The Psychology 360 Course Booklet


How I Found Truth, Beauty, Justice, and Happiness at WMU

Fall 2008

Revised by Kelli Perry / - 36 - / 8/18/2008

Table of Contents

Course Packet 4

The Big Picture 4

Assignment Guide 5

Professor 16

Phones and Emails 16

Work-study students 16

Your Buddy 16

Seminar Schedule: 17

Using the Overhead Projector 17

Rat Lab 17

Malott, R. W. Principles of Behavior (Edition 6.0) 18

The Assignment Guide 18

Continuous Quality Improvement 18

What does conscientious mean? 19

Point Totals for P100 and P360 20

Final Paper (All sections) 22

Optional Activity Points 22

What are Optional Activity Points (OAPs)? 22

What are OAPs good for? 22

New OAP transfer policy - 22

How can you earn OAPs? 23

The Finer OAP Details 23

Lecture/Quiz Strategy/Philosophy 23

The Traditional Approach 23

The Behavioral Approach 23

The Traditional Approach 24

The Behavioral Systems-Analysis Approach 24

General Study Strategies 24

Dropping the Course 26

Super A (Advanced Principles of Behavior) 26

What's Super A? 26

What does it take to earn Super A? 26

Return Your Homework and Lab Reports 26

Cheating Means Sudden Death!! 26

Cheating 26

Plagiarizing 26

Further Details About Academic Integrity 26

Missed Classes 26

Snow Days 26

Special Get-Tough Policy On Absences 26

Lateness 26

Students 26

Late Homework 26

Letters of Recommendation 26

Mickey Mouse Rules 26

Adding Insult To Injury 26

How to be way cool 26

The Legend of Sheldon Stone 26

The Legend of the Cool Coed 26

On the Other Hand 26

The One Pointer 26

Bottom Line 26

How To Avoid Being a Social Disaster 26

Interpersonal Style and Skills 26

Technical Skills 26

Vita for Richard W. Malott 26

Let the Good Times Roll! 26

Objectives for the Final Fiesta Paper 26

A Few of the Types of Essays You Might Write, Along with Some Hints as to How You Might Write Them 26

Some Vague Guidelines 26

Social Validity 26

Final Fiesta Paper Cover Sheet 26

Checklist and Self-evaluation Form 26

Instructor's Evaluation of Oral Presentation 26

Sample Student Papers 26

Revised by Kelli Perry / - 36 - / 8/18/2008

Course Packet

All materials are included in the Course Packet (from the Copy Desk): Letter-Sized File Pocket containing all of the following course materials ----red folders for P360, green for P610 and yellow for P100 Honors:

Ø How I Learned to Relate to My Lab Rat (Used in the lab portion of the course)

Ø Psy 360 Course Booklet

û Assignments

û Procedures

û Study Objectives for Review Quizzes

û Final Fiesta Details

û Final Fiesta Examples

Ø File Folder #1 (there are 4 total)

û How to Analyze Behavioral Contingencies
(Daily paper-based homework assignments)

û CD containing the computer-based Work Shows:

û Chapter 01: How to Use the Contingency Diagramming Checklist

û  Chapter 03: The Sick Social Cycle

û  Chapter 04: The Sick Social Cycle

û Chapter 13: Stimulus Generalization Gradient

û Chapter 13: Stimulus Equivalence

û Chapter 17: Discrete-trial, free-operant and hybrid procedures

û Checklist for Diagramming Contingencies (the Pink Sheet)

Ø File Folder # 2

û Flashcard Fluency Follies

Ø File Folder #3

û 2 blank transparencies

û 8 Special lecture evaluation forms

û 1 Course evaluation form

û 1 Final Fiesta evaluation form

û 3 Petition for Use of OAPs forms

û Assignment Guide (the Yellow Sheet)

Ø File Folder #4

û Supplemental POB sections.

û Where Do We Go from Here?

Ø 1 red ball-point pen -- for correcting your homework in class (you can't use any other pen in class, but you should do your homework outside of class with a black pen).

