir»
6)Les Materiel Scolaires et les couleurs – Classroom Objects and Colors.