Trinity International Development Audit DRAFT 13th February 2008

Audit of Trinity activities on International Development

13th February 2008

Third draft

This draft document includes all information provided by responses from 20 Schools to an audit of international development activities, circulated during October 2007. The draft is under review and is subject to modification.

Audit compilation by:

Project Manager: Sharon Jackson

Research Assistants: Paul Coughlan, Tara McIndoe

Additional input from: Michael King, Patrick Honohan

Thanks to Jane Ohlmeyer and Jennifer Edmond for their advice and assistance, and to all the collators from each School.


Organisation of data page 3

Section 1: Overview of Trinity staff, courses and projects related to page 4

international development

Section 2: Full information on international development activities


2.1  School summaries - Summary of each School’s activities in international development / 6
2.2  Staff - Trinity Staff interested in development / 24
2.2.1  Staff listed alphabetically / 24
2.2.2  Staff listed by School, including contact information / 28
2.2.3  Staff research interests and regions / 38
2.3  Research Projects on international development / 45
2.3.1  Index of research projects / 45
2.3.2  Full information on research projects / 49
2.4  Courses – undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and courses on international development / 102
2.4.1  Index of Courses / 102
2.4.2  Full information on Courses / 105
2.5  Publications – by staff member / 133
2.5.1  Number of staff per School publishing in development field / 133
2.5.2  List of five best publications, by School and author / 134
2.6  Partnerships – national and international collaborations / 146
2.6.1  Index with list of partner names / 146
2.6.2  Full information on partnerships / 148
2.7  Events – public events such as conferences, seminars and lectures organised since Sept 2005 / 167
2.7.1  Index and title of events / 167
2.7.2  Full information on events / 168
2.8  Consultancy / 184
2.8.1  Names of organisations to which consultancy was provided / 184
2.8.2  Full information on consultancies / 185
2.9  Postgraduate Students / 193
2.9.1  Number of postgraduate students, by School / 193
2.9.2  Full information and description of student projects / 194
2.10  Planned activities – including funding submissions / 208
2.10.1  Titles of planned activities / 208
2.10.2  Full information on planned activities / 209
2.11  Other activities – including Centres / 219
2.11.1  Index of other activities, including titles / 219
2.11.2  Full information on planned activities. / 220
Sources / 227


Information is primarily organised by Faculty and then by School.

The following 16 Schools submitted information for the International Development Activity Audit:

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Business
School of Education
School of Languages, Literature, and Cultural Sciences (Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies)
School of Law
School of Psychology
School of Social Sciences and Philosophy
School of Social Work and Social Policy
School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics (Aspirant)
Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science
School of Biochemistry and Immunology
School of Computer Science and Statistics
School of Engineering
School of Genetics & Microbiology
School of Natural Sciences
Faculty of Health Sciences
School of Dental Sciences
School of Medicine
School of Nursing and Midwifery
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Research Centres
Centre for Global Health
Institute for International Integration Studies

In some cases, inter-School Research Centres and Institutes - the Centre for Global Health (CGH) and the Institute for International Integration Studies (IIIS) - have submitted information separately.

The following Schools responded that they do not have an active interest in international development:

School of English

School of Histories and Humanities

School of Linguistic, Speech and Communication Sciences

School of Mathematics

The following Schools did not respond to the request for information:

School of Drama, Film, and Music

School of Chemistry

School of Physics

Section 1: Overview of Trinity staff, courses and projects related to international development


Number of Trinity academic staff interested in international development: 110

Number of administrative and other staff interested in international development: 5

Total number of Trinity staff with an interest in international development: 115

Sixteen Schools involved across all three Faculties.

Staff numbers by Faculty and School:

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (58)

School of Business (12)

School of Education (6)

School of Law (6)

School of Psychology (7)

School of Social Sciences and Philosophy (17)

School of Social Work and Social Policy (5)

School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics (aspirant) (5)

Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Sciences (27)

School of Biochemistry and Immunology (7)

School of Computer Science and Statistics (6)

School of Engineering (3)

School of Genetics and Microbiology (3)

School of Natural Sciences (8)

Faculty of Health Sciences (25)

School of Dental Science (6)

School of Medicine (12)

School of Nursing and Midwifery (2)

School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (5)

Administrative and other staff (5)


Total number of international development research projects: 71

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (22)

Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Sciences (23)

Faculty of Health Sciences (26)


Total number of courses with international development content: 45

Undergraduate (17) Postgraduate (27) Public Lecture Series (1)