Ø 1 transparency marking pen

Ø Who Knows What Else

The Big Picture

In the Fall and Winter courses, P100 (Honors), P360 and P610 will generally cover one chapter from Principles of Behavior each day (2/week). In the Summer semester, P360 will have one chapter a day also, but four days per week. For P610, Summer Behavioral Boot Camp only, you’ll generally cover two chapters from POB each day. We know this seems like a fast pace, but we also know you can handle it.

During the Fall and Winter courses, each Tuesday and Thursday you’ll meet with your seminar section. But during the Summer P360 course, each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday you’ll meet with your seminar section. The Behavioral Boot Camp meets Monday through Friday for a seminar, and rat lab isn’t required. The seminar meets so you can discuss the text material, go over the answers to your homework assignments, and take the quiz. That’s right, you’ll have a quiz in every seminar. Don’t worry. As long as you’ve read the chapter, conscientiously completed the homework, and participated in the seminar discussion, you’ll do fine.

Well, that’s not quite true. You’ll also have to use the flashcards. For P360 and P610 summer boot camp only, the quizzes require you to write out the definitions to quite a few terms, so without the flashcards, you’d have some trouble. With the flashcards, you’ll do great.

Also, every Monday and Wednesday (P360 Summer course has rat lab 4 days/week), you’ll get to spend a pleasant hour becoming close friends with a cute little lab rat. You might not be particularly excited about the idea of handling a rat right now, but by the end of the semester you’ll be quite attached to him. In fact, you’ll probably miss the little guy when the semester is over.

In general, we’ll follow these simple guidelines, but there are enough exceptions that we’ve provided a complete daily schedule. Please refer to the Assignment Guide section before each seminar to be sure you’re on top of the goings on in the class. We’ll require you to be paying attention, but there won’t be very many surprises. We generally warn you in advance when something unusual is going to happen.

Don’t forget to have fun!

