Government of Punjab
School Education Department
Punjab Education Sector Reform Programme
Programme Monitoring and Implementation Unit
TORs of Transportation Firm for Food Commodities
The Government of Punjabis implementing a series of education, nutrition and development policies and strategies aimed at furthering the Education for All agenda including the School Education Reform Roadmap (2011), and the Punjab School Education Sector Plan 2013-17 to ensure equitable access to quality education to all. The Punjab Growth Strategy 2015- 18 is one of the guiding documents which suggest to put people first and proposes the investment in human capital for better social and economic development. Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy Punjab 2015, also encourages linkages and integration of programmes to jointly contribute to the improved social and economic indicators of the province.
Despite these concerted efforts a significant number of primary school age children remain out of school. At the same time, among this age group of children, there tends to be high prevalence of stunting, wasting and micronutrient deficiencies. Education has the potential to create opportunities for upward economic mobility, especially for the poor. Investment in better education, health and job skills for youth can produce prosperity for years to come and reap a rich demographic dividend. School meals programs are targeted social safety nets that provide both educational and health benefits to the most vulnerable children, thereby increasing enrollment rates, reducing absenteeism, and improving food security at the household level.
Based on the positive results and impact of school mealsprogrammes globally, the honorable Chief Minister of Punjab has announced launch of school meals pilot in Punjab- one additional step to ensure the access to schooling, nutritious food and quality education in rural and food & nutrition insecure areas of the provinces. The pilot is being launched with technical assistance of World Food Programme (WFP).
2Key Features of the Pilot
Districts and Tehsils / Layyah and MuzaffargarhUnion Councils (UCs) / UCs in Tehsil Layyah:
- LayyahThalJandi
- Ladhana
- Taliri
- BhuttaPur
Schools / All Public schools
School Level / Kachi to Grade 12
Meal (Per beneficiary per day) / 100 g High Energy Biscuits (HEBs)
200 ml UHT Milk
Number of beneficiaries (students and teachers) / Layyah: 12,312
Muzaffargarh: 6,996
Pilot Duration / October 2017 to June 2018
Food Storage / Warehouses in districts
Food delivery to districts / Monthly/bi-monthly delivery to districts
Food delivery to schools / Weekly/bi-monthly
3Scope of Work
The firm is required to supplyfood commodities (HEBs and UHT Milk) from district level warehouses in Muzaffargarh and Layyahto schools. The distribution could be on a weekly/bi-monthly basis. However, the firm has to ensure in-time delivery of food commodities to schools.
The vehicles used for transportation of food should be well protected during transit for all food commodities. Food defense is the protection of food products from intentional contamination or adulteration by biological, chemical, physical, or radiological agents. It addresses additional concerns including physical, personnel and operational security.
4Evaluation Criteria
PMIU intends to hire the services of atransportation firm (registered as such) which has proven relevant background and havingat least3 years of experience in transportation. Criteria for evaluating the Expression of Interest (EOI) would be as follows:
- Corporate capacity (core business and years of experience in same business for at least 3 years)
- At least three similar assignments completed in last five years indicating the nature and scope of these assignments
- Company must have the capacity to deal with the volume of business
- Logistics capacity of the firm in order to supply UHT Milkfrom district warehouses to schools
- Company accepts SED’s (Punjab Government) general terms and conditions, including its payment terms
- At least three trade references have been provided
- Audit report for the last three years should be available