JNF Canada Staff Mission 2017

Tour of Projects and KKL-JNF Partnership Opportunities

Welcome to the JNF Canada Staff Mission!

We are pleased and excited to host you in Israel.

Since your last visit there have been many changes at KKL-JNF. As part of its policy of transparency and good governance, KKL-JNF Board of Directors decided that from 2017 KKL-JNF will approve and implement projects through transparent and open processes published through public calls for proposals. This is revolutionary in terms of KKL-JNF operations and we are in the midst of this ongoing process.

With that, KKL-JNF also gives donors the opportunity to express their wishes to explore additional projects not included in the calls for proposals, which can be accepted according to pre-determined criteria.

The importance of your visit to Israel cannot be underestimated. Nothing compares to "feeling" the projects up close, getting to know the people involved, understanding the significance of the projects and how they contribute to the State of Israel and its residents. Despite the fact that you come from so far geographically you are an integral and inseparable part of us here in Israel.

We deeply appreciate your efforts throughout the years and are grateful for your outstanding support and the cooperation between KKL-JNF Israel and JNF Canada.

We trust that your visit to the various projects will be professional and fruitful for us all.

We are glad to be at your service,

With best regards,

Amnon BenAmi

KKL-JNFDirector General

Northern Region – The Galilee

KKL-JNF is a leading change agent in the development of the Galilee, strengthening its communities and developing infrastructure to increase sources of income, attracting young families to make their homes in the region, ensuring quality of life and a flourishing future for the Galilee.

The natural and planted woodlands developed by KKL-JNF beautifies the Galilee and draws thousands of visitors each year to its scenic routes and lookouts, hiking trails and picnic and recreation areas, where a wealth of wildlife and seasonal blooms abound.

KKL-JNF develops various sites in the Galilee to attract tourism, a major economic mainstay of the region. KKL-JNF is a partner in developing many western Galilee areas, as well, including parks in Nahariya and Akko, botanical gardens, forest sites and security and scenic roads.

"KKL-JNF will help the State of Israel move a half a million new residents to the Galilee." Daniel Atar, KKL-JNF World Chairman

Ghetto Fighters' Museum

KKL-JNF and JNF Canada are partnering in the creation of an outdoor pavilion with requisite restroom facilities. The recreation area is adjacent to the children's wing of the Ghetto Fighters' Museum at Kibbutz Lohame HaGeta'ot. The site, including picnic tables, a shaded pavilion and drinking fountains, will serve the children who visit the Yad LaYeled Museum with related outdoor activities and recess time. (Project No. 12961)

Misgav – Multicultural Science Education and Sports Center

The construction of an indoor sports and science complex has been initiated at the Misgav Regional Council Educational and Cultural Campus. The complex will provide youngsters of the region with advanced science laboratories on the lower floor and a first class sports facility on the upper floor. The project aims to enhance learning and raise the academic achievement of Jewish and Bedouin students in the sciences and technology (STEM). It offers opportunities for rich, healthy and constructive lives, while reducing educational disparities and bridging social and racial divides. (Project No. 14625)

Carmel Forest

In December 2010 Israel experienced the worst wildfire in its history when thedestructive fires spread swiftly through the forests and woodlands of Mt. Carmel, one of Israel’s most valued natural assets, claiming 44 lives and destroying over 3000 hectares (7500 acres) of forested areas. The fire was subsequently officially declared a national disaster. Friends of KKL-JNF in Israel and abroad immediately joined the campaign to restore the Carmel to its former glory. KKL-JNF rehabilitated the heavily damaged landscape and environment, a complex and long-term project which has involved study, detailed planning and careful implementation. KKL-JNF continues to develop different projects related to the rehabilitation and maintenance of various sites of this beautiful, evergreen mountain. In 2011, a monument was built in commemoration of the 44 cadets, police officers and firefighters who perished in the Carmel Forest fire.

Nazareth Illit – KKL-JNF House– Partnership Opportunity

The first KKL-JNF House in Nazareth Illit (Upper Nazareth) will serve as an education and social center; an environment conducive to learning, enhanced by technology and providing the personal attention and learning opportunities to close educational gaps The KKL-JNF House will also be home to community activities in cooperation with youth groups and the city's various educational institutions. The KKL-JNF House will provide the right combination of unique design, state-of-the-art technology, qualified madrichim (guides) and professional instructors to create the optimal space for study and enjoyment, contributing to a bright future for the city's youth. (Project No. 14714; Donation required: CAD 5,432,530)

Migdal HaEmek – Migdal Ohr – Dormitory Facilities for Youth-at-Risk

The project involves the building of dormitory facilities, comprising units for every twelve pupils, each with foster parents, providing a family environment. (Project No. 14400)