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (30) (12U, 17P, 1 Public Lectures)

School of Business (2) (1U, 1P)

School of Education (3) (2U, 1P)

School of Law (3) (3P)

School of Social Sciences and Philosophy (7) (7U + Public Lecture Series

School of Social Work and Social Policy (2) (2U)

School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics (10) (10P)

Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Sciences (8) (5U, 3P)

School of Computer Science and Statistics (1) (1P)

School of Engineering (3) (1U, 2P)

School of Genetics and Microbiology (1) (1U)

School of Natural Sciences (3) (3U)

Faculty of Health Sciences (7) (7P)

School of Medicine (7) (7P)


Six of the above research projects and one additional activity are under consideration for inclusion as either research projects or other activities.

Draft figures as of 13 February 2008. The above information is subject to review.

2.1 Summary of each School’s activities in international development

School Summary / Summery Provided?
Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences / Yes
School of Business / No
School of Education / Yes
School of Languages, Literature, and Cultural Sciences (Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies) / Yes
School of Law / Yes
School of Psychology / Yes
School of Social Sciences and Philosophy / Yes
School of Social Work and Social Policy / Yes
School of Religions, Theology and Ecumenics (Aspirant) / Yes
Faculty of Engineering, Mathematics and Science / No
School of Biochemistry and Immunology / No
School of Computer Science and Statistics / Yes
School of Engineering / Yes
School of Genetics & Microbiology / Yes
School of Natural Sciences / Yes
Faculty of Health Sciences
School of Dental Sciences / No
School of Medicine / No
School of Nursing and Midwifery / No
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences / Yes
Research Centres
Centre for Global Health / Yes

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

School of Business

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Business
Staff / 12
Staff Name 1 / Dr L Brennan
Staff Name 2 / Prof J Murray
Staff Name 3 / Dr G Donnelly Cox
Staff Name 4 / Dr Freda Donoghue
Staff Name 5 / Siobhán McGee
Staff Name 6 / Philip J O'Dwyer
Staff Name 7 / Professor Brian Lucey
Staff Name 8 / Mairead Brady
Staff Name 9 / Martin Fellenz
Staff Name 10 / John Devitt
Staff Name 11 / Dr. Joe McDonagh
Staff Name 12 / Professor Frank Barry
Part Time Staff
Post Docs
PostGrads / 1
Master Students
PhD Students / 1
Summary of Activities / The School of Business expression of interest re: Strategic Cooperation between Irish Aid & Higher Education & Research Institutes (submitted in February 2007) built on two major existing areas of research:
The Centre for the Dynamics of Global Business Systems, focusing on the evolution of global supply chains and their information technology engines. This work deals with the implications for their economic development of the ability or inability of developing countries/regions to connect to global supply systems. The Kennedy School at Harvard is pursuing a related initiative funded by the Gates Foundation.(Dr L Brennan and Prof J Murray)
The Centre for Non Profit Management (CNM), focusing particularly on the development of effective institutions for service delivery, and the strengthening of civil society especially in the non profit sector which is an essential component of institution building and development as well as a central organizational actor locally and internationally in all the nine specific Irish Aid policy priority areas. (Dr G Donnelly Cox)
The MoU with AAU is likely to be formally signed in Addis with the Provost in attendance in early 2008.

School of Education

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Education
Staff / 5
Staff Name 1 / Ann Fitzgibbon
Staff Name 2 / Carmel O'Sullivan
Staff Name 3 / Peter Conroy
Staff Name 4 / Elizabeth Oldham
Staff Name 5 / Micheal Collins
Staff Name 6
Part Time Staff / 2
Post Docs
Master Students / 14
PhD Students
Summary of Activities / The School has a long term commitment to preparing teachers both to work in and teach about, less developed countries. It has consistently worked with other Departments and Schools including Economics and Computer Science. Its commitment to teacher education has been achieved by the classes offered and the in-take of students from such countries. With the increase in the use of technology, it has taken the initiative with the Department of Computer Science, to undertake research using a VLE. This should enable an extension of its programmes using distance learning in less developed countries.

