TOPS Area Captain
Jeanie Druebert
11019 Nassau Avenue, Sunland CA 91040
January 7, 2014
Dear TOPS Chapters
Our Area Funshop that is planned for Saturday, February 22, 2014. We will recognize the achievements of the months of July 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013. TOPS CA1681, Lancaster will host the event for us.
We have just started a brand new year. Some of us did really well during the 2013 and want to continue to do so in 2014. Some may have found the right path later in the year and want to make sure they stay on track. Others may have spent most of 2013 wandering in the wilderness, still looking for the path to success. Regardless of where you are on your journey, this Funshop will help you find the path you need to follow to reach whatever weight loss goal you have set for the new year.
IMPORTANT!!Chapters and individual members will need to bring all the magazines they can find to the Funshop. Everyone who attends will use these magazines to find and cut out pictures, words, phrases to create their own personal “Vision Board”. Once the vision boards have been created, members will be given the opportunity to explain their board to the rest of us. Creating our vision boards and explaining them to the group should plant the seeds of change deeply enough in our brains that they can take root and grow.
Since achieving weight loss success requires us to “eat less, move more”, we will be playing some games to get us up and moving. If you have an active participation type game you would like to share with us, please feel free to bring it. If you are unable to participate in our “active games”, please feel free to bring your lawn chair so you can sit on the side lines and cheer your team on to victory.
The Funshop will be held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at 1821 West Lancaster Blvd, Lancaster CA 93534.The time for the event will be from 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Those attending should plan to bring a dish according to the following schedule:
If your last name begins with the letters:
- A- FDesserts
- G - LFruits or Vegetables, Salads
- M - Z Main Dish (including meat alternative dishes)
I provide one bottle of chilled water for each person pre-registered for the event. Please be sure to have your registration forms to me by February 13, 2014. This will give me time to prepare the award certificates before the event.
The registration fee for the Funshop is $2.00 per member. We will also have a 50/50 drawing to help pay the room rental or to further offset the cost of supplies.
In the past, at one FunShop down here in the valley, we had almost as many people show up unannounced as those who actually registered to attend. So, I would up with supplies for only about half those in attendance and the ones who arrived unannounced came first, so the ones who were left without the supplies were the ones who had pre-registered and pre-paid. Supplies for these events can run into quite a bit of money. I can’t afford to have enough on hand – just in case – but I don’t want to ever have tell anyone who attends that they are not allowed to participate because there aren’t enough supplies available. So if there is the slightest chance that any of your chapter members will be attending this event, please return the first page of the registration forms with their names listed. You don’t have to fill out the paperwork for the awards if you are not interested in them, but I do ask that you send the $2.00 registration fee for each person to help with the cost of the supplies.
Each of the categories listed on the worksheet will have a point value. I will calculate the points earned by the members and chapters when I receive your worksheets. You do not have to calculate them. I’m providing you with the schedule so you will understand how I determine the points awarded to the members and chapters.
I know these forms are rather formidable looking, but most of the categories can be completed using your weekly weight results. Your members should be keeping track of their own walking miles and exercise minutes. The idea is to recognize as many members and chapters as possible for as many achievements as possible and to encourage all of us to participate in more community events, etc. to raise the public’s awareness of TOPS. Please feel free to contact me by phone or email if you have any questions about completing them.
Even if you don’t think you have any “winners”, or just don’t feel like filling out the forms – come join us and see the fun you are missing. We won’t charge you to just come and observe.
TOPS Love,
Jeanie Druebert
Point Schedule
Member Points
Funshop Attendance
Every member with a paid registration to attend the Funshop will earn 1 point
Weight Loss
Members earn 1 point for .25 – 6.5 pounds lost, 2 points for 6.5 to 13 pounds lost, 3 points for 13 – 19.50 pounds lost, 4 points for 19.50 – 26 pounds lost and 5 points for 26.25 or more pounds lost
Members earn 1 point for any walking miles up to 46, 2 points for 46.25-92 miles, 3 points for 92.25 - 138 miles, 4 points for 138.25 – 184 miles and 5 points for over 184 miles. These are miles walked for exercise and do not include the walking associated with your normal every day activities.
Members earn 1 point for any exercise minutes up to 2,760, 2 points for 2,761 – 5,520 minutes, 3 points for 5,5211 – 8,280 minutes, 4 points for 8,281 – 11,040 minutes and 5 points for more than 11,040 minutes. These are minutes of cardio exercise (exercises that get your heart rate up) – not normal every day activities.