Central Region

Hadera – Hillel Yaffe Medical Center - Welfare Center– Partnership Opportunity

The Hillel Yaffe Medical Center recently (2017) opened a new modern welfare center for its patients. KKL-JNF, together with the hospital management, is planning to develop and establish an extensive landscaped garden for the benefit of patients and their families as well as medical and professional staff, who will enjoy spending time in the fresh air in a green, tranquil environment. The landscaping around the welfare center is extremely significant, because in addition to beautifying the medical center it contributes significantly to the healing and recuperation process of the patients. (Project No. 14072; Donation required: CAD 369,774-739,548)

ALEHBnei Brak

ALEH's flagship facility in Bnei Brak provides a warm, home environment for severely handicapped children. The facility provides stimulating extracurricular activities that combine therapeutic treatment, such horseback riding and participation in social events with neighborhood children. In addition to the school for special education, the facility has a hydrotherapeutic swimming pool, an advanced medical clinic, workplace training centers and professional training program for caregivers, to ensure the highest possible quality of life for the children of ALEH.

Jaffa Institute

The Jaffa Institute, a private, non-profit, multi-service social agency, assists the city of Jaffa’s severely disadvantaged children and their families. The institute provides educational and social enrichment for disadvantaged children and other community members in need; increases the nutritional security of impoverished individuals within its service area; and cares for and strengthens the emotional and mental wellbeing of the institute's program participants.

Rishon LeZion – Vancouver Community Domestic Violence Shelter

JNF Canada is supporting the "No to Violence Against Women" initiative by helping build a shelter for woman and children escaping domestic abuse. Located in Rishon LeZion, the shelter will serve everyone who needs it, regardless of background and, as such, will be instrumental in bridge building between women from different communities. There are currently three shelters in Israel for victims of domestic violence, but up to 70 percent of the women in need of shelter have nowhere to go. Staff and volunteers work with the women and children, helping them access relevant therapy, securing income and finding new homes.

Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut – Nahal Aneva Bicycle Trail–Partnership Opportunity

Over the past years the Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut Municipality developed Aneva Park, a green lung in the center of the city that boasts extensive lawns and a man-made lake that attracts many visitors. KKL-JNF, in cooperation with the Municipality, is planning to improve the park further by developing a central promenade along Nahal Aneva westward (about three kilometers). The promenade complex includes a central bicycle trail and routes connecting the promenade to the neighborhoods bordering on the wadi. The route will be suited for both pedestrians and cyclists and will be accessible to people with disabilities.(Project No. 15123; Donation required: CAD 543,253-1,086,506)

Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut – Home for Life–Partnership Opportunity

The ALUT (Israeli Society for Autistic Children) “Home for Life” is a residential facility for young people and adults suffering from autism in need of full-time daily care. The Modi'in-Maccabim-Re'ut home includes three residences with private yards, a central building and a yard for communal activities. KKL-JNF, together with the municipality, is planning to landscape the area around the buildings. The yards of the building play an essential therapeutic role in the care of the residents and are used for leisure, rest and sports. The landscaping will improve the general appearance and accessibility of the site, creating an inviting, well-tended green venue. (Project No. 15144; Donation required: CAD 405,991-811,982)

Jerusalem – Refaim Valley Park–Partnership Opportunity

Jerusalem has had the good fortune to be the first city in Israel to be encompassed by green parks as part of the plan to improve the city's quality of life and to protect its natural surroundings. The Jerusalem Ring is a new metropolitan park that extends over some 1,500 hectares (3,700 acres), surrounding the capital to the north, west, and south. The park preserves ancient landscapes while offering a variety of leisure and recreation opportunities, including a sports center, picnic sites, playgrounds, footpaths and bicycle trails. The Refaim Valley Park covers some 500 hectares (1,235 acres), along the Refaim Stream, between Malha, the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo and the slopes of Gilo.The park is a green lung, connecting the city to nature. Project elements implemented by KKL-JNF included the rehabilitation of the Refaim Stream and the construction of promenades, play areas, picnic areas and bicycle trails for the benefit of the people of Jerusalem and its many tourists.

(Accessible Family Playground - Project No. 10556; Donation required: CAD 338,989

Extreme Sports Area - Project No. 10547; Donation required: CAD 659,147

Main Promenade – Project No. 10559; Donation required: CAD 358,547

Northern Promenade – Project No. 10655; Donation required: CAD 329,573)

Yad Vashem – Landscaping for Forest Fire Prevention–Partnership Opportunity

KKL-JNF together with Yad Vashem developed the landscape around the new wing of its International School of Holocaust Studies, providing a firebreak to protect the institution from wildfires from the adjacent Jerusalem Forest as well as tranquil, green environs. (Project No. 11798; Donation required: CAD 299,875)

The Western Wall Tunnels – Upgrade and Improve the Great Hall Area

JNF Canada will help the Western Wall Heritage Foundation upgrade and improve the Great Hall area of the Western Wall Tunnels. Visitors will be able to watch the Temple Mount's topographical changes through history come alive through a model adjacent to a section of the exposed, underground wall.

