Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador
TOPIC: English for Basic Education
PROFESSOR: Lic. Sonia Barrios
Kelvin Alfredo Baires López
Irma América Barrientos
Carlos Alfredo Mena
Douglas Moisés Romero
First grade
Unit 1 / UNIT 1:Exchange of personal informationNo. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
1.1 / Greetings / introducing they self / Students will watch a video with different kind of conversations. / Student will be able to introduce him self. / Februar 3 to march 21
1.2. / Relationship / Identify a relationship. / The students will ask to their fathers about the relationship in home. / Student will be able to Identify a relationship in a family.
1.3 / Ocupations / List the professions of their relatives / Every student will say what he or she wants to become in the future life. / Student will be able to List the professions of their relatives.
1.4 / courtesy expressions / tell some courtesy expressions of their relatives / Every day the student must to use courtesy expression in the class. / Student will be able to name some courtesy expressions of their relatives.
1.5 / Pronouns / know the pronouns / The student will repeat the pronouns with the teacher and after name of it. / Student will be able to list the pronouns.
1.6 / use of a/an / Use a/an for fruits. / Using pictures the students will identify the location of objects in the classroom. / Student will be able to use a/an.
Unit 2 / UNIT 2: My Family
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
2.1 / What is my family? / identify their family / In a page of bond paper the student will draw their family and will identify each member of the family. / Student will be able to identify their family. / Mach 24 to May 2
2.2. / information about my family / give the name of their parents / In group of four the student will present their family and how many member are. / Student will be able to give the name of their parents.
2.3 / the respect / know about the respect is. / The students will learn a list of 3 values. / Student will be able to define what respect is.
2.4 / what is a family? / know about the structure of the family. / With images the teacher will explain how the family is compouse / Student will be able to label the structure of the family.
2.5 / I have brothers / say how many brothers has. / In group of four the student will try to identify the role of each member of the la family. / Student will able be toidentify how many brothers has.
2.6 / the chores / the responsabilities in home. / The students watch a power point presentation about differtent chores in home. / Student will be able to list their responsabilities in home.
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
3.1 / What is your favorite color? / say what their favorite color is. / Te teacher will pass a balloons of different colors to the class and students will select what they want. / Student will be able to name what their favorite color is. / May 5 to June 21.
3.2. / principal colors / know about the principal colors / In a powerpoint presentation the student will learn about the principal colors. / Student will be able to apply the principal colors.
3.3 / secundary colors / know about yhe secundary colors / With paint students will fix colors for find the secundary colors. / Student will be able to name the secundary colors.
3.4 / tertiary colors / know about the tertiary colors. / In a circule the teacher will present the different kind of colors with every name close to each color. / Student will be able to label the tertiary colors.
3.5 / find the color / identify the colors / With balloons in different colors the teacher will games and the student will name the color of the teacher will indicate to them. / Student will be able to Identify the colors
3.6 / applying tha corect color / how use the colors / In a page with a draw the student must to aplly the respective color to the picture in the page according with the draw. / Student will be able to use the colors.
Unit 4 / UNIT 4: MY BODY
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
4.1 / The senses / know the senses / In a powerpoint presentation the teacher will explain the importance of the senses. / Student will be able to identify the colors. / June 23 to Aougust 1
4.2. / Smell definition and importance / where is the sense of smell in the body. / In a picture the teacher will indicate the part of the smell and the importance of it. / Student will be able to xpress the importance of the sense smell in the body.
4.3 / Touch definition and importance / where is the sense of the touch in the body / The teacher will cover the eyes of one student and will give to him a object in order to the student identify it only with the touch. / Student will be able to Define the sense of the touch in the body.
4.4 / Ear definition andimportance / label 10 different kinds of food and drinks in English / On the white bord the teacher will use a big picture of the ear and the student will name every part of the ear with the teacher´s hepl. / Student will be able to label 10 defferent kinds of food and drinks.
4.5 / Taste definition and importance / where is the sense of the taste in the body / the student must to bring for the class something to eat in the class we will eat it and express what we can taste. / Student will be able to Identify the sense of the taste in the body.
4.6 / Sight definition and importance / where is the sense of the sigth in yhe body / The teacher will bring a bilnd in order to the student can see the importance of the sigth. / Student will be able to Define what is sigth.
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
5.1 / What are the fruits / say the name of some fruits / The student will create a list of fruits that they know. / Student will be able to Identify the name of some fruits. / August 4 to september 19
5.2. / What are the vegetables. / know some vegetables / The student wiil create a list of vegetables that they know. / Student will be able to List some vegetables.
5.3 / their importance for the human body. / know how it help us / In a powerpoint presentation the the teacher will explain the inportance of the fruits and vegetables for our health. / Student will be able to Name how the vegetable help us.
5.4 / the diferences of both. / what is a fruit and what is a vegetable. / The student will reseach in internet the different between vegetables and fruits. / Student will be able to Define what is a fruit and what is a vegetable.
