ADAMS, HERBERT (Representative, Portland)

Committee Appointments...... 23

Legislative Documents

Sponsor...... 203, 228, 230, 242, 248, 274

Remarks...... 1008, 1014, 1040


Without Day...... 1032, 1063, 1193, 1834

ANDREWS, MARY BLACK (Representative, York)

Appointments...... 1106

Committee Appointments...... 22, 24

Leaves of Absence...... 922

Legislative Documents

Sponsor...... 51, 52, 54, 147, 156, 222,

Remarks...... 427, 627, 794, 856, 956, 1292, 1378, 1530, 1550, 1560, 1568, 1598, 1604, 1607, 1610, 1650, 1674, 1676, 1766,1814

ANNIS, JAMES D. (Representative, Dover-Foxcroft)

Committee Appointments...... 22

Legislative Documents

Sponsor...... 151, 162, 202, 205, 223, 1066, 1067

Remarks...... 740, 742, 880, 909, 1127, 1388


President Appointments

Apportionment Commission (S.P. 11)...... 33

Blais, Sen. Kenneth, of Kennebec

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (S.P. 379)...... 212

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.C. 313)...... 1226

Brennan, Sen. Michael, of Cumberland

Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.C. 191)...... 494

Carpenter, Sen. David, of York

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269

Committee to inform John E. Baldacci he has been elected Governor (S.P. 16)...... 36

Daggett, Sen. Beverly, of Kennebec

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269

Damon, Sen. Dennis, of Hancock

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.C. 313)...... 1226

Douglass, Sen. Neria, of Androscoggin

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (S.C. 11)...... 33

Gagnon, Sen. Kenneth, of Kennebec

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (S.C. 11)...... 33

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (S.P. 379)...... 212

Appointed Chair of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269

Gilman, Sen. Carolyn, of Cumberland

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Hall, Sen. Christopher, of Lincoln

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Hatch, Sen. Pamela, of Somerset

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (S.P. 379)...... 212

Joint Standing Committees (S.P. 9)...... 33

LaFountain, Sen. Lloyd, of York

Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.C. 191)...... 494

Lemont, Sen. Kenneth, of York

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (S.P. 379)...... 212

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269

Martin, Sen. John L., of Aroostook

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (S.P. 379)...... 212

Mayo, Sen. Arthur, of Sagadahoc

Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.C. 191)...... 494

Mitchell, Sen. Betty Lou, of Penobscot

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269

Rotundo, Sen. Peggy, of Androscoggin

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.C. 313)...... 1226

Strimling, Sen. Ethan, of Cumberland

Appointed chair of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Treat, Sen. Sharon, of Kennebec

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 331)...... 1269


President Appointments (Con't)

Turner, Sen. Karl, of Cumberland

Appointed member of Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.C. 191)...... 494

Weston, Sen. Carol, of Waldo

Appointed member of Gubernatorial Vote Committee (S.P. 15)...... 36

Woodcock, Sen. Chandler, of Franklin

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.C. 313)...... 1226

Speaker Appointments

Andrews, Rep. Mary Black, of York

Appointed as Ranking Republican member of the Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs (H.C. 292)...... 1106

Apportionment Commission (H.P. 5)...... 21

Armstrong, Anthony, of Portland

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Revenue Sources of the Office of Consumer Credit

Regulation (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Barstow, Rep. Christopher R., of Gorham

Appointed member of the Commission on Performance Budgeting (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.P. 1379)...... 1226

Appointed member of the Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Appointed member of the Intergovernmental Advisory Group (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Beaudette, Rep. Stephen R., of Biddeford

Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on Business, Research, and Economic

Development (H.P. 1389)...... 1255

Bell, Karen, of South Portland

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Belle, Sebastian, of Hallowell

Appointed member of the Stakeholder Advisory Panel to the Task Force on the Planning and

Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Bennett, Jr., Rep Philip R., of Caribou

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.P. 1379)...... 1226

Benoit, R. Laurent, of Cape Elizabeth

Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 262)...... 1053

Bickford, Marguarite, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Long-term Care Oversight Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Bilotas, Katherine, of Braintree, MA

Appointed member of the Maine Drug Return Implementation Group (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Blaisdell, Thomas, of West Buxton

Appointed member of the State Emergency Response Commission (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Blanchette, Rep. Patricia A., of Bangor

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Implementation of the Privatization of the State's

