Key Stage 2

Autumn Term 2017


Miss Kodela

Curriculum information

Subject: English

Topic: Fairy Tales and Stories that raise issues.

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Speaking and listening skills such as turn taking, asking and answering to questions.
  • Recognising the initial letter sounds of a range of common words. Some students will also develop their sentence structure skills and learn how to spell and write high frequency words.
  • Pencil control and letter formation.
  • Extending vocabulary of nouns, verbs and adjectives.
  • Engaging with a book at an appropriate level.
  • Recognising key characters and settings in stories.
  • Identifying characters’ feelings.
  • Creating captions to describe illustrations.
  • Predicting and sequencing skills.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Daily class discussions at the end of each day and weekly weekend news sharing sessions where students will ask each other questions verbally or by using symbols and signing about their day and weekend.
  • Weekly handwriting sessions. Some students will practise writing letters, simple words and/or sentences while others will complete pre- writing activities such as overwriting, tracing, mark making and drawing.
  • Hand strengthening OT activities.
  • Weekly guided reading sessions based on the Oxford Tree reading scheme.
  • Weekly phonics sessions focusing on a different letter each week.
  • Regular practice of functional vocabulary using individual books.
  • Listening to a story read to them by the teacher and engaging with sensory props appropriately.
  • Predicting and joining in with repetitive phrases in a story.
  • Sequencing pictures of a familiar story.
  • Arts and crafts activities such as making masks and role play in order to explore characters and their feelings in stories.
  • Exploring settings through sensory resources.
  • Labelling and describing illustrations and characters from stories. Some students will match and combine pictures and symbols while others will construct simple phrases and sentences by matching, ordering or writing words to accompany illustrations.
  • Identifying characters in a story by using pictures, symbols or writing and playing games such as characters treasure hunt.
  • Predicting what might happen next in a story. Students will be supported to choose from two alternative scenarios using signing, symbols or pictures.
  • Stories that we will study during the Fairy Tale topic: Gingerbread man, Jack and the Beanstalk, Hansel and Gretel, the Frog Prince.
  • Stories that we will study during the topic on stories that raise issues: Giraffes Don’t Dance, Elmer, Not Now Bernard, Piggy Book, Selfish Crocodile, Two Monsters.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Fairy tale, story, character, first, then, next, happy, sad, scared, mean, nice, gingerbread man, fox, cow, cat, pig, horse, old lady, old man, giant prince, princess, frog, giraffe, elephant, Oxford tree reading characters names.

Curriculum information

Subject: Maths

Topic: Number, Colour and Pattern, Time, Sequencing, Money

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Individual number skills.
  • Mark making and number formation skills.
  • Awareness of ordinal numbers.
  • Identifying colours.
  • Understanding what a pattern is.
  • Understanding of sequencing.
  • Differentiating between day and night.
  • Understanding the use of the clock and telling the time.
  • Identifying coins and money and understanding the use of money.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Joining in number rhymes, counting forwards and backwards, matching amounts of objects to numerals, counting out objects and pictures, comparing amounts of objects and identifying the one that has more or less.
  • Some students will be adding and subtracting objects and numbers within 10.
  • Playing various number games such as bingo, dominoes and computer maths games.
  • Ordering games and using ordinal numbers.
  • Number formation activities using sensory media and handwriting.
  • Sequencing: Sequencing numbers to 10 and beyond, filling in missing numbers in a sequence. Some students will also practise counting in 2s.
  • Colour and pattern: sorting objects according to colour, matching objects or pictures to colours, matching simple patterns of colours and shapes, copying patterns, extending patterns.
  • Time: Sequencing activities in chronological order, sorting pictures of day and night, sorting activities that happen during the day and activities that happen during the night, reading o’clock and half past times, drawing hands on blank clock faces. Some students will also practise reading quarter to and quarter past times.
  • Money: Matching and sorting coins and notes and pictures of coins and notes, counting out pennies to make specific amounts, ordering coins and notes, shopping role play activities.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Number, count, match, add, take away, total, more, less, before, after, next, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, last, day, night, morning, afternoon, o’clock, half past, quarter to, quarter past, money, penny, pence, pound, coin, note, pattern, colour.