5.5 / the name of fruits / say what is their favorite fruit for eat. / The teacher will show to the class a pear and an apple and student nust to choose what they prefer. / Student will be able to List what is their favorite fruit for eat.
5.6 / the name of vegetables. / name the vegetables. / With picture the teacher will give to the student the difference of vegetables and fruits. / Student will be able to name the vegetables.
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Metodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
6.1 / The school´s name. / know the nameof their school / Students will watch a power point presentation regarding hobbies and leisure time activities in El Salvador and will write a list of 5 leisure time activities and 5 hobbies in the notebook / Student will be able to Name the name of their school. / September 22 to october 31.
6.2. / My teacher / who is the teacher / Students will watch a video regarding different kinds of movies and will write 5 kinds of it in the notebook / Student will be able to Identify who is teacher
6.3 / My classroom. / what is a classroom. / Students will watch a video regarding different kinds of music genders and will write 5 kinds of it in the notebook / Student will be able to Describe the classroom.
6.4 / I like game / name some games / Students will watch a power point presentation regarding different kinds of movies and will write 5 kind of sports in the notebook / Student will be able to name some games that they like.
6.5 / The brake / respect the time of the brake / Students will color a worksheet where two children are playing during the break and circle the ones who are lining up to enter the classroom / Student will be able to Identify the time of the brake.
6.6 / The homework / do the homework. / Students will copy from the white board the definition of what homework means and will color a worksheet regarding kids doing the homework / Student will be able to Create the responsibility to do the homework.
Second grade
Unit 1 / Name of the unit: Understanding the AlphabetNo. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
1.1 / The vowels in English / Read and write the 5 vowels in English / Students will write the vowels in the notebook and the teacher will pronounce each at the time in english
After that, the children will repeat the vowels in english as well / The student can read and write the 5 vowels in English / February 3 to march 21
1.2. / The consonants in English / Read and write all theconsonats in English / Students will write all the consonats in the notebook and the teacher will pronounce each at the time in english
After that, the children will repeat each letter in english as well / The students can read and write all theconsonats in English
1.3 / The alphabet in English / Read, pronounce correctly and write all the alphabeth in english / The teacher will write all the alphabeth in english in the whiteboard and will pronounce each letter at the time.
The students will repeat all the letter after the teacher and at the end of the class, they will copy the alphabet in their notebooks / The students are able to read, pronounce correctly and write all the alphabeth in english
1.4 / I can spell my name / Spell their first name in english / Students will stand up from their desks and will spell their first names one at the time / The students are able to spell their first name in english
1.5 / Capital letter ans small letter / Write 5 classroom objects in english making distinction about small letter and capital letter / The teacher will copy in the whiteboard 5 classroom objects in english and the students will copy them in their notebooks making distinction about small letter and capital letter
After that, the students will spall each word making distinction between small letter and capital letter / The students are able to write 5 classroom objects in english making distinction about small letter and capital letter
1.6 / I can spell a word! / Spell correctly 8 new words mixed like verbs adjectives and nouns making distinction about small letter and capital letter / The teacher will provide a worksheet with a list of 8 words written in small and capital letters about new words mixed like verbs, adjectives and nouns.
After that, the students will Spell correctly the 8 new words making distinction about small letter and capital letter / The students are able to spell correctly 8 new words mixed like verbs adjectives and nouns making distinction about small letter and capital letter
Unit 2 / Name of the unit: It is nice to meet you!
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
2.1 / Saying hello / Write and pronounce correctly two differents ways for greeting in English / The teacher will model a simple conversation between two people saying hello! To each other.
Them, the students will do the same saying hello! To their classmates / The students are able to write and pronounce correctly two differents ways for greeting in English / Mach 24 to May 2
2.2. / Saying my name / Say the full name in english and ask to a classmate about his/her name / The teacher will model a simple conversation between two people saying their name and asking to the other person his/her name.
Them, the students will do the same saying their name and asking the other classmate his or her name / The students are able to say the full name in english and ask to a classmate about his/her name
2.3 / Magic words / Read and write 3 polite expressions in english / The teacher will model a short situation when he is being polite with a child and the child answers politly too.
Them, the students pass infront the class and say perform the same dialogue that the teacher just show to the class / The students are able to read and write 3 polite expressions in english
2.4 / Saying good bye / Write and pronounce correctly three differents ways for saying good bye in English / The teacher will model a short situation when is saying good bye to a person and the other persopn answers saying good bye too.