Chapter Programs
Members earn 1 point for presenting any program other than one of the published TOPS Chapter Programs, 2 points if it was the member’s very first time, ever to present a program to the chapter (if it isn’t a TOPS Chapter Program), 3 points if the member uses one of the published TOPS Chapter Programs and 5 points if it was the member’s very first time, ever to present a program to the chapter – and – they used a published TOPS Chapter Program
Reinstated KOPS
Members earn 1 point for regaining KOPS status if it was lost during the 6 months preceding the beginning of the recognition period for this Fun shop, 2 points if it had been lost for more than 1 year, but less than 2 years and 3 points if status was lost more than 2 years before it was regained
TOPS Consecutive Loss
Members earn 1 point for 2 – 5 consecutive weeks losses, 2 points for 6 – 9 consecutive weeks losses, 3 points for 10 – 13 consecutive weeks losses, 4 points for 14 – 17consecutive weeks losses, 5 points for 18 – 21 consecutive weeks losses and 6 points for 22 – 26 or 27 consecutive weeks losses.
KOPS Consecutive At or Below Goal
Members earn 1 point for 2 – 5 consecutive weeks at or below goal, 2 points for 6 – 9 consecutive weeks at or below goal, 3 points for 10 – 13 consecutive weeks at or below goal, 4 points for 14 – 17 consecutive weeks at or below goal, 5 points for 18 – 21 consecutive weeks at or below goal and 6 points for 22 – 26 or 27 consecutive weeks at or below goal.
TOPS Perfect Attendance
TOPS members earn 3 points for attending all 26 or 27 meetings of the period of recognition
KOPS Perfect Attendance
KOPS members earn 3 points for attending all 26 or 27 meetings of the period of recognition
Chapter Contest Winners
Members earn 1 point for being one of the winners of a chapter contest during the period of recognition
Food Charts
Members earn 1 point for turning in food charts for 1 – 30 days, 2 points for 31 – 60 days, 3 point for 184 days (every day of the recognition period).
“Real Life – The Hands On Pounds Off” Exchange – you must be working from the new book as there have been changes
Members will earn 1 point for following the exchanges(exactly) for their caloric needs for 1 – 30 days, 2 points for 31 – 60 days, 3 points for 61 – 90 days, 4 points for 91-120 days, 5 points for 121 – 150 days and 6 points for 151 – 184 days (every day of the recognition period).
Chapter Points
No-Gain Meetings
Chapters will earn 1 point for the first No-Gain Meeting of the month and 2 points for each additional No-Gain meeting in the same month
Chapters will earn 1 point for each month of the period of recognition in which they started a new contest.
Participation in a TOPS Area Event
Chapters will earn 2 points for each member that attended a TOPS Area Event (Workshop, Funshop, Fall Rally, Walk, KOPS Luncheon) during the period of recognition. The members who attended the event need not be present at this Funshop.
Chapters will earn 1 points per “new” (Never been in TOPS before or their previous membership had been lapsed for more than a year before re-joining) member that joined during the period of recognition. An additional point can be counted for each new member who is still attending meetings.
Charity Walk Participation
Chapters will earn 5 points for participating in a charity walk and 10 points for participating in any charity walk if the members wore TOPS T-shirts, caps or any other attire that would readily identify them as TOPS members. To earn the 10 points, a photo of the participating members must accompany the worksheet.
Chapters earn 1 point for having a listing in the “Weekly Meetings” of their local newspaper, 2 points for a newspaper (or other publication available to the public) article about their chapter and 3 points for a published article that includes photos. Copies of the listing or article must accompany the worksheet. All publication material must include the name and date of publication (cut from the actual paper and attached to the submission). You only need to send one copy of weekly notices.
TOPS New Subscriptions
Chapters will receive 10 points for each request for a subscription of TOPS News for a physician’s office. I would need a copy of your request to Margie and the date you sent it to her.
Chapters will receive 5 points for every brochure rack or poster posted in public place. If you already have a brochure rack posted, you may earn points for refilling it during the period of recognition.
KOPS Numerals
Chapters will receive 5 points for presenting a KOPS member with his/her numeral pin or pendant.
Average Weight Loss
Each chapter that has an average weight loss for the quarter will earn 10 points.