Curriculum information

Subject: Religious Education

Topic: Domestic Church, Myself & Families; Advent, Christmas

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Recognising characteristics of themselves and their peers.
  • Identifying their body parts and facial features.
  • Understanding that everyone is different and unique.
  • Identifying feelings.
  • Respecting others through turn taking and group games and activities.
  • Sense of belonging.
  • Understanding what a family is and things that families do together.
  • Understanding what a celebration is.
  • Learning that different people celebrate different things.
  • Understanding what the Festival of Lights is and how it is celebrated.
  • Understanding what Advent is.
  • Understanding what Christmas is and how it is celebrated.
  • Participating in prayer and reflection time appropriately.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Participating appropriately in class discussions and turn taking circle time activities.
  • Joining in with songs and games that reinforce body awareness such as Simon says and head, shoulders, knees and toes.
  • Observing self-reflection in the mirror and creating self-portraits where they identify basic characteristics by choosing appropriate colours and materials to represent their features.
  • Choosing their favourite activities, toys, food using objects, symbols, pictures or verbal language.
  • Sharing work with peers and noticing that we look different and might like similar or different things.
  • Creating a family tree using family pictures and symbols or words to label the pictures.
  • Identifying different emotions by matching pictures of faces to symbols and words.
  • Role playing different feelings. Discussing things that make us happy, sad, and angry.
  • Watching videos about different celebrations.
  • Arts and crafts activities related to Diwali, Advent and Christmas.
  • Dressing up activities related to the different celebrations taught.
  • Making Christmas cards.
  • Listening to and role playing the story of Christmas.
  • Cooking and sharing Christmas cookies.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Me, myself, different, same, special, feelings, happy, sad, scared, excited, angry, family, family tree, mummy, daddy, brother, sister, friend, pray, celebration, festival, light, Diwali, advent, Christmas.

Curriculum information

Subject: Computing

Topic: Computer Art

Teacher: Mr Adrian Pascu

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Use a simple graphics program to create Digital Art.
  • Use a simple graphics program to make a card or picture such as a scarecrow or animal.
  • Use a range of tools and functions on a simple paint program, including, draw, paint, change colours and fill.
  • Develop mouse control and keyboard skillsusually at the beginning and end of the lessons.
  • Their ability to make controlled marks using a mouse or touch screen.
  • Update their previous work saved on the system making changes to it.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Use programs such as 2Simple Drawing, purple mash, choose it maker, learn to make marks with increasing control, change colours, draw shapes and do matching.
  • Add text to images added.
  • Use a simple graphics program to design a birthday and Christmas card.
  • Begin to make controlled horizontal and vertical marks using a simple paint program, for example, to place candles on a cake or draw fireworks in the sky.
  • Begin to use tools such as fill, change colour, draw and paint independently when using a simple paint program.
  • Use tools (in paint) to create different shapes.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Mouse, screen, computer, drag, drop, click, double click, re-size, fill, draw, paint, change colour, design and card.

Curriculum information

Subject: P.S.H.E./C

Topic: People Who Help Us, Mobility, Staying Safe at Home or Out & About

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Understanding what the school rules are.
  • Understanding why we have rules in school.
  • Understanding the concept of danger and safety.
  • Identifying dangerous behaviour in school.
  • Identifying dangers in the kitchen.
  • Understanding that cars are dangerous.
  • Learning how to cross the road safely.
  • Understanding that electricity can be dangerous.
  • Understanding that medicines can be dangerous.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Listening to and re-enacting the school rules.
  • Watching videos and pictures of safe and dangerous behaviours in the school. Identifying and labelling safe and dangerous pictures using symbols or writing.
  • Role play appropriate, safe behaviour in school.
  • Matching and sorting dangerous items in the kitchen.
  • Identifying the dangerous items from a choice of two or more.
  • Watching videos demonstrating crossing the road safely.
  • Practising crossing the road safely using the school mobility track.
  • Modelling safe crossing using toys.
  • Sorting objects that use electricity.
  • Watching videos and modelling safe behaviour around electrical items.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Rules, friend, kind, safe, dangerous, sharp, hot, burn, cut, traffic, road, pavement, car, stop, look, listen, walk, electricity, medicine.

Curriculum information

Subject: Science

Topic: Forces and Space

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Understanding that pushes and pulls move objects.
  • Identifying pushing and pulling actions.
  • Starting and stopping activities on command.
  • Changing their pace from fast to slow and vice versa on command.
  • Understanding that air can move objects.
  • Understanding that some objects float while other sink. Making reasonable predictions and testing them.
  • Understanding that magnets attract some objects. Making predictions and testing them.
  • Identifying day and night.
  • Identifying the seasons and recognising seasonal changes.
  • Identifying the sun, the Earth and the moon.
  • Understanding that the Earth moves around the sun.
  • Observing that the moon changes shape.
  • Recognising how space is like.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Practise moving self and objects using pushing and pulling actions.
  • Matching and sorting pushes and pulls.
  • Predicting whether we can move an object with a push or a pull.
  • Exploring air force by blowing, using electric fans, hand fans and pumps to move objects.
  • Observing a range of objects sinking and sink and float.
  • Predicting and investigating which objects float and sink.
  • Using magnets with various objects and materials. Predicting and investigating objects that are attracted to a magnet.
  • Sensory and art and craft activities related to space.
  • Sorting nature pictures and clothing items to different seasons.
  • Watching videos of the space.
  • Labelling the Earth, the sun and the moon using symbols or writing.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Push, pull, stop, start, fast, slow, up, down, blow, suck, air, wind, rough, smooth, float, sink, heavy, light, magnet, attract, repel, metal, day, night, light, dark, autumn, winter, spring, summer, Earth, moon, sun, star, space, rocket.