Wholesale Liquor Business (H.C. 258)...... 1038

Appointed member of the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Appointed as Speaker Pro Tem on Wednesday, March 5, 2003 (H.C. 54)...... 198

Appointed Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety (H.P. 1341)...... 1073

Appointed member of the Maine Criminal Justice Commission (H.C. 40)...... 155

Appointed Speaker Pro Tem 1/8/3 (H.C. 13)...... 27

Bliss, Rep. Lawrence, of South Portland

Appointed member of the Advisory Commission on Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Appointed member of the Energy Resources Council (H.C. 258)...... 1038

Blum, Janet Whatley, of Gorham

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Bowen, Rep. Stephen Bowen, of Rockport

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.P. 1379)...... 1226

Appointment to the Joint Standing Committee on Marine Resources rescinded (H.P. 1389)...... 1255

Appointed member of the Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Breault, Rep. Bonita, of Buxton

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 211)...... 626

Breen, Yellow Light, of Holden

Appointed member of the Future for Youth in Maine State Work Action Tactics Team (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Brewer, Meghan, of Brewer

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Brown, Jr., Thomas T., of Augusta

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Revenue Sources of the Office of Consumer Credit

Regulation (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Brown, Rep. Richard B., of South Berwick

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Bryant-Deschenes, Rep. Joan, of Turner

Appointed member of the Maine Criminal Justice Commission (H.C. 40)...... 155

Appointed member of the House Committee on Elections (H.C. 5)...... 8

Appointed to the House Committee on Elections rescinded (H.C. 8)...... 23

Appointed member of the Juvenile Drug Court Steering Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1077


Speaker Appointments (Con't)

Bull, Rep. Thomas D., of Freeport

Appointed member of the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Bunker, Jr., Rep. George H., of Kossuth Township

Appointment to the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety rescinded (H.P. 1341)...... 1073

Resigned as Chair of the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety (H.P. 1341)...... 1073

Appointed member of the Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Burnham, Joseph, of Winthrop

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Scope and Quality of Citizenship Education (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Canavan, Rep. Marilyn E., of Waterville

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.P. 1180)...... 494

Appointed member of the Children's Mental Health Oversight Committee (H.C. 53)...... 173

Appointed member of the Health Care System and Health Security Board (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Carr, Rep. Roderick W., of Lincoln

Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (H.P. 6)...... 21

Chadwick, Suzanne, of Gardiner

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Charry, Barbara, of Falmouth

Appointed member of the Community Preservation Advisory Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Claeson, Bjorn, of Bangor

Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Clark, Rep. Joseph E., of Millinocket

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Implementation of the Privatization of the State's

Wholesale Liquor Business (H.C. 258)...... 1038

Clough, Rep. Harold, of Scarborough

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 321)...... 1213

Coffin, Amanda, of Strong

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Scope and Quality of Citizenship Education (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Cohen, Jerrold, of Mexico

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 19)...... 71

Comeau, Elizabeth, of Atkinson

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Committee (H.C. 66)...... 219

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (H.C. 260)...... 1051

Committee Appointments (H.P. 7)...... 21

Cote, Michael J., of Winsor

Appointed as Sergeant-at-Arms (H.C. 4)...... 7

Courtney, Rep. Jonathan, of Sanford

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (H.P. 6)...... 21

Cox, Karen, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 19)...... 71

Crate, Pamela of Augusta

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Craven, Rep. Margaret M., of Lewiston

Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 17)...... 50

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Crosthwaite, Rep. Robert H., of Ellsworth

Appointed member of the Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Cummings, Rep. Glenn A., of Portland

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.P. 1379)...... 1226

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Scope and Quality of Citizenship Education (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Curley, Rep. Darlene J., of Scarborough

Appointed member of the Long-term Care Oversight Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Daigle, Rep. Robert A., of Arundel

Appointed member of the Advisory Commission on Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Davis, Rep. Gerald M. of Falmouth

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Scope and Quality of Citizenship Education (H.C. 286)...... 1078

DeGrinney, John Paul, of Scarborough

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Dinah, Edward B., of Cumberland Center

Appointed member of the Future for Youth in Maine State Work Action Tactics Team (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Dinan, Edward, of Falmouth

Appointed member of the Advisory Board of the Learning Technology Endowment (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Dion, Mark N., of Portland

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039


Speaker Appointments (Con't)