Jerusalem Natural History Museum– Partnership Opportunity

The Jerusalem Natural History Museum is one of the more unique museums in Jerusalem. It focuses on nature and the environment, and has a number of permanent and temporary exhibits as well as a botanical garden and petting zoo that make a visit to the site a special experience. In its current state it is not possible to gather and participate in outdoor activities. KKL-JNF has undertaken to landscape the museum yard to create shaded, pleasant and safe sites for outdoor activities and cultural, recreational and community events. This will allow the museum to expand its activities and visitors to enjoy a new range of educational experiential activities. (Project No. 15145; Donation required: CAD 265,107-530,215)

Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT)

The Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) – Lev Academic Center is the second largest academic institution in Jerusalem. It is fully accredited by Israel’s Council of Higher Education and specializes in high-tech engineering, computer science, industrial management and health sciences combined with a Jewish studies program. JCT’s mission is to produce leaders who are strongly committed to Israel, to Jerusalem and to Jewish values.

Kfar Zoharim – Therapeutic Riding Manege–Partnership Opportunity

KKL-JNF has assisted the Kfar Zoharim Youth Village by constructing a riding manege at its stables. The treatment modality of horseback riding is central in promoting the village's rehabilitative work with ultra-Orthodox youth. The facility helps youth-at-risk who have not found their place in the conventional educational system and are estranged from their families.(Project No. 12360; Donation required: CAD 398,385)

Israeli Scouts Movement – Inclusion of Children and Youth with Special Needs

The project involves the promotion of inclusion and integration of youngsters with special needs in the Tzofim – The Israeli Scouts Movement, which is a Zionist and national youth movement for an ethical and socially responsible society for the benefit of all Israel's citizens. Inclusion includes the Tzamid Group: A homogeneous group whose members have the same type of disability. The group meets for standard activities with a regular scout group; Individual integration: Students with disabilities who attend regular classes at school and are integrated into all activities in scout troops of their age group; Variety Scouts: Members whose mobility is limited and are unable to leave home are included through online activities.

Southern Region – The Negev

The Negev is more than half of Israel's land area, but is inhabited by only eight percent of the country's total population. It has the most sensitive ecosystem, which KKL-JNF is committed to developing sustainably. The ecological initiatives that KKL-JNF promotes impact on all aspects of Negev life and serve as a model of desert development for the world.

The Negev region is world renownedfor its remarkable achievements in arid land agriculture and shares its unique expertise in the field with other countries dealing with similar climatic challenges. To ensure the future of this vital activity, KKL-JNF continues to support research and its implementation in sustainable agricultural. Development of the region involves appropriately planned and planted community parks for the Negev cities of Ofakim, Yeruham and Sderot. KKL-JNF has helped endow Be'er Sheva and Dimona with parks that help transform neglected areas into vibrant environments. In addition, KKL-JNF supports renewable energy projects, such as the Negev photovoltaic solar energy systems.

KKL-JNF is a leading partner in the national priority to strengthen the communities of the southern region and create infrastructure that will increase sources of income and attract youth families to make their homes in the Negev and the Arava, ensuring quality of life and a viable future.

"KKL-JNF will help the State of Israel move on million new residents to the Negev." Daniel Atar, KKL-JNF World Chairman

Ashdod - Beit Halochem- The Physiotherapy Centre

Some 60,000 treatments are administered annually at the Beit Halochem and Beit Kay Rehabilitation Treatment Centres. About half of them are Physiotherapy Treatments, the other half Hydrotherapy Treatments. About 45% of those treated at the Hydrotherapy/Physiotherapy Centres seek treatment over the years anywhere from 1-4 times weekly, as necessary. The majority of these veterans are severely disabled, paraplegics, quadriplegics and hemiplegics. In most cases they are suffering from permanent spinal or head injuries incurred during their military service. (Project No. 13471)

Kiryat Gat – Atachlit Farm – "Hineni" – A Cottage Industry for Ethiopian Spice

JNF Canada helped create a social enterprise and employment centre project conceived by a group of women from the Ethiopian community in Kiryat Gat, the “Chao House”, a cottage industry for the preparation of chao, an essential spice mixture in Ethiopian food. The project, part of the "Hineni" activities, has far-reaching implications for the well-being and future of the city's Ethiopian population. (Project No. 13444)

Netiv HaAsara – A New Neighborhood– Partnership Opportunity

KKL-JNF has prepared land at Netiv HaAsara for 71 new housing units for young families. The community, located on the Gaza Strip border, has suffered rocket and mortar attacks for years, and the project will serve to strengthen its residents and ensure the continuation of the Moshav. (Project No. 12728; Donation required: CAD 2,209,229)