Subject: ART

Teacher: Mrs Nayyar

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • To manipulate clay.
  • To create a pinch pot and a coil pot.
  • To learn 3D sculpting techniques such as; coiling and pinching.
  • Will follow health and safety rules when using clay.
  • To learn how to roll clay into clay slabs/tiles.
  • To work independently as well as within a team.
  • To take part in classroom discussions.
  • To make independent decisions about choice of materials to decorate pots.
  • Develop fine motor skills through shaping clay.
  • To develop an understanding of how to use basic clay tools.
  • To develop problem solving skills.
  • To work in the style of an artist/ceramist.
  • To identify similaries and differences between thier work and that of the artist’s.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • To manipulate clay by cutting, rolling and shaping it into balls of various sizes.
  • To learn some facts about clay through visuals, key words and classroom discussions.
  • To roll clay into a ball and turn it into a pinch pot using the pinching technique.
  • To use sponge and water to smoothen clay.
  • To create coils from clay by rolling clay.
  • Score coils and create a coil pot using the rolled out coils.
  • To impress objects such as beads, leaves, sponges, clay tools, play dough cutters into clay to create various patterns/designs.
  • To paint clay using a range of colours.
  • To look at the work of ceramist, Susan Batch and create a response to her work.
  • To shape clay to create alphabets, to sculpt their name with clay.

Subject vocabulary:

Shape, clay, pots, coiling, ping, techniques, impress, clay tools, apron, health and safety, ceramist, colour, water, sponges, shaping, clay slab, tiles, ball, coils.


Subject: DT

Teacher: Mrs Nayyar

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • To use tools safely.
  • To learn about the autumn season.
  • To take part in classroom discussions.
  • To learn how to join materials together.
  • To identify and name different products that can be found inside the house.
  • To learn and use key words introduced in lessons.
  • To work independently as well as within a team.
  • To learn how to create different types of stitches.
  • To stitch fabrics together by following health and safety rules.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • To cut images of different objects found inside the house. Students will create a title page of images relating to their theme.
  • To create scene outside the window using coloured paper and card.
  • To create a landscape using wool and string.
  • To create a paper frame using card and paint.
  • To stitch fabrics together.
  • To create various marks on fabric using printing inks.
  • To print using stencils and sponges.
  • To comment on different types of wall hangings and use sticks to create their own wall hangingby joining natural materials such as; sticks and leaves together.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Home decor, stitches, objects, fabric, printing, frames, landscape, stencils, sponges, cushions, wall hanging, string, glue, wool, wood.

Curriculum information

Subject: History

Topic: Ancient Egypt

Teacher: Miss Ioulia Kodela

Class: 2K

Skills students will be developing:

  • Differentiating between the concepts of now and long ago.
  • Comparing everyday life in ancient Egypt and modern day.
  • Handling and engaging with artefacts.
  • Understanding that everyday objects were different in the past compared to the modern day.
  • Identifying ancient Egyptians.
  • Understanding that ancient Egyptians dressed differently.
  • Identifying the setting of ancient Egypt.
  • Sequencing events in a historical story.

Brief Description of Activities:

  • Sequencing their morning routine and creating simple timelines with pictures of themselves in order to reinforce understanding of the passage of time.
  • Identifying pictures of ancient Egyptians by matching pictures, symbols or words.
  • Watching various videos and engaging with sensory props in order to explore the setting of ancient Egypt.
  • Listening to and sequencing the stories of Moses and Joseph that are set in ancient Egypt.
  • Exploring various artefacts with support and commenting on how they look and feel using signs, symbols and/or words.
  • Sorting artefacts and pictures of everyday objects from ancient Egypt and modern day.
  • Choosing appropriate items and dressing up as ancient Egyptians.
  • Building a pyramid with Lego blocks.
  • Making a tomb out of a shoe box and a mummy out of paper.
  • Making and decorating an Egyptian collar using paper plates.
  • Making huts out of mud and compare to bricks. Discussing and exploring the strength and properties of the materials.
  • Making papyrus by staining paper with tea bags and writing their names on in hieroglyphs on it. Students will match the hieroglyphs that represent the letters of their names.

Subject vocabulary:

  • Now, then, long ago, past, old, new, ancient, Egypt, Pharaoh, mummy, tomb, pyramid, hieroglyphs, symbols, river Nile, boat, clothes, jewellery, metal, stone, mud, hut.