A typed, completed application must be submitted for eachlocation. This application is a legal document that will be used by Commission staff to determine your institution’s eligibility for authorization. Any false or deliberately misleading information that is provided as part of this application may result indenial of the application and additional action pursuant to Rule 1540-01-02-.22 of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. Staff assistance with completing the initial authorization application is available at (615) 741-5293.
Physical Location Address
City: / State: / Zip: / County:
Mailing Address (This address is used only if you are unable to receive mail at the physical location.)
City: / State: / Zip:
Institution Contact Data
Telephone No.: / Fax No.:
Web Site: / Email:
Name of the Institutional Director:
Direct Telephone No.: / Cell Phone No.:
Name of Secondary On-Site Contact:
Telephone No.: / Email:
Name of Corporate Contact:
Telephone No.: / Email:
City: / State: / Zip:
Telephone No.: / Email:
Is your institution accredited? Yes No
1. Accreditor Name:
Highest Credential Level of Accreditation:
Initial Accreditation Date: / Accredited Through Date:
2. Accreditor Name:
Highest Credential Level of Accreditation:
Initial Accreditation Date: / Accredited Through Date:
Has there been any change in the accreditation status of the institution in the past year or are there any complaints under investigation by the accrediting body? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 7 of this application.) Yes No
Are there any complaints regarding the institution, parent institution, or corporate entity presently under review by a licensing agency, any accrediting body, or governmental agencies? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 4 of this application.) Yes No
Are there any legal actions pending by or against the parent institution or corporation? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 4 of this application.) Yes No
Have any judgments or settlements been rendered in favor of or against the institution, or related business entity in the past year specific to Tennessee operations or Tennessee students? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 4 of this application.) Yes No
Are any legal actions pending by or against the institution? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 4 of this application.) Yes No
Please check which of the following ownership structures applies to the institution: (Please check only one. If checking “Other” please attach an explanation under Attachment 10 of this application.)
Sole Proprietorship Partnership S-Corporation C-Corporation
Limited Liability Corporation Limited Partnership Limited Liability Partnership
Not-for-Profit Corporation Government Agency (State-Owned Institution) Other
Has any principal owner ever been associated as a principal party, owner, or administrator in an educational institution that participated in federal student aid programs? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 10 of this application.) Yes No
Has any principal owner ever been associated as a principal party, owner, or administrator in an educational institution that ceased operation with a resulting loss of time or money for enrollees of such institution? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 10 of this application.) Yes No
Will the building being occupied by the institution be: (If leased or donated, please provide a copy of the lease or relevant agreement and if owned, provide proof of ownership under Attachment 5 of this application.)
Owned Leased Donated
If leased, please state the date and year of the expiration of the current lease:
Indicate the number of spaces utilized as:
Classrooms ______Studio ______Break Room ______Lab/Clinical ______Offices ______
Field Training Space ______Auditorium ______Other ______
Total square footage of space occupied:
Will the institution have a library? Yes No
Will this institution have facilities other than at the address listed in the information above? (If yes, please attach an explanation under Attachment 5 of this application.) Yes No
Does your institution participate in federal student financial aid programs as defined by Rule 1540-01-02-.03(30)? Yes No
If yes, please provide the institution’s OPE ID No.:
The applications listed below must be submitted in the same packet as this application. Failure to submit the following applications with this application mayresult in deferral of this application to the next deadline per Rule 1540-01-02-.07(1)(c).
How many school personnel applications will the institution submit simultaneously with this application?
How many applications for agents as defined by Rule 1540-01-02-.03(6) will the institution submit simultaneously with this application?
How many new program applications will the institution submit simultaneously with this application? (If 0, please attach an explanation under Attachment 6 of this application.)
For Office Use Only
Entered By / Payment
You must provide the items in the checklist in order for your application to be complete. Refer to Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-2001 and Rule Chapter 1540-01-02for additional information. The standards by which your application will be primarily evaluated are found in Rule 1540-01-02-.07(2).
Please provide each item below on a separate sheet of paper. If an attachment is not applicable to your program, write the number of the attachment and “N/A” next to it, along with an explanation as to why the attachment is not applicable. When completing the attachments, do not answer a question with reference to other documents.
If an application is not typed or is incomplete, the application will be deferred to the next deadline per Rule 1540-01-02-.07(1)(c). Further, an application missing any applicable fees will not be reviewed until all fees are received and may be deferred per Rule 1540-01-02-.07(1)(b).
Listed below are the application deadlines, Committee meeting dates, and Commission meeting dates. Please be aware that the attendance of a representative from your institution is mandatory at the Committee meeting when your application is presented. You will be notified if your application will not be presented. Unless otherwise posted, all Committee on Postsecondary Educational Institutions meetings will be held at 404 James Robertson Parkway, Nashville, Tennessee, in the 18th floor board room at 10:00 a.m. Central Standard Time.