Revised by Kelli Perry / - 36 - / 8/18/2008

Assignment Guide

Intro to Psy 360 / Ø Take one quick pretest -- no need to study, this won’t affect you grade. / Ø You should purchase the Course Packet before class. What’s in it and where do I get it?
Ø  Course Procedures.
Ø Details of the Course Materials (bring your course pack to class today and everyday hereafter).
Ø Preview of assignments for the first week, or so.
Ø Psy 360
Ø  Introductory PowerPoint to be given at the beginning of class today.
Ø  Super A presentation
Ø Rat Lab Video
Ø Self-Management Presentation
Warning - most students tell us that they take at least four hours to prepare for the first few quizzes and classes. Plan ahead.
(W) / Ø Rat Lab. P100 and P360 only, not P610; however, P610 students who have never done a rat lab should take this one also for mucho extra credit. Otherwise all future references to the rat lab are for P100 and P360 students only.
Ø Readings: Rat Lab Manual through Experiment 1. / Ø Quiz on Rat Lab Procedures, Rules, and Animal Care (the first few pages -- through Experiment 1). / Ø Begin working on Experiment 1, Dipper/Movement Training, if you have time. / Ø Rat Lab Procedures.
09/04/08 (Th) / Ø  Readings: Assignment and Course Procedures, Preface, To the Memory of Donald Whaley
Ø  Today’s POB reading assignments and homework are also available at the Principles of behavior web site:
Ø How to Use the Contingency-Diagramming Checklist Work Show. This work show is located on your work show CD and is two parts, Ch 1 part 1 of the pink sheet and Ch. 2 part 2 of the pink sheet. / Ø Quiz on Assignments and Course Procedures (study more or less the first 26 some pages of the course booklet, up through, Let the Good Times Roll.) Preface and To the Memory of Donald Whaley.
Ø  Note: the above will be one quiz
Ø Quiz on How to Use the Contingency-Diagramming Checklist Work show. But don’t worry, if you go through the slide show you’ll do fine.
(M) / Continue or start working on
Experiment 1 / Registration Closes
Drop/Add Ends
End of 100% Refund
(T) / Ø  Readings: Ch. 1 & Ch. 2
Ø  Today’s POB reading assignments are also available at the Principles of behavior web site:
Ø Homework for Ch. 2. Reinforcement / Ø Quiz on Ch. 1. The Reinforcer
Ø Quiz on Ch. 2. Reinforcement / Ø Study the chapter in Principles of Behavior 6th edition for the quiz today. Use the flashcards in your course packet for Chapters 1 and 2 and get as fast as you can with them. That will help you on the quiz. To do well on the quiz you will need to be able to:
Ø  Write out all the definitions perfectly, though not necessarily word for word.
Ø  Answer all the study questions at the end of each section within the chapter.
Ø  Fill out all the contingency diagrams for each story in the chapter.
Ø  Fill out all the tables and other diagrams in the chapter.
Ø Warning: Quizzes also cover the enrichment sections.
Begin stashing your completed homework in a safe place because, at the end of the semester, you will need to turn all of it in at the Final Fiesta, in order to get credit for this course.
(W) / Late Add Fee Begins
Withdraws recorded as “W” on transcript
Seminar Note:
Always bring your red ball-point pen (red ink) to seminars. If you have one, you can make corrections in your homework as we go over it in class (before you turn it in at the end of the seminar). You get credit for your corrections. However, you lose credit if you try to complete homework you hadn't done or make the corrections in the same colored ink or pencil as the original. (We need the two colors so we can get a better idea of how well the homework is going.)
The schedule is generally like this:
Ø For P360 Fall /P100H Fall Rat Lab, on Monday and Wednesday be sure to read the relevant experiment and be at least one experiment ahead so that if you finish an experiment earlier than you thought you would you will be ready to move right onto the next one.
Sometimes we'll have a lecture during the Seminar, or some other deviation from the schedule, so keep an eye out. We’ll try to remind you, too.
(Th) / Ø Readings: Ch. 3
Ø Homework for Chapter 3. Escape
Ø The Sick Social Cycle Work Show – Victim’s Escape Model / Ø Quiz on Chapter 3. Escape
Ø Quiz on The Sick Social Cycle Work Show / Ø Warning: Quizzes also cover the enrichment sections!
Ø Warning: Always be able to recreate tables!
Ø Begin stashing your completed homework in a safe place. At the end of the semester, you will need to bring and turn in all of your homework and rat lab reports at the end-of-the-semester Final Fiesta, in order to get credit for this course.
Last day to receive 90% tuition refund for a complete withdrawl
(M) / Last day to receive 50% refund for a partial withdrawal!
(T) / Ø Readings: Ch. 4
Ø Homework for Ch. 4. Punishment.
Ø Work Show on the Sick Social Cycle – Victim’s Punishment Model / Ø Quiz on Ch. 4. Punishment.
Ø Quiz on The Sick Social Cycle Work Show
(Th) / Ø Readings: Ch. 5 & Ch. 6
Ø Homework for Ch. 5. Penalty.
Ø Homework for Chapter 6. Extinction and Recovery / Ø Quiz on Ch. 5. Penalty.
Ø Quiz on Chapter 6. Extinction and Recovery / Ø Warning - you will need to fill in the actual behaviors on the contingency diagram on the quiz.
Ø Warning: Always be able to recreate all charts, tables, and diagrams. TO BE MORE SPECIFIC - THERE ARE THREE TABLES IN CHAPTER 6 AND YOU WILL NEED TO MEMORIZE THEM!
(T) / Ø Readings: Ch. 7
Ø Homework for Chapter 7. Differential Reinforcement and Differential Punishment / Ø Quiz on Chapter 7. Differential Reinforcement and Differential Punishment. / Ø Warning: 14 definitions
Ø Warning #2: You must know and understand all the details of the enrichment sections to get an A, and we want you to get an A.
(Th) / Ø Readings: Ch. 8
Ø Shaping Original Example-in course pack. / Ø Quiz on Chapter 8. Shaping. / Ø  Warning: You must know all the details of the procedures and results.
(F) / Last day to receive 50% refund for complete withdrawal.
(M) / Review Quiz #1 Psy 360 only!!