School of Languages, Literature, and Cultural Sciences (Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies)

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Languages, Literature, and Cultural Studies
Department / Russian and Slavonic Studies
Staff Name 1
Staff Name 2
Staff Name 3
Staff Name 4
Staff Name 5
Staff Name 6
Part Time Staff
Post Docs
PostGrads / 5
Master Students
PhD Students
Summary of Activities / Departmental Staff are involved in various aspects of research in the area of Russian and Slavonic Studies including: history, politics, linguistics, applied linguistics, socio-linguistics, literary studies and translation studies. In 2006-07 there were five post-graduate students (MLitt and PhD) being supervised by members of the Department.
The Department hosts regular Research Seminars in the area of Russian and Slavonic Studies, open to the public. The Department’s History specialist, Dr. Guido Hausmann, is currently coordinating a series of public lectures on Islam and Europe.
Last academic year the Department of Russian and Slavonic Studies submitted a joint proposal, along with colleagues from UCD and DCU, for a Dublin-wide graduate programme in Russian and East European studies, to the IRCHSS (Irish Reseach Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences) under the Graduate Research Education Programme initiative. The proposal was for a cross-disciplinary programme covering languages, history, culture and economics. While this initial bid was unsuccessful, it is hoped a new bid, now involving expertise from universities outside of Dublin, will be entered for consideration in the next call for submissions.
This year one of our staff, Dr Sarah Smyth, has applied for funding from the IRCHSS (see Research Activities document) to undertake a major socio-linguistic study over a three-year period. The title of the proposal is: Russian speakers in the Republic of Ireland: who are they? A sociolinguistic study of hybrid identities.The project investigates the linguistic, cultural and social practices of Russian-speaking migrants in Ireland. It explores the ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic diversity within this group and the conflicting demands that their experience of multilingual and multicultural environments makes on them. This study will make a contribution to educational, language and integration policy, will provide vital data for further studies in the area, and will give a voice to these migrant communities in public discourse.
We are also at the discussion phase of trying to devise a programme that will attract a potentially large post-graduate student base among the ca.200,000 Polish citizens living in Ireland, many of whom are graduates and many of whom will stay in Ireland.
Post-graduate Programmes: Members of our Department helped devise both the MPhil in Literary Translation and MPhil in Comparative Literature and teach (lecture, supervise essays, portfolios and theses) and help administer them. We also intend to be active in the construction of, and participation in, the proposed MPhil in European Studies.

School of Law

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Law
Staff / 5
Staff Name 1 / William Binchy
Staff Name 2 / Neville Cox
Staff Name 3 / Des Ryan
Staff Name 4 / Catherine Donnelly
Staff Name 5 / Eimear Long
Staff Name 6
Part Time Staff
Post Docs
Master Students
PhD Students
Summary of Activities / The Law School has been involved for over a decade in work relating to African Constitutionalism and Human Rights. with fifteen African states. It organises an annual Workshop for African Chief Justices and senior judiciary and is involved in a three-year programme, funded by Irish Aid, involving exchange visits by judges of Tanzania, Uganda, Lesotho and Ireland. The Law School has also special expertise in the legal system of Timor-Leste. The Law School is expanding on the range of subjects in its LL.M. programme dealing with development-related themes.

School of Psychology

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Psychology
Staff / 7
Staff Name 1 / Sheila Greene
Staff Name 2 / Rita Honan
Staff Name 3 / Ian Gray
Staff Name 4 / David Hevey
Staff Name 5 / Seiglinde McGee
Staff Name 6 / Ladislav Timulak
Staff Name 7 / Mac MacLachlan
Part Time Staff
Post Docs
Master Students
PhD Students
Summary of Activities / Members of the School have interests in low and middle income countries that encompass work on disability, organizational behaviour, work motivation, organizational learning, child development, counseling and psychotherapy, health psychology and cultural influences on health.
The School of Psychology was a founding member of the Centre for Global Health, and one of our staff led the establishment and development of the Masters in Global Health. The school is also collaborating with other schools in the development of the International Doctorate School in Global Health (Indigo). The School provides PhD supervision on a number of projects in global health and has PhD students as part of the LEARN project, which explores organizational learning in Irish Aid and Concern, and as part of the ADDUP project, which explores the effects of remuneration discrepancies in international development work in seven low income countries. School have close working relationships (and existing MoUs) Centre for Rehabilitation Studies, Stellenbosch University, South Africa; the African Decade for Persons with Disabilities; and with the Poverty Research Group, School of Psychology, Massey University. School staff are involved in an number of international networks focusing on low income countries. Members of the school have attracted funding in international development from IRCHSS, HRB, ABIA, Irish Aid, HEA, ESCR and DfID. International development linkages include universities on each continent, with a particular focus on Africa.

School of Social Sciences and Philosophy