Application deadlines and meeting dates for the Committee on Postsecondary Education Institutions and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission may be found at:
FEE AND DOCUMENTATION TO BE ENCLOSED WITH THIS APPLICATION- INITIAL AUTHORIZATION FEE OF $3,000– Place the Initial Authorization fee in an envelope marked “Initial Authorization.” Attach the envelope to the top of the application. Payment must be made with a business check, money order, or cashier’s check. No personal checks will be accepted. Make checks payable to the State of Tennessee.
- DIRECTOR’S STATEMENT OF INTENT – Complete the attached Director’s Statement of Intent and attach the original signed and notarized statement.
- OWNER’S STATEMENT OF INTENT – Complete the attached Owner’s Statement of Intent and attach the original signed and notarized statement.
- COMPLAINTS – If the institution answered “yes” to any of the questions under the Complaints section of the application, attach an explanation for each affirmative answer.
- FACILITIES – If the building to be occupied by the institution will be leased or donated as indicated under the Facilities section of the application, attach a copy of the lease or relevant agreement. If leased, the lease should comply with Rule 1540-01-02-.07(2)(a)(6). On a separate sheet of paper, list the property manager’s name, company, full address, phone number, and the beginning and end dates of the lease. If the building to be occupied by the institution is owned, provide proof of ownership. Additionally, if the institution indicated that the institution will have facilities other than at the address listed in the application, please provide an explanation on a separate sheet of paper.
- NEW PROGRAM APPLICATIONS – If the institution indicated that it will not be submitting any new program applications simultaneously with this application, please provide an explanation.
- ACCREDITATION DOCUMENTATION– If applicable, provide the following:
- Evidence of institutional accreditation, and if applicable, authority to offer degrees from a regional or national institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education (USDOE); and
- If your institution answered “yes” to the question under the Current Institutional Accreditation section that required additional explanation, provide said explanation.
- TITLE IV ELIGIBLITY DOCUMENTION– If applicable, providethe following items:
- The most recent independent audit with the federal financial composite score as described in 34 C.F.R. § 668.172;
- Any correspondence issued in the past twenty-four (24) months from the Office of Federal Student Aid of the USDOE concerning eligibility for financial aid;
- The most recently calculated three-year (3) official cohort default rate from the Office of Federal Student Aid of the USDOE; and
- A website address for gainful employment data that provides a reasonable person easy access to the information.
- FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES – Using the separately provided Excel spreadsheet and Rule 1540-01-02-.07(2)(a)(18) and (19) for reference provide the following:
- a current balance sheet evidencing institutional financial resources adequate to fund and maintain the following:
- facility maintenance and overhead;
- staff and faculty payroll;
- books, supplies or equipment utilized by students; and
- general operating costs; and
- financial statements as follows:
- as to institutions that are not currently operating a location in Tennessee or out-of-state, pro forma financial statements demonstrating that the location for which authorization is being sought will within the first three (3) years following receipt of initial authorization meet the ratios described in Rule .14(6)(d) of these rules and financial statements of all owners; or
- as to institutions that are operating a location in Tennessee or out-of-state, pro forma financial statements demonstrating that the location for which authorization is being sought will within the first three (3) years following receipt of initial authorization meet the ratios described in Rule .14(6)(d) of these rules and the most recent financial statements of the existing entity.
- INSTITUTIONAL OWNERSHIP INFORMATION– Provide a description of the ownership structure of the institution, the names and contact information for all owners with more than ten percent (10%) of the voting interests in the corporation, indicating the percentage of ownership next to their name(s), and, if applicable, a corporate flowchart showing the institution’s position in relationship to all affiliated corporate entities. If the institution uses a “doing business as” (dba) title, please include the full dba. Additionally, if the institution answered any questions under the Ownership Information section of the application which requires further explanation, attach the explanation(s).
- REPORT OF ANY ILLEGAL OR UNETHICAL CONDUCT– Provide a report of any illegal or unethical conduct by employees, agents, contractors, or third-party service providers related to the delivery of educational programs and services to students with any corrective action and remedies taken by the institution.
- LICENSE OR AUTHORIZATION TO OPERATE IN HOME STATE – If the institution’s home state is a state other than Tennessee, provide a current copy of the institution’s license or authorization to operate in the institution’s home state or proof of exemption. An institution’s home state is the state in which its main physical site is located. See Rule 1540-01-02-.06(2).
- INSTITUTIONAL SURETY BOND – Complete the attached Surety Bond form and return the original form. See Rule 1540-01-02-.09 for specific bond requirements.
- EVIDENCE OF A BUSINESS ACCOUNT – Provide evidence of an institutional business account with a financial institution that is federally insured in the institution’s name.
- FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF EVALUATION METHODOLOGY – Provide a full description of the faculty and administrative staff evaluation methodology that is utilized by the institution as referenced in Rule 1540-01-02-.16(7).
- PRE-ENROLLMENT CHECKLIST – Provide a copy of the institution’s pre-enrollment checklist that complies with Rule 1540-01-02-.13(1). An example is attached.
- ENROLLMENT AGREEMENT – Provide a copy of the institution’s enrollment agreement that complies with Rule 1540-01-02-.13(2).