Doiron, Dennis, of Gardiner

Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 262)...... 1053

Dudley, Rep. Benjamin E., Portland

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.P. 1180)...... 494

Dugay, Rep. Edward R., of Cherryfield

Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 17)...... 50

Dunlap, Rep. Matthew, of Old Town

Appointed member of the Government Oversight Committee (H.C. 211)...... 626

Appointed member of the House Committee on Elections (H.C. 5)...... 7

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (H.P. 5)...... 21

Appointed as Speaker Pro Tem on Thursday, March 6, 2003 (H.C. 55)...... 199

Duplessie, Rep. Robert W., of Westbrook

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Joint Rules (H.P. 270)...... 71

Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on Criminal Justice and Public Safety (H.C. 112)...... 315

Appointed member of the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation (H.P. 1368)...... 1198

Appointed member of the Maine Fire Protection Services Commission (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study Parity and Portability of Retirement Benefits for State Law

Enforcement Officers, Municipal and County Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Duprey, Rep. Brian M., of Hampden

Appointed member of the Child Care Advisory Council (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Duprey, Rep. Guy, of Medway

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Revenue Sources of the Office of Consumer Credit

Regulation (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Durost, Richard, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Earle, Rep. William E., of Damariscotta

Appointed member of the Maine Drug Return Implementation Group (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.P. 1180)...... 494

Appointed member of the Substance Abuse Services Commission (H.C. 17)...... 50

Appointed member of the Juvenile Drug Court Steering Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Faircloth, Rep. Sean, of Bangor

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Feinstein, Judy, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 19)...... 71

Flanagan, David T., of Manchester

Appointed member of the Judicial Compensation Commission (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Fletcher, Rep. Kenneth C., of Winslow

Appointed member of the Energy Resources Council (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Frampton, Steve, of Camden

Appointed member of the Task Force to Establish a Centralized Voter Registration List (H.C. 262)...... 1053

Fries, Kathy, of South Portland

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Gagne-Friel, Rep. Rosita, of Buckfield

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (H.P. 5)...... 21

Gallant, Brenda, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Long-term Care Oversight Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Gauthier, Anne, of New Gloucester

Appointed member of the Future for Youth in Maine State Work Action Tactics Team (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Gerzofsky, Rep. Stanley, of Brunswick

Appointed member of the Maine Criminal Justice Commission (H.C. 40)...... 155

Giles, Jon, of Gray

Reappointed member of the Maine Library of Geographic Information Board (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Glynn, Rep. Kevin, of South Portland

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.P. 1180)...... 494

Greeley, Rep. Christian D., of Levant

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Green, Stephen, of Vassalboro

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Greenleaf, Christine, of West Gardiner

Appointed member of the Future for Youth in Maine State Work Action Tactics Team (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Gressitt, Dr. Stevan E., of Unity

Appointed member of the Maine Drug Return Implementation Group (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Grose, Rep. Carol A., of Woolwich

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve the Sentencing, Supervision, Management and

Incarceration of Prisoners (H.C. 258)...... 1038

Gulak, Hyman M., of Harpswell

Appointed member of the Future for Youth in Maine State Work Action Tactics Team (H.C. 428)...... 1835


Speaker Appointments (Con't)

Haggerty, Mark, of Orono

Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Hall, David, of Bath

Appointed member of the Long-term Care Oversight Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Hamilton, Chris, of Whitefield

Appointed member of the Stakeholder Advisory Panel to the Task Force on the Planning and

Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Hanley, Steve, of Gardiner

Appointed member of the Commission to Arrange for a Plaque or Plaques and a Flag or Flags to be

Displayed in the Hall of Flags in the State House (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Harbaugh, Jana, of Portland

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study the Needs of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing Children (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Hofmann, Kurt, of Presque Isle

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Scope and Quality of Citizenship Education (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Holmberg, Dr. Robert, of Bangor

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Honey, Rep. Ken, of Boothbay

Appointed member of the Commission to Study the Needs and Opportunities Associated with the

Production of Salmonid Sport Fish in Maine (H.C. 258)...... 1039

House Committee on Elections (H.C. 5)...... 7

House Standing Committees (H.C. 11)...... 24

Hutton, Rep. Deborah J., of Bowdoinham

Appointed member of the Maine Children’s Trust Fund (H.C. 22)...... 72

Appointed member of the Citizen Trade Policy Commission (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Jackson, Rep. Troy D., of Fort Kent