Them, the students pass infront the class and perform the same dialogue that the teacher just show to the class / The students are able to write and pronounce correctly three differents ways for saying good bye in English
2.5 / The Numbers from 0 to 20 / Read and write in letters the numbers from 0 to 20 / The teacher will provide a worksheet with the numbers from 1 to 20 to the students for filling in the blanks with the correct spelling written form of the numbers / The students are able to read and write in letters the numbers from 0 to 20
2.6 / Telephone numbers / Read and write thir telephone numbers / The students will say their telephone numbers after repeating the correct pronunciation of the numbers in english / The atudents are abe to read and write thir telephone numbers
Unit 3 / Name of the unit: The classroom
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
3.1 / Where do you study? / Define a school as a place for education and learning / The teacher will make a drawing about a school in the whiteboard and will explain that a school is the place they go to receive education and learning / The students are able to define a The students are able to name theschool as a place for education and learning / May 5 to June 21
3.2. / My personal objects / List 5 personal objects they have / The teacher will ask to the students what kind of toys they have in their houses in spanish and the students will answer in spanish
After that, the teacher will write all the toys mentioned in the brainstorming and will write their name in english / The students are able to list 5 personal objects they have
3.3 / School objects / List 5 school objects they have / The teacher will ask to the students what kind of school objects they have in the school in spanish and the students will answer in spanish
After that, the teacher will write all the school objects mentioned in the brainstorming and will write their name in english, so the students can copy them all / The students are able to list 5 school objects they have
3.4 / I am a student! / The labor of a student. / The teacher will explain the responsabilities of student / The students are able to explain the labor of a student.
3.5 / You are a techer! / Apply the personal subject pronoun in a conversation / Ther teacher will perform a dialogue model using not only greetings but also personal subject pronouns, them the students will perfomr the same dialogue in fromt of the class / The students are able to apply the personal subject pronoun in a conversation
3.6 / My favorite subject is math / List all the subjects they are taking in second grade in english and say which is their favorite / The teacher will copy in spanish and english all the subjects the students are taking in second grade so the students can copy them all.
After that, the students will stand up and say which of them is their favorite subject / The students are able to list all the subjects they are taking in second grade in english and say which is their favorite
Unit 4 / Name of the unit: Home, sweet home
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
4.1 / The kitchen / List 5 objects that belongs to the kitchen commonly used in El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the house representing the kitchen in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to the kitchen commonly used in El Salvador / June 23 to Aougust 1
4.2. / The living room / List 5 objects that belongs to the Living room commonly used in El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the hose representing the living room in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to the living room commonly used in El Salvador
4.3 / My big room / List 5 objects that belongs to their room commonly used in El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the house representing their room in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to their room commonly used in El Salvador
4.4 / The bathroom / List 5 objects that belongs to the bathroom commonly found El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the house representing their bathroom in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to the bathroom commonly found El Salvador
4.5 / The bedroom / List 5 objects that belongs to the bedroom commonly found El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the house representing thei bedroom in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to the bedroom commonly found El Salvador
4.6 / My nice garden / List 5 objects that belongs to the garden commonly found El Salvador / The teacher will provide a worksheet about the parts of the house representing thei garden in the main picture, so the students will fill in the blanks with the object´s names / The students are able to list 5 objects that belongs to the garden commonly found El Salvador
Unit 5 / Name of the unit: Learning at the school
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
5.1 / Article a/an / Write a or an before nouns / The students will watch a power point presentation about different objects so they can properly use the indefinite article a or an / The students are able to write a or an before nouns / August 4 to september 19
5.2. / Classroom and school objects / Label 10 classroom and school objects / In the class teacher will ask six different objects and then ask their importance / The students are able to label 10 classroom and school objects
5.3 / The Colors / list 10 different kinds of shoes boys and girls wear / will ask the teacher to five students come to the front of which three will be. / The students are able to list 10 different kinds of shoes boys and girls wear
5.4 / I can play marble / write 5 sentences using the verb to be affirmative / The students must tom list two sentences usin the verb to be affirmative. / The students are able to write 5 sentences using the verb to be affirmative
5.5 / Common commands in the classroom / write 10 sentences using the verb to be negative / The theacher will write the rules of the classroom using commans and the verb to be in negative form. / The students are able to write 10 sentences using the verb to be negative
5.6 / Break time! / Explain why they have to respect the bake time. / Student will take account the time of in the brake in each brake. / The students are able toexplain why they have to respect the bake time.
Unit 6 / Name of the unit: My family is from El Salvador
No. / Topic Content / Specific objectives
Students will be able to: / Methodology / Evaluation criteria / Time
Date / Time
6.1 / Introducing myself / Introducing my friend / The student will have a dialogue introducing a classmate. In basic form. / The students are able to introduce a friend / September 22 to october 31.
6.2. / My family members / This is my family. / In a piece of paper the student will draw their family and each member of the family. / The students are able to explain who are their family.
6.3 / I have brothers and sisters / express who are their brothers / The theacher wiil ask to the student the information of hwo many brothers everyone have. / The students are able to express who are their brothers
6.4 / Emotions / Express their feelings in senglish / The teacher will aks to the student about the feeling / The students are able to express their feelings in english
6.5 / Physical description / How is he/ske like? / The students will describe themselves / The students are able to describe how his/her classmate is like
6.6 / Numbers from 21 to 100 / Write the numbers from 21 to 100 / The student will do a homework creating a list of number ten in tenfrom 1 to100. / The student is able to write the numbers from 21 to 100
Third grade