Civil Rights Yearbook
Create a Yearbook that explains the importance of the people and events of the Modern Civil Rights Movement.
- Create a Title. Put your name on the front of the book.
- Create a dedication page for the yearbook
- Create a Table of Contents
- Choose 16 people/events to explain how they impacted the United States during the Civil Rights Movement.
Who or What - Be sure to define or explain the person/event
When – When did this happen?
Where -Where did this happen?
Why – explain why this event happened or why this person is important.
How – How did this person/event impact the United States? (This is the analysis of impact)
- Create 2 journal entries that you might talk with at a Civil Rights Movement Reunion
-Who would you choose?
-What would you discuss? Achievements, impact on the Civil Rights Movement
-What two questions did you ask them and what was their response
- Create 2 pages for signatures from at least 5 of the people from the Civil Right Movement
- Write a personal reflection that explains your understanding of the Civil rights Movement and its impact socially, politically, and economically to Georgia then and now.
- Create a Sponsor page of Georgia businesses that would have place an advertisement in the yearbook.
Individuals, Groups, Institutions: The student will understand that the actions of individuals, groups, and/or institutions affect society through intended and unintended consequences.
- What events and groups impacted the outcome of the Civil Rights movement?
- How did these events and groups impact Georgia and ultimately the United States?
- Who were the significant figures of the Civil rights movement between 1940 and 1970?
- How did these people impact Georgia and ultimately the United States?
Conflict and Change: The student will understand that when there is conflict between or within societies, change is the result.
- What effect did the Supreme Court ruling Brown vs. Board of Education have on schools in Georgia?
- What was the purpose of the Civil Rights Act of 1965?
- Benjamin Mays
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Andrew Young
- Lester Maddox
- Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter
- Maynard Jackson
- Herman Talmadge
- Albany Movement
- Brown vs. Board of Education
- 1956 State Flag
- Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee
- The Sibley Commission
- March on Washington 1963
- Civil Rights Act of 1964
- 1946 Governors Race
- End of White primary or End of County Unit System
3 / 4 / 5
Content accuracy and Analysis of impact:
Yearbook pages,
Journal entries, signatures, Sponsor page / Most of the information in the yearbook is inaccurate or incomplete and does not explain the importance of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically. / Most of the information in the yearbook is accurate and explains the importance of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically. / Information in the yearbook is accurate and explains the importance of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically.
Personal reflection of impact of Civil Rights Movement / Reflection of the impact of the Civil Rights Movement is does not contain information that demonstrates the students’ knowledge on the impact of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically. / Reflection of the impact of the Civil Rights Movement is contains some information that demonstrates the students’ knowledge on the impact of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically. / Reflection of the impact of the Civil Rights Movement is well thought out and demonstrates the students’ knowledge on the impact of the Civil Rights Movement to Georgia economically, socially, and politically.
Organization of yearbook / Yearbook is not organized and shows no planning and effort in project completion. / N/A / Yearbook is organized and shows planning and effort in project completion.
Creativity and neatness / Yearbook does not include most of the required elements with analysis and explanations, missing illustrations, and project does not show planning and effort in project completion. / Yearbook includes most required elements with analysis and explanations, illustrations, and project shows some planning and effort in project completion. / Yearbook in creative in presentation of all required elements with typed analysis and explanations, colored illustrations, and project shows planning and effort in project completion.