Appointed member of the Governor’s Advisory Council on the Sustainability of Forest Products Industry

in Maine (H.C. 296)...... 1109

Jellison, Sabrina, of Strong

Appointed member of the Task Force to Address the Shortage of Speech-language Pathologists (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Joint Select Committee on JointRules (H.P. 270)...... 71

Joint Select Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Jones, Oakley, of South Portland

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Joyce, Kevin, of Portland

Appointed member of the Task Force to Study Parity and Portability of Retirement Benefits for State Law...... 1078

Enforcement Officers, Municipal and County Law Enforcement Officers and Firefighters (H.C. 286)

Jucius, Shirley, of Hampden

Appointed member of the Advisory Commission on Radioactive Waste and Decommissioning (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Kane, Rep. Thomas J., of Saco

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Health Care Reform (H.P. 1180)...... 493

Appointed member of the Long-term Care Oversight Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Appointed to the Advisory Council for the Reorganization and Unification of the Department of Human

Services and the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services (H.C. 225)...... 817

Keliher, Patrick, of New Gloucester

Appointed member of the Stakeholder Advisory Panel to the Task Force on the Planning and

Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Kelley, Allen, of West Gardiner

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Ketterer, Rep. Susanne P., of Madison

Appointed member of the Committee on the Gubernatorial Vote...... 27

Appointed member of the Maine Drug Return Implementation Group (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Knox, Rich, of Topsham

Appointed member of the Stakeholder Advisory Panel to the Task Force on the Planning and

Development of Marine Aquaculture in Maine (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Koffman, Rep. Theodore, of Bar Harbor

Appointed member of the Committee to Study Compliance with Maine's Freedom of Access Laws (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Appointed member of the Joint Select Committee on Regionalization and Community Cooperation (H.P. 1379)...... 1226

Appointed member of the Governor’s Advisory Council on the Sustainability of Forest Products Industry

in Maine (H.C. 290)...... 1101

Kottman, Sandi, of Lewiston

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Laberge, Normand, of Trescott

Appointed member of the Oil Spill Advisory Committee (H.C. 286)...... 1077

Lagerquist, Dallas, of Bedford, New Hampshire

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Revenue Sources of the Office of Consumer Credit

Regulation (H.C. 286)...... 1078


Speaker Appointments (Con't)

Landry, Kay I., of Augusta

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve Community Safety and Sex Offender Accountability (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Landry, Rep. Roger A., of Sanford

Appointed member of the Task Force on Veteran's Health Services (H.C. 258)...... 1039

Laverriere-Boucher, Rep. Marie, of Biddeford

Appointed member of the Children's Mental Health Oversight Committee (H.C. 53)...... 173

Leary, Mal, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Committee to Study Compliance with Maine's Freedom of Access Laws (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Ledwin, Rep. Mary Ellen, of Holden

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Committee (H.C. 15)...... 42

Leinonen, Heidi

Appointed member of the Commission to Improve the Sentencing, Supervision, Management &

Incarceration of Prisoners (H.C. 428)...... 1835

Lemoine, Rep. David G., of Old Orchard Beach

Appointed chair of the House Committee on Elections (H.C. 5)...... 7

Appointed member of the Apportionment Commission (H.P. 5)...... 21

Lerman, Rep. Arthur L,. of Augusta

Appointed member of the Capital Riverfront Improvement District Governing Board (H.C. 18)...... 71

Lewin, Rep. Sarah O., of Eliot

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Lewis, Kevin, of Augusta

Appointed member of the Advisory Committee on Dental Education (H.C. 19)...... 71

Littlefield, Barrett, of Sidney

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Committee (H.C. 66)...... 219

Appointed member of the Legislative Youth Advisory Council (H.C. 260)...... 1051

London, Ann, of Bath

Appointed member of the Commission to Study Public Health (H.C. 286)...... 1078

MacCallum, Roberta C., of Cumberland

Appointed member of the Task Force to Address the Shortage of Speech-language Pathologists (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Mahon, Dr. Julia, of Hampden

Appointed member of the Task Force to Address the Shortage of Speech-language Pathologists (H.C. 286)...... 1078

Mailhot, Rep. Richard H., of Lewiston

Appointed member of the Committee to Study the Implementation of the Privatization of the State's

Wholesale Liquor Business (H.C. 258)...... 1038

Appointed member of the Maine-Canadian Legislative Advisory Commission (H.C. 379)...... 1467