- TRANSFERABILITY OF CREDITS DISCLOSURE– Provide a copyof the institution’s transferability of credits disclosure that complies with Tenn. Code Ann. § 49-7-144. The disclosure is required to be a separate document and the text shall be printed in type not less than sixteen (16) point font. An example is attached.
- COPY OF TRANSCRIPT/CERTIFICATE – For institutions offering a transcript, provide an exact copy or an example of a transcript for a student who is 1) current; 2) withdrawn; and 3) graduated. If the institution offers a well-defined short term program, such as bartending or truck driving, with no separation of courses by subject content, the institution should provide an exact copy or an example of the certificate. The transcripts should comply with Rule 1540-01-02-.15(8)(a) and the certificates should comply with Rule 1540-01-02-.15(8)(b).
- INSTITUTIONAL CATALOG/STUDENT HANDBOOK–Provide a copy of your institution’s catalog or student handbook along with the following catalog checklist. Type the page number(s) where each item can be found in the catalog. All items in the following checklist must be contained in the same document pursuant to Rule 1540-01-02-.11.
______Identifying data, such as catalog number and/or publication date
______Table of contents
______Names of owners and officers, including any governing boards
______Institutional calendar, including holidays, enrollment periods, and the beginning and ending dates of
terms, courses, or programs
______Institutional enrollment procedures and entrance requirements, including late enrollment, if permitted
______Institutional attendance policy, including minimum attendance requirements, how attendance will be
determined, the circumstances under which a student will be interrupted for unsatisfactory
attendance, and the conditions under which a student may be readmitted
______Institutional policy covering satisfactory progress, including an explanation of any grading system
used, a description of any probation policy, and a description of the institutional system for making
progress reports to students
______Institutional policy regarding student conduct, including causes for dismissal and conditions for
______Description of each program offered including objectives, costs, length, program components or
course requirements, or in the case of correspondence instruction, the number of lessons
______Description of the placement assistance available and if none, so state
______Description of the facilities and equipment used for educational programs
______Policy concerning credit granted for previous education, training, and experience and if none, so state
______Refund and cancellation policy, including the procedure for determining the official date of
termination, the time within which a refund will be provided, and how a refund must be requested
______Statement provided within the first four (4) pages of the catalog which reads as follows: “The (name of
institution) is authorized by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. This authorization must be
renewed each year and is based on an evaluation of minimum standards concerning the quality of
education, ethical business practices, and fiscal responsibility.”
______Description of the student grievance procedure, including the title, address, and telephone number of
the institutional employee designated to receive students complaints, the process for escalating or
appealing a complaint (if applicable), the process for nonbinding mediation or voluntary arbitrary (if
applicable), the address and telephone number of Commission Staff along with a statement that
reads: “[a]ny person claiming damage or loss as a result of any act or practice by this institution that
may be a violation of the Title 49, Chapter 7, Part 20 or Rule Chapter 1540-01-02 may file a complaint
with the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Division of Postsecondary State Authorization.”
______Disclosure regarding the ability to transfer credit earned to another institution, with language sufficient
to describe limitations on the transfer of credit. Suggested language is as follows:
“(Name of institution) is a special purpose institution. That purpose is (institution’s mission
statement). Students should be aware that transfer of credit is always the responsibility of the
receiving institution. Whether or not credits transfer is solely up to the receiving institution. Any
student interested in transferring credit hours should check with the receiving institution directly
to determine to what extent, if any, credit hours can be transferred.”
______Cash discount policy, if offered
______ATB testing policies, if any, along with the admissions policies
I affirm the following are true:
- I have completed or reviewed this application in its entirety.
- I have read and understand the Higher Education Authorization Act of 2016, Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 49-7-2000, et seq.
- I have read and understand the Rules of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission, Chapter 1540-01-02.
- The physical location address provided in this application is zoned for commercial use.
- The information contained in the attached documents is accurate.
Print Name:
I certify that the above individual appeared before me and signed this Owner’s Statement of Intent:
Sworn and subscribed before me on this, the / day of / 20Notary Signature / Date Commission Expires
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HE-0008 (9/2016)RDA 2459
via standard mail:
Attn: Stephanie Bellard Chase
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Parkway Towers, Suite 1900
404 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37243-0830
via FedEx, DHL or UPS:
Attn: Stephanie Bellard Chase
Tennessee Higher Education Commission
Parkway Towers, Suite 1900
404 James Robertson Parkway
Nashville, TN 37219-1585
Page 1 of 14
HE-0008 (9/2016)RDA 2459
I, (print name) ______, certify that the information included in this application and the accompanying attachments are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I have been given the authority to act as the primary administrative officer of the institution with the acknowledged responsibility to ensure that this postsecondary educational institution is conducted operationally and educationally in accordance with Tennessee statutes and the rules of the Tennessee Higher Education Commission. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that all actions, disclosures and public representations by employees or third party contractors are in compliance with Tennessee state law. I further understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that the Commission is informed of any significant changes that might alter the basis for authorization. I affirm that the institution is maintained and operated in compliance with all pertinent ordinances and laws, including, but not limited to, rules and regulations adopted pursuant to ordinances and laws relative to the safety and health of all persons upon the premises.