Baylor University

Office of Community Engagement and Service

Conference Grant Application

Each year, the Baylor University Office of Community Engagement and Service awards funds to assist Baylor University students seeking to enhance their educational experience through conference attendance. If approved, each applicant is eligible for up to $100 in reimbursement for travel expenses related to Conference attendance as a participant, and up to $200 in reimbursement for travel expenses related to conference attendance as a presenter. Verification of enrollment as a full-time student at Baylor University is required before the grant is awarded.

Application materials must be submitted to the Baylor University Office of Community Engagement and Service.

General Criteria

applicants must meet each criterion.

●Be registered as a full-time student at Baylor University in good academic standing.

●Submit a Letter of Support

●If representing a Registered Student Organization, applicants must submit a Letter of Support from the organization’s current president or advisor.

●Acceptable supporters for individual students include:



●Must commit to utilizing knowledge and skills obtained through conference attendance within the on-campus Baylor community and within the greater Waco community

●Be willing to commit to summarizing their experience attending listed conference

●Be willing to share about Conference attendance at Office of Community Engagement and service events such as Service Roundtable lunches, etc.

Weighted Criteria

applicants do not have to meet each criterion.

●Dedication to community service, engagement, social justice, and/ or advocacy.

●Awards or other recognitions

●Other scholarship or financial aid support (as a demonstration of recognized financial need and merit).

The completed application and transcript must be submitted for consideration. Please type or print legibly all areas of the application being sure to fill out each section. An incomplete application will not be considered for the Baylor University Office of Community Service and Engagement Conference Grant. Awards are dependent on funds available and are not retroactive.

First Name: ______Last Name: ______Student I.D. #:______

Address: ______City: ______State _____ Zip ______

Telephone: ( ____) ______-______Cell Phone: ( ____) ______-______

Email Address: ______

Academic Major? ______

Anticipated Graduation Year ______

Conference Information:


Sponsoring Organization______

Please Provide a Brief Overview of the Conference’s/ Meeting’s Purpose, Mission, Goals, Etc.:______




Will you be traveling as an individual or with other Baylor Students?______


This Conference Relates to (Select All that Apply):

Community Engagement


Social Justice

Other (i.e. Leadership Development, etc.): ______

Estimated Cost of Attendance

Travel (Air and/ground):

Registration Fee(s):



List any honors, awards, achievements, or extracurricular activities in which you have been involved. List offices held (if applicable) and year:






Do you meet university standards to be a full-time student at this time?


Write a brief narrative stating why you would like to attend this conference. What do you expect to gain from the experience? Use an additional sheet, if needed.






How would you anticipate using this grant if awarded (registration fees, travel costs, lodging expenses, etc.)?






How do you plan to utilize the skills learned at this conference on campus and within the greater Waco community? How will what you learn at the conference help to support your college education? Use an additional sheet if needed:





Do you have, or expect to have, any scholarships or other financial aid from other sources? YES NO
If so, please give amounts and sources:






Is there anything additional you feel that would be significant to aiding in the grant distribution decision?





Student’s Certification Statement

I certify, to the best of my knowledge, that the information contained in this application is correct and complete. I will notify the Associate Director of Community Based Learning should any changes in my situation occur. I authorize the selection committee to verify any information contained in this application through university records.
Applicant signature: ______Date: ______

Please ensure that all required materials are returned to:
Baylor University Office of Community Engagement and Service

The Martin House

(On the Corner of Baylor Avenue and 8th Street)