Landscapes Laboratory Application Guidelines
The organizers of the 2015 Global Landscapes Forum, to be held in Paris on 5–6 December, are calling for applications by organizations to host a Landscapes Laboratory station at the event. The 2015 Global Landscapes Forum is expected to be the largest event in Paris outside the COP itself, with an expected 2000 participants, including international media. Since its inception three years ago, the Global Landscapes Forum has become the leading platform for bringing together government, research, civil society and business from across the range of sectors that affect land-use decisions, including forestry, agriculture, water management and finance.
Why host a Landscapes Laboratory station?
A Landscapes Laboratory station is an exhibition space dedicated to showcasing technological advances and innovations, as technology increasingly changes the way we study, monitor and manage the biggest challenges facing Earth, from deforestation to climate change. Hosts of Landscapes Laboratories have an opportunity to showcase their work in this field and give interested participants hands-on demonstrations to show how technological innovation can improve natural resource management.
What is the format of a Landscapes Laboratory station?
Landscapes Laboratory stations will be open throughout the two days of the event (5-6 December) as part of the Forum’s exhibition space. Located at the center of the event, all stations will be easily accessible to the more than 2,000 participants expected at the event. Stations will be set up in an interactive format that encourages your audience to directly engage with the technological tools you are presenting.
What costs are associated?
Landscapes Laboratory stations cost USD 3,000. This fee goes toward covering the costs of organizing the event, the venue and supporting technology. This package includes:
- Dedicated Internet line to ensure reliable connectivity
- A 42-inch LCD TV Screen
- One table for publications display/distribution
- Feature in Global Landscapes Forum print and online marketing materials
- Five complimentary tickets to the Forum.
How does the selection process work?
Landscapes Laboratory stations will be selected by land-use monitoring and technology specialists from the Forum’s organizing team.
Selection criteria include:
- Level of innovation
- Opportunity for interactive engagement
- Overall quality of tool and underlying research.
How to apply
Complete the application form on the following page and submit it to Ms. Rachel Petersen at . Ms. Petersen can assist with any questions related to your application.
Important dates
28 September: Deadline for submitting applications
5 October: Organizers inform applicants of the outcome of their application
12 October: Invoice sent to confirmed organizers
2015 Global Landscapes Forum
Application to Host a Landscapes Laboratory station
(Please read the guidelines in conjunction with this application form)
Title of interactive tool to be displayed:Direct web link:
Content focal point:
Communications focal point:
Contact details
Describe the background, current implementation and objectives of your tool (max. 300 words)
Explain the significance and context of this tool. Why is it important? How is it different from other tools? (max. 150 words)
Outline how you plan to engage the audience at your landscapes laboratory station (max